Chapter 29

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[Bella's holding onto Tristan's head with both hands as she casts a spell on him. Tristan looks pale and feverish, and finsihes it.]
Tristan: [gasping] Weak as I am, you still won't take from me what you seek. [Bella sighs, staring at his progeny in annoyance.]
Bella: [sighs] It's an unpleasant thing, delving into such a depraved and repellent mind. [Tristan starts to doze off as a result of the werewolf venom, and Bella kicks her foot hard to wake him up, clearly growing impatient with him.]
Bella: Tristan, unless you'd like me to bring out my daggers-- [Bella kneels and taps Tristan under the chin with her hand.]
Bella: -- I recommend you give me what I want. [Bella quickly grabs Tristan by the side of his head and uses her vampire telepathy to go through his memories. The first glimpse she sees is of Tristan and Aurora sword-fighting, followed by a flash of Elijah and Hayley together. Next is a flash of Tristan talking to Lucien at the bar at the Mikaelson Thanksgiving dinner. The last flicker of a memory is a quick glimpse of what looks like a flight manifest with a list of names, including "Andromeda," "Cepheus," and "Perseus." Once the visions end, Bella gasps in surprise.]
"What did you see?" Asked Freya. Bella shrugged.
[Bella continues to pant for breath as a result of the exertion combing through her mind has required.]
Bella: There's something else. It was a word. [Bella looks down at Tristan, who is becoming weaker by the moment, and grabs him by the face.]
Bella: What was it, Tristan? Hmm? What is "Cepheus?" [Just then, Marcel walks into the room, looking unimpressed by their methods.]
Marcel: [scoffs] What's next? Charades? While you guys host the world's most messed-up game night, you got bigger problems. [Bella looks annoyed by Marcel's unannounced visit.]
Bella: What do you want?
Marcel: You and I need to talk. [Bella turns away from Tristan to face Marcel with an appalled expression.]
Marcel: I'm here on behalf of The Strix, and I'm not leaving without Tristan. [Bella stares at Marcel coldly while Tristan laughs weakly in relief.]
[After the break, the scene returns to the compound, where Marcel and an unamused Bella are walking down the hallway near the courtyard.]
Marcel: [exasperatedly] Bella, look-- the way I see it, you don't have a choice.
Bella: [rolls his eyes] Is that so?
Marcel: How long before The Strix decide to come get their guy? And if they destroy half the Quarter in the process... [Bella cuts him off and stops walking, blocking Marcel from going any further.]
Bella: I can handle The Strix.
Marcel: [scoffs] Oh, you can't even handle Tristan! He's about to OD on wolf venom, and the only thing that you can get out of him is-is Cepheus, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. [Bella glares at him coldly, but Marcel is undeterred.]
Bella: I can take wolf venom when i want! And i'll get what i want! I always do!
Marcel: The guy has been around for a millennium. He can withstand all your vampire mind-games. And if you end up killing him, you lose Elijah for good.
Bella: [sarcastically] So what are you suggesting here, Marcel? I simply hand over this wretched fiend and stand idly by as you set him free?
Marcel: [sighs] If I take Tristan, make it look like I busted him out, I get in tighter with him and The Strix. I can find out where Elijah is and keep them from declaring war on the Quarter if you trust me. [Bella shakes her head.]
Bella: He survived for millennium, because he doesn't trust anyone! He won't trust you either and even if he did, when Elijah is relased you will be the first suspect. This is my final word! I will not release that filth! [Bela turns and walks away from Marcel, leaving the younger vampire to consider his options.]
[Hayley, Hope, and Mary are sitting in Hayley's room while Hayley feeds her daughter.]
Mary: Jack is my grandson. I love him, stubborn as he is. And I know he loves you.
Hayley: [sadly] Then where is he?
Mary: [rolls her eyes] Drinking whiskey. Chopping wood. Shooting arrows. Gets that way when he doesn't know what to do.
Bella rolls her eyes.
Mary: And... and right now, he doesn't know how to help you. Which makes sense, seeing as how you don't know how to help yourself.
Hayley: [warily] What's that supposed to mean?
Mary: After all the Mikaelsons took from you, you're still over there playing right along like you was one of them.
"She's one of us!" Said Freya. Hayley smiled.
Hayley: [sighs] They're my family, Mary. They're Hope's family.
"You finally realise it! Welcome to the family, love." Said Bella.
"So this what i had to say to earn your approval?" Said Hayley.
"Yes... It's just you think you and your pack are invicible and it's extremly annoying and stupid and puts both you and Hope in danger and plus i hate how much control you have over Elijah, but you are good person at heart and you always do what you think is the best for your daughter and i apprecate and respect that even if i don't show it sometimes." Said Bella. Hayley smiled at her.
