Chapter 20

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[Freya has just returned to the compound and she immediately pauses in the doorway when she notices all of the destruction in the foyer. Looking worried, she slowly makes her way into the courtyard as she gets visions of Klaus and Elijah's fight that began in the previous episode. First, she nearly trips over what remains of the bar as she receives a flash of Elijah tackling Klaus onto it. She then sees several overturned wooden chairs, causing her to see when Klaus grabbed Elijah in a headlock from behind, which led to Elijah elbowing him in the face and throwing him across the courtyard into the chairs. Next, she sees the chandelier, which has been pulled down from the ceiling, scattering the taper candles in it across the floor next to a small puddle of blood, which she sees has come from when Klaus, whom Elijah had in a choke-hold, bit Elijah on the forearm to get out of it.]
"Welcome to the family, love. That's typical Tuesday with us." Said Bella to Freya. Freya groaned. Others look amused.
[On top of the overturned footstool, she finds a broken chair leg that is soaked in blood, which she picks up in case she needs to arm herself. Just as she's beginning to look incredibly concerned for her brothers, she hears the doors to the dining room creak open. When she looks toward the source of the noise, she sees Klaus and Elijah, both of whom are covered in blood and are wearing the tattered remains of their clothing, silently and calmly sitting at the table together as though they hadn't just had a violet confrontation.]
Bella and Kol chuckle.
[Freya, annoyed, drops the stake and rushes into the room, where Elijah is absentmindedly fiddling with what remains of his tie while Klaus drains some of his blood into a glass. There is a seeping wound on Elijah's wrist from where Klaus bit him, and the sleeve of his jacket has almost been ripped off.]
Freya: [unimpressed] May I ask what happened?
Klaus: [smirks] We had a little chat about the past.
Layla snickers.
[Freya rolls her eyes in exasperation, and Elijah, sounding exhausted, explains what happened.]
Elijah: I informed Niklaus I am not his enemy. And, though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us. A fact that required a little bit of... gentle persuasion...
Bella, Kol and Layla laughed. Others looked amused.
[Freya is visibly amused by this, but she keeps her face blank in order to not encourage their behavior and turns to look at Klaus.]
Klaus: And so I reminded our brother, who angered them in the first place...
Bella, Layla and Kol chuckle.
Freya: [annoyed] And, after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?
Elijah: That we expose and destroy our first sired. [Klaus smiles happily before sliding the glass of his blood across the table to him. He then picks up a glass of bourbon that he poured himself.]
Klaus: Couldn't agree more. You see, gentlemen know when to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction. [Klaus holds his glass up toward Elijah, who lifts his own glass with his hybrid-bitten hand to clink it against Klaus' before they each take a drink.]
[The alcohol activates Bella's spell, allowing her to astral project to a house in Los Angeles. When she opens her eyes, she is sitting at a table in a colorfully-decorated home, and she smiles affectionately at Mol, who is sitting across from her in his witch body and has just finished a shot of alcohol of his own.]
Kol: I told you this was better than exchanging calls and messeges.
Bella: Well, a drink with my little brother beats sireline drama any day. [Kol pours them another drink while they continue talking. The camera pans around the room, where several hookahs are sitting in a dark corner.]
Kol: Lucien has always been a pain in the ass. Though, he pales compared to that stuck-up Tristan.
Bella: Oh, don't forget about The Strix. There's more of them in the Quarter every day. I may yet join you here in the flesh.
Kol: Well, I would love the company.
Bella: You know, i really want to visit you and Davina, but i can't with this whole sireline drama. Expecially now Nik and Elijah are fighting about Aurora, Hayley and Gia. Ughhh... them and their girls! [Kol looked at her sympathetically.]
Everyone looked at Bella sympathetically. Elijah and Klaus looked annoyed.
Bella: Me and Freya always have to stand between them. Poor girl still doesn't realise what she got herself into. [Kol laughed.]
"Oh, i do." Laughed Freya.
Bella: About Davina. How are you two? [Kol smiles, looking happy.]
Kol: Happy. Really. I have never been this happy. [Bella smiled.]
Davina smiles. Mikaelsons look happy about their brother's happiness.
Bella: Good. You deserve it. Both of you do.
Kol: (smiles) Thank you. [Kol becomes serious.]
Kol: Yesterday she got scared about the guy who was following her. Care to explain? [Bella groaned.]
"Useless idiots! Can't even do their jobs." Scrowled Layla.
Bella: Look! It's for your own safety. If someone finds out who you are and comes for revenge? Or if someone who wants to end sirelines find you? You are easy target and perfect leverage. I had to make sure you would be safe. They won't won't bother you, Ok? Consider them as your bodyguards. [Kol nodded.]
Kol: I will talk to Davina, but you know she won't like it.
Bella: Well... she will have to deal with it. It's for her own good.
Marcel nodded in approval.
[Cami, still in handcuffs, is being led from the police cruiser toward the station by Detective Kinney.]
Kinney: Come on. For someone always giving me an earful, that was a very quiet ride.
Cami: [sarcastically] What do you want me to say, Detective? "Well done, the streets of New Orleans are safe!"
Kinney: What I'd love to hear is a confession. Make my job a lot easier. [Cami struggles against his hold.]
Cami: I am not a serial killer! And while you're wasting time with me, the real murderer is still out there! [Kinney loses his temper and spins Cami so he can look her in the eyes.]
Kinney: Well, if I'm missing something, show me! [Cami looks at him in surprise.]
Kinney: Prove to me you're the victim, and I will protect you! [Cami seems to be seriously considering this when suddenly, the light above their heads explodes, forcing them to dive out of the way to avoid the sparks and broken glass. Before either of them can react, Lucien vamp-speeds toward them and shoves Kinney's head into the wall, knocking him out instantly. Cami gasps fearfully as soon as she realizes who it is and tries to run away, only for Lucien to catch her easily.]
Lucien: Ah, ah, ah, ah! [Cami starts to hyperventilate from fear, which Lucien seems to enjoy.]
Everyone glares at Lucien. Expecially Klaus.
Lucien: Cold-blooded-killer Camille! What a shocking turn of the cards! [Lucien quickly spins her around and grabs her in a sleeper-hold, despite her best efforts to break free of his grip.]
Lucien: You should rest! We've got a big day ahead of us. [He squeezes his arm around her neck as tightly as he can without killing her until she falls unconscious.]
Lucien: There you are...
Everyone glares again.

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