[Klaus sees Cami walk away and chases after her.]
Klaus: Where are you going? [Cami ignores him and continues walking, though it's clear that she's becoming weaker by the moment as she wobbles on her feet.]
Klaus: [frustrated] Are you so eager to die? [Cami rolls her eyes, but doesn't turn around.]
Cami: [rolls her eyes] I'm already dead.[Klaus continues to follow her despite knowing she's still mad at him.]
Klaus: Well, at least let me thank you. [Cami finally stops walking and turns to face him.]
Cami: Do not mistake me helping your family with forgiveness for what you tried to do! My choice in this is the only thing I have left, and no one is taking that away from me. You need to get that. [She turns to walk away again, but Klaus vamp-speeds in front of her to block her way, and she sighs in annoyance as he pleads with her.]
Klaus: Camille, I'm begging you. Don't leave me.
People look at Klaus sadly.
[Cami gives Klaus a look and continues walking, but when Klaus attempts to follow her again, he's stopped by Bella, who looks sympathetic to his situation, but wants to keep Klaus from ruining their relationship.]
Klaus: I won't let her die.
Bella: [sighs] It's not your choice to make. [Klaus, annoyed, swats Bella's hand away from him and jerks out of her grip.]
Klaus: I will not lose her because of your stupid principles!
Bella: Allow her the dignity of this choice, Nik. You force her, She will be miserable and hate you for it. If you really love her as much as you claim you do, then you will let her choose.
Hayley, Layla and Marcel nodded in agreement.
[Klaus gulps anxiously, and Bella gives him a serious look before she continues, tapping Klaus on the chest for emphasis.]
Bella: We finish this. [The Mikaelson siblings, along with the slowly healing Hayley, walk over to the shipping container to talk to Tristan, who seems resigned to his fate.]
Tristan: So, this is to be my end? [Bella smiles at him patronizingly, and Klaus smirks as he leans against the door of the container. However, Hayley continues to scowl at him with hatred and fury.]
Bella: No, no. This is the very beginning! You are going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again and again over the course of centuries. If you see Elena Gilbert, tell her Bella said hi! [Bella cackled evily.]
Kol, Klaus and Layla laughed with her.
[Tear rolls down Hayley's cheek as she remembers how Tristan killed Jackson.]
Tristan: [anxiously] What have you done with my sister?
Klaus: [smiles wider] Nothing... yet. But, I assure you, her death will be spectacular. [Tristan looks even more worried now, but when Bella and Klaus go to close the door, Hayley stops them.]
Hayley: Wait. [She walks forward so that she can look Tristan straight in the eye.]
Hayley: You took a very good man from this world. He will be with me forever, but you? You will be forgotten. And as you rot in the ocean, remember my face. [She reaches over to grab the shipping container door and begins to close it.]
Hayley: [coldly] Because it's gonna be the last one you ever see. [Hayley slams the door shut with a loud bang.]
Marcel rubs Hayley's back in comfort.
[Cami, looking pale and weak, puts a bouquet of calla lilies at her twin brother Sean's grave and stares at it for a long moment until Bella arrives, looking somber.]
Cami: (surprised) What are you doing here? Wait... How did you find me?
Bella: Locator spell. I came to talk to you.
Cami: If you try to force me...
Bella: I'm not here to force you anything... Nik really loves you, you know? I haven't seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you, not even Aurora. I know Nik tried to force you multiple times, but he tried to turn you into vampire, so he wouldn't lose you. Nik can be quite selfish sometimes.
"Sometimes?" Said Kol. Klaus glared at him.
Cami: (sights) So you are trying to persuade me to turn?
Bella: Becoming vampire is probably the most important decision you'll ever make in your life. Because of that you have to really think through pros and cons, i'm sure you already know about from Nik and Marcel. Such a big decision should not be made for someone else, but for yourself. So if you want die as human do it, but if you want to be a vampire, then become one. It's ONLY your choice, Camille! [Bella leaves Cami to think.]