"Aww. Sister-in-laws are getting along." Said Layla.
"You are getting soft Bella." Said Kol.
"Shut it, Kol." Said Bella.
Mary: And when you got married, Jack became your family. And maybe they need you, but your husband needs you, too. [Hayley, who seems to know that Mary isn't wrong, is clearly torn about what to do next.]
"Trublesome." Said Layla.
[Freya is standing watch over Tristan upstairs in the study while she waits for Bella and Marcel to return. After a moment, Tristan, who has been watching her curiously, speaks up in a weak voice.]
Tristan: There really is no need for this. You and I have much in common. For one, we both adore our siblings. [Freya turns to face him and gives him a cold smile.]
Freya: Whatever we have in common, trust me-- it's outweighed by the fact that I want you dead. [Freya turns away from him again and returns to staring out the doorway, but Tristan isn't finished talking.]
Tristan: I must have spent centuries looking for your family, only to find animals. Treacherous savages who betray even each other. Were you disappointed?
Freya: They're my family. My blood.
Mikaelsons smile at her.
Tristan: Such devotion. It is admirable. I wonder... why does it not extend to your poor brother Finn? [Freya quickly turns on her heel and walks toward Tristan, visibly unhappy with this question.]
"Well... he did try to kill us multiple times and almost suceeded at killing Kol." Said Klaus.
"Well... You did left him daggered for 900 years." Said Freya.
Freya: What do you know about Finn?
Tristan: We were acquaintances a thousand years ago. He was the most noble of your siblings, and he knew me as a man of my word. [Freya is clearly torn and doesn't know what to believe.]
Tristan: Why not ask him yourself? Assuming that he will speak to you after what you've put him through... [Freya remains silent as she turns to walk away, grabbing the pendant on her talisman in her hand as she thinks about what Tristan has just said. As Freya walks away, Tristan smiles weakly in satisfaction.]
[Cami and Aurora are still in Marcel's fight gym, where Aurora is standing in front of Cami and starting to lose her patience with her as Cami recovers from being thrown against the wall of the cage.]
Aurora: I will not ask again. Your greatest shame. Admit it And do not bother lying, because I will know, and then I will end you.
People glare at her.
[Cami hesitates for a moment before she speaks.]
Cami: Junior year of college... I was arrested for assault, battery... [Cami pulls herself to her feet, though it's clear she's still weak from blood loss. Aurora smiles, visibly pleased about what she's heard so far.]
Kol, Layla and Bella look intrigued and ready for gossip.
Aurora: Ooh, fabulous! Now that's more like it. [Aurora walks over to the bench press and sits down, crossing her legs daintily before looking at Cami with an expectant expression.]
Aurora: Now, do go on...
Cami: [sighs] It was... some guy. He was dating my roommate. She tried to break up with him, so he hit her. Broke her nose. I tried to get her to go to the police, the dean, anybody, but she was too scared. I hated that he was just getting away with it, like nothing ever happened. I saw him one night at a bar, hitting on a freshman...
"Arsehole!" Said Bella.
[Aurora watches Cami curiously as the human girl's voice becomes colder.]
Cami: So, I took a beer bottle, and I smashed it in his face.
"Totally deserved." Said Layla.
[Aurora hisses in response to the thought of the man being hit in the face with a broken bottle.]
Aurora: Oooh... [Cami continues her story in a detached tone of voice.]
Cami: The next thing I knew, I was kneeling on his chest and pounding his head on the floor. And by the time they pulled me off of him... Well, he wasn't laughing.
Hayley looks at her sympathetically.
[Aurora studies Cami's demeanor for a moment, trying to determine if she's lying and analyzing her feelings on the matter.]
Aurora: You're not ashamed that you did it. [Cami blushes in embarrassment, which makes Aurora chuckle in satisfaction that her suspicions were correct.]
Aurora: Huh. You're ashamed that you enjoyed it.
"I knew there was a reason i liked her!" Exclaimed Bella. Klaus chuckled.
[Aurora stands to her feet and walks over to a very uncomfortable Cami so they're face-to-face.]
Aurora: And that's why you study psychology-- to understand your own dark impulses. [Cami tries her best to change the subject.]
Cami: Here I thought I was the shrink.
Aurora: [chuckles] Ha! Well, I see why Nik is so taken with you. The trouble is... my burgeoning respect for you is overshadowed by my somewhat puerile jealousy. So, I suppose we've reached the inevitable... [Aurora raises her voice louder as though she's calling out to someone.]
