[Klaus has vamp-sped himself and Aurora outside the church, and he's now dragging her to the parking lot behind the building as he scowls at her. Aurora, however, seems amused.]
Aurora: Oh, you're quite cross, aren't you? I haven't seen you this mad in a thousand years.
Klaus: [coldly] If you don't behave yourself, you'll see a lot worse. [Aurora jerks out of his grip and stops walking, turning so she's looking him in the eye with a haughty expression.]
Aurora: I don't much like that tone! Although, given what I did to Elijah, I suppose it's to be expected.
"You think?" Said Bella sarcastically.
Aurora: Unless the source of your ire is the threat I made against your little pet... You really do care about her, don't you? [Klaus gives her an annoyed look, though he smiles weakly and patronizingly at her.]
Aurora: Well, now I suppose I shall have to kill her.
"You and your psychotic exes." Complained Kol.
"Shut up!" Said Bella.
[This immediately enrages Klaus to the point that he vamp-speeds toward her and slams her against the wall of a nearby building. Aurora yelps in surprise.]
Aurora: Ooh, are we to play rough now? Foreplay's changed in the last millennium. [Before Klaus can react, Aurora spins them around so that it is now he who is pinned against the wall and she who is doing the pinning.]
Aurora: Tell me, can your pathetic Cami excite you the way that I can?
"I'm gonna throw up." Said Freya.
"Make her shut up!" Said Bella, covering her ears. Others looked at them amused.
[Aurora tugs on the lapels of his jacket with a hungry and flirtatious demeanor.]
Aurora: Can she allow you the joy of giving into your most wicked desires? [Aurora strokes his chest as he glares at her.]
"Please, stop." Said Bella desperately.
Klaus: I tire of this fantasy. You were someone I left behind long ago. There is nothing between us now. [Aurora, realizing that her plan has backfired now that she's pushed Klaus too far, tries to fix it.]
"Kill!" Said Layla.
Aurora: You're angry. [Klaus turns back to face Aurora and scowls at her as she rushes over to him.]
Aurora: We say things to hurt each other when we're angry. That's what lovers do. But I know that I'm the one for you. As I know that you will thank me-- eventually-- for killing your little human pet.
"She's so delusional." Said Layla.
[Outside, Klaus is furiously continuing his conversation with Aurora as he sneers at her.]
Klaus: You presume to know me? Then know this-- I will gladly end you for what you did to Camille. But first, I'm gonna make you suffer in ways your spoiled little mind cannot possibly imagine. [Aurora's eyes widen in shock and fear, visibly hurt by the rage in his voice as he talks to her.]
Bella, Elijah, Layla and Kol look like they are enjoying.
Klaus: And when it's over-- [Klaus lunges toward Aurora and grabs her by the arms as he slowly pushes her backward.]
Klaus: --When your sweet recollections have been rendered obsolete, you will associate my name with fear and pain, and perhaps the dull realization that you-- [Klaus slams her backward against the wall of the nearby building, and Aurora whimpers fearfully.]
Klaus: --Are nothing to me. [Aurora gasps in shock and fear as Klaus quickly grabs either side of her face with her hands and closes his eyes as he dives into her mind for the information he seeks. After a moment, he finds the memory of Aurora handing Tristan the envelopes with the latitude and longitude of Elijah's location in Out of the Easy. They each open their envelope to memorize the coordinates. Klaus then sees the latitude coordinates on the card in Aurora's envelope, which are "27° 46' 26" N".]
"You will come back soon." Said Bella to Elijah. Elijah smiled.
[When Klaus has memorized the coordinates for himself, he pulls away from Aurora with a shocked expression as Aurora recovers from this mental intrusion. Aurora looks at him in horror and is visibly feeling betrayed, which makes Klaus smirk in satisfaction.]
Aurora: You went into my mind.
Klaus: [smugly] And took the only thing I needed from you. So... What's to stop me from killing you now? [Inside the church, Cami is still trying to fend off the starving newborn vampires who are swarming around her by brandishing her makeshift stake at them. It's clear by the tone of her voice that she is both angry and terrified.]
Cami: I said get back!
People look at her worried.
[When the vampire continues to walk toward him, Cami desperately backhands him across the face with the stake, but it does nothing but make him angry. Cami's eyes widen in fear as the vampire tackles her onto the floor, and the squishing sound that follows indicates that Cami was able to stake him by holding the stake between them and allowing him to fall on top of the pointed end. Outside, Aurora is looking at Klaus with tears in her eyes as she cries plaintively.]
Aurora: But I love you, and I know that you know me!
"Lucien and Aurora are the same shit." Muttered Bella.
[She looks at Klaus pleadingly, but Klaus is distracted by the sounds of fighting and Cami's voice that he picks up with his hybrid hearing.]
Cami: [from inside] Get off of me! [Klaus vamp-speeds away and heads straight for the church, where the newborn vampire is still laying on top of Cami on the floor. The newborn makes one last choking noise before he falls dead on top of her, revealing that Cami did indeed stake him through the heart. However, a second newborn looks at Cami hungrily and starts to walk toward them, causing Cami to desperately struggle underneath her first now-dead attacker. The weight of his body is too much for her weakened human strength, and she's unable to move the man's body off of her.]
Everyone is on edge.
[Just as the second vampire is about to lunge for Cami, Klaus vamp-speeds into the room, grabs the man with one arm, and breaks his back before dropping his body onto the ground. Cami is finally able to crawl out from under the first vampire's body as she tries her best to catch her breath. Klaus quietly walks over to her and holds out his hand, which Cami takes to help her stand to her feet. As soon as she's upright, Klaus immediately wraps his arms around her in a hug, which Cami returns by wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tightly, finally able to relax after her hellish last few days.]
Everyone smiles sadly at them.
[Mary looks anxious as she looks out the door. After a moment, Hayley shows up and Mary looks both relieved and annoyed to see her.]
Mary: Are you okay?
Hayley: Yeah. I'm doing a lot better than the other guy...
Mary: [sighs] Well, then you're damn lucky, along with being damn foolish. [Hayley walks around Mary, walks into the room and heads straight to where Hope is playing with her toys on top of a blanket that has been spread over the floor. She then picks up her daughter in her arms before turning back toward Mary, who is looking at her with concern.]
Mary: The Mikaelsons are a thousand years old-- you're, what, twenty-five? [Mary gestures toward Hope.]
Mary: And with a baby? The way you risk your life for those people... it ain't right.
Hayley: [frowns] We all risk our lives, Mary. That's just the world that we live in.
"Exactly. Damn, Hayley! I'm starting to really like you. Careful, Elijah or i might steal her." Said Bella and winked at Elijah. Hayley glared at her and Elijah scrowls. Others laugh.
Mary: Well, maybe... But you go out of your way to help them, and every time you do, you're temptin' fate.
Hayley: I fight to protect the people I care about. And if Jackson loves me, then he would be here doing the same thing.
Mikaelsons smile.
[Mary looks surprised by Hayley's reaction but doesn't disagree with her. Hayley sighs before biting her lips and looking around, conflicted about what to do next.]
Hayley: He needs time. I get it. Just tell him that when he wants to talk, he should come home.

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?