[Freya walks into Klaus' bedroom with her brother following close behind her, looking furious at what he's just learned.]
Klaus: How can Aurora be gone?
Freya: [sarcastically] Oh. Apologies I left your lunatic ex unattended. See, I was busy casting the spell that saved the day. The effort left me a little taxed.
"That's why you should kill them!" Said Bella to Klaus.
Klaus: She was drugged into a stupor and confined by your spell!
Freya: Well, she couldn't have broken free of my barrier on her own. Either she was aided by a witch, or someone who has access to dark objects.
Klaus: [sighs in realization] Lucien. He's the only one left who would risk his life for Aurora. [Freya and Klaus both look at each other grimly.]
"Of course, he would." Scoffed Bella.
[Downstairs, Cami weakily walks into the Mikaelson compound.]
Cami: Klaus! Kla-- [she stops in mid-sentence, because of her weakness. Klaus rushes at her concerned.]
Klaus: Are you okay?
Cami: I made a decision. I don't want to be a vampire. [Klaus looks heartbroken, suddenly, Cami loses consciouss.]
People look at them sadly.
[Seemingly several hours after their earlier cafe conversation, Camille and Klaus are walking down a busy side street within the Quarter heading towards the main street, a jazz musician can be heard in the background as they pass by several people seated at tables, and a drunken man stumbling into Klaus.]
"Illusion?" Asked Layla.
"Yes. Klaus is showing this to dying Camille." Said Emma.
Camille: This is my favorite time of day. You can feel the city coming alive. The lights turn on.. the music cranks up.
Klaus: It's lovely. Save for the incessant parade of inebriated baffoons. I should've omitted them when I conjoured this.
Camille: You don't get to delete the details that annoy you. If you love something you have to accept the good with the bad.
"True." Said Bella.
Klaus: I prefer to shape reality to my will. That's a far better practice than simply accepting what's been offered.
Camille: Even you don't get the micromanage the world. Besides, it's an unhealthy impulse.
Klaus: It is for those who'd defy me.[Camille and Klaus cross the road and the stroll down the pavement holding hands.]
Camille: Healthy, happy people get by just fine when they don't get their way. The whole revenge thing, the obsession with power... it's all rooted in fear.
Klaus: I've been around a thousand years, I've endured as many horrors as I've committed. What could I possibly have to fear?
Camille: For one, you're afraid of what will happen when I'm gone.
"She's so smart." Said Layla.
Klaus: I don't want to talk about this.
Camille: I'm just trying to enjoy my perfect day, and I will be able to if you allow me to make my point. Do you remember when we first met? [The two have arrived at the outside gallery with paintings on display, similar to their first meeting.]
Camille: You were so damaged. Manipulative. People were just things you used to get what you wanted.
Klaus: That's a harsh appraisal, though I admit accurate.
People looked surprised at Klaus.
Camille: But you wanted to show me you were more than that. So you showed me your whole life. You wanted to be understood, Klaus. That's a human impulse, and if you're capable of that after everything you've been through, then you're capable of everything else that comes with being human.. joy, hope, love. Do you know that, Klaus? You are loved. By Elijah, Bella, Freya.
Bella nodded at her words.
Klaus: Why are you telling me this?
Camille: Because love will make you strong. It will make you the man I know you want to be. And you're going to have to remember that.. becauese I won't be here to remind you. [A sudden wind blows and the people around them in the illusion suddenly disappear, due to Klaus' distraught emotions beside Cami's bed, before back in their illusion, Cami, while in tears, presses her hands to Klaus' face and makes her look at him.]
Camille: Hey, hey. Look at me. It's going to be okay. [Slowly, as Klaus' regains control of his emotions, the people begin to appear again. Back in the Mikaelsons Compound bedroom, Klaus and Cami are shown for a moment.]
Everyone looks at them with pity and saddness.

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?