Aurora: Wouldn't you say, my love? [Just then, a very unhappy Klaus walks into the room. Cami looks relieved by the sight of him, but when she tries to rush toward him, Aurora smirks and turns her back to Cami, covering her with her body and pushing Cami backward against the cage with one hand so she can't move any closer. Klaus spreads his arms wide in a gesture of defeat.]
Klaus: Stop this game.
Aurora: This is not a game, Nik! This is an intervention. You're in danger of losing the love of your life... Me.
"Which one? Love of his life or you?" Said Layla. Bella chuckled.
Aurora: We're finally together after so long apart, all the world before us, if we can just dodge a few minor obstacles. Like this nuisance of a prophecy, my brother's internment, the insufferable influence of Bella... But what I cannot overcome is your affections for someone else. [Klaus, looking somewhat bemused, sighs dramatically.]
Aurora: I've waited far too long to share you now.
"My brother isn't an object!" Protested Bella.
[Klaus, knowing that Cami is in a lot of danger, tries to carefully navigate this situation so as to not get her hurt in the crossfire. Aurora shrugs, and her voice becomes softer.]
Aurora: Call me jealous. [Klaus walks toward Aurora and Cami and continues to make pleasant conversation.]
Klaus: I remember full well the extent of your jealousies. But what surprises me is that they extend to the, uh... [Klaus gestures toward Cami and smiles.]
Klaus: The lowly therapist. Aurora, you can't believe she means anything to me.
Aurora: [desperately] But I do believe it, Nik! I see it, the fear in your eyes. [Klaus' eyes widen in alarm, though he tries to cover it up.]
"Not your best performance." Said Bella. Klaus rolled his eyes.
Aurora: Do you actually love her?
Klaus: You know I love you. [Aurora looks at him in relief, and the tension leaves her body as she smiles at him.]
Aurora: I'm so glad you admitted that. I wanted Cami to hear it... [Aurora suddenly grabs Cami in a choke-hold, and Cami gasps for breath as Aurora, still clutching her throat tightly, turns back to address Klaus with a maniacal smile.]
Aurora: ...Before I rip out her throat. [Cami's eyes widen in alarm, and Klaus, too, looks concerned.]
"You really have to work on your pocker face." Said Bella to Klaus, who rolled his eyes again.
[After the break, Aurora has let go of Cami's throat, though she still has a tight hold on her to keep her from moving. Klaus is pacing around the room as he does his best to calm Aurora down.]
Klaus: Honestly, Aurora... These petty displays are so far beneath you. Wild scavenger hunts, threats against innocent acquaintances... They cast you in a very unflattering light. Jealousy's more my game.
Aurora: Oh, would that I didn't have the need for it.
Klaus: Why should you? Camille is no rival to you. [Cami frowns sadly, not sure if Klaus is lying for her benefit or is actually being serious.]
"Cute." Said Layla.
Klaus: Your fears are ridiculous.
Aurora: Nik, I have no doubt that you love me. I was just hurt to learn that you would lower yourself to this distraction... [Aurora jerks Cami's body toward him in emphasis, and Cami groans in pain as she sways on her feet.]
Aurora: And particularly when she constitutes a rather fiendish lie. [Klaus frowns in confusion, unsure of what she's talking about.]
Aurora: You were drawn to her under the mistaken belief that she is pure, and she tells you that people want to be good, but she's not quite the ray of unwavering sunshine that you believe her to be. [Cami looks at Klaus with a pleading expression as Aurora continues to hold her upright by the back of the neck.]
Aurora: No. There is a darkness in her.
"It's in everyone." Said Bella. Everyone agreed.
Aurora: Why else would she be drawn to the darkness? Why else would she be drawn to you? See, I might have my own imperfections, but at least I am not a fake. Whereas Cami here? [Aurora jerks Cami's body around again to emphasize her point, causing Cami to gasp in pain once again.]
Aurora: Well, she's... she's just an illusion.
Klaus: Aurora...
Cami: She's right. Klaus, everything I ever said to you is a lie. [Cami pauses for a moment as though she's searching for the words to say, but instead, she headbutts Aurora in the face from behind.]
"Wooohooo!" Cheered Layla and Bella.
Aurora: AHH! [Aurora becomes so furious that she hits Cami in the head hard enough to knock her out, and her body crumples to the floor as Klaus vamp-speeds toward Aurora and pins her to the wall of the cage. However, Aurora just laughs as she looks over at Cami's unconscious body on the floor.]
Aurora: Oh, poor, frail little thing. How sad you involved her in this. [Klaus glares at Aurora furiously, taking one moment to glance over at Cami's body before he vamp-speeds them both outside.]
Klaus looks tense and worried.

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