Chapter 42

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[Hayley is alone in the room now, and it's obvious that she's completely overwhelmed with her feelings about Jackson's death. She once again finds Jackson's flannel shirt and picks it up, breathing in his scent before she finally breaks down, sliding her back down until she's sitting in the corner as she starts to sob loudly. This continues on for several long moments before the camera pans over to Bella, who is standing at the door, looking sad and not knowing how to best comfort her. Hayley eventually notices her presence.]
Bella: I don't know what to say... [Hayley takes a deep, calming breath before she tearfully responds.]
Hayley: Bella... I've spent the last 24 hours being so angry at Tristan, at your family, at Elijah...
"Why me?" Said Elijah.
"For loving you. Duh." Said Layla.
Hayley: At Jackson, even, for always being so brave. [As she talks, Bella listens sympathetically.]
Hayley: But then, I realized that I'm not angry. I'm not mad... I'm just guilty.
"It wasn't your fault." Said Marcel to her.
[Hayley starts to cry silently again, and Bella walks over to her, eventually sitting down next to her on the floor.]
Hayley: [sniffles] I wanted to blame you, blame anyone... But the truth is that my husband died because he loved me. [Hayley finally looks over at Bella and stares her in the eyes.]
Hayley: And loving any of us is a death sentence... Isn't it?
Everyone looked at her with understanding.
Bella: Oh, wolfie... World is just too cruel. You didn't deserve this and neither did Jackson, but life is unfair. [Bella hugs Hayley and Hayley continues to sob in her arms.]
People look at Hayley sadly.
[Klaus is on the balcony overlooking the courtyard, where it initially seems as though he is speaking to someone standing next to him.]
Klaus: The taxpayers of New Orleans deserve a skilled Chief of Police. [The camera angle turns to reveal that Klaus is holding a man in a police uniform in a choke-hold off of the balcony with one hand while he sips a cup of coffee with the other. The police chief squirms and gasps for breath with a terrified look on his face.]
Klaus: How inept are you if not a single one of your men can locate the woman I seek?
"And how hanging them from balcony helps them?" Asked Davina.
"Fear makes them work better." Said Klaus. Davina rolled her eyes.
[The police chief pleads with Klaus as he dangles over the courtyard floor.]
Police Office: We're tryin'! She's a ghost!
Klaus: [sighs] Aurora de Martel is rather petite and may indeed be able to slip through the cracks like a wicked little cricket, but she is not a ghost. [Klaus smirks devilishly.]
Klaus: Not yet. [Klaus leans forward so he can look the police chief straight in the eyes.]
Klaus: I think this city's finest could try a little bit harder, hmm? [Footsteps can be heard approaching, and Klaus turns to see Freya and Bella walking toward him, looking at their younger brother with exasperation.]
Freya: I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast. [Bella rolls her eyes and gives Klaus an incredulous look.]
Bella: Nik, for fuck's sake! Release the poor creature. [The police chief whimpers and shakes his head frantically, but Klaus simply shrugs and drops the man, allowing him to fall onto the floor of the courtyard.]
Kol and Layla laugh.
[Bella and Freya both give Klaus hilariously exasperated looks, but Klaus simply smiles smugly at them.]
Bella: That's not what I meant! [Klaus continues to smirk as he walks past Bella into the upstairs living room.]
Klaus: He'll live! And he'll remember to do better.
Bella, Elijah and Freya roll their eyes.
[Bella and Freya both roll their eyes and share an annoyed look before they follow him to continue their conversation.]
Freya: Is all this torture necessary? [Klaus ignores this question and instead calls out into the hallway.]
Klaus: Where have you been?
Marcel looks annoyed.
[Marcel walks into the room and immediately looks annoyed at Klaus' tactless behavior before responding with a sarcastic comment.]
Marcel: I was making sure that the Strix and their witches are out trying to find your loony ex-girlfriend. Is that okay by you? [Bella sighs and interrupts their fighting.]
Bella: Gentlemen, please.
Marcel: [annoyed] All of our heads are on the chopping block because he lost the one thing that can kill an Original.[Klaus gives Marcel an unamused look, and Freya interjects to defend him to Marcel ]
Freya: It's not his fault that Aurora made a deal with one of your witches.
Bella nodded.
Marcel: [irritably] Oh, yeah, it is-- [Klaus stands to his feet and walks between them to break up their argument.]
Klaus: I'm quite capable of defending myself, thank you, Freya. What I cannot do is cast a spell to find Aurora. [Klaus gives her a cold smile that says he's not pleased with her progress, or lack thereof.]
Klaus: In that respect, we're alike.
Freya looks hurt. Bella hits Klaus's head.
[Freya looks at him in anger and frustration, and even Marcel rolls his eyes at Klaus from behind them.]
Freya: Aurora is cloaked. Most likely by the very witch she killed. I have been working nonstop every day.
Klaus: [petulantly] Well, you've stopped working now, haven't you? [Freya purses her lips angrily.]
Everyone glares at Klaus.
Bella: Niklaus! She's been working all day. Thank you would be apprecated and Marcel stop acting like a fucking teenager and blaming your daddy for every bad thing that ever happens in your life. You are 200 years old for god's sake! Grow up!
"Oooh, someone got called out!" Said amused Layla. Marcel glared at her.
[Before anyone say anything, Bella changes the subject.]
Bella: What do we know about this traitor in the Strix coven?
Marcel: [sighs] Nothing. No one knows how Aurora got to her. No one knows where Aurora is. Our coven hit the same cloaking spell as Freya. [Klaus makes a face at him.]
Klaus: Your coven? Making yourself quite comfortable with the Strix, aren't you? [Bella nudges Klaus.]
"Klaus! Stop being an ass." Said Bella.
Marcel: [annoyed] Yeah. Yeah, to help you. [Marcel goes to storm out of the room, but Klaus grabs him roughly by the arm and spins him so they're face to face.]
Klaus: Any other news from your new BFFs you'd like to make us aware of?
Marcel glares at him.
[Marcel glares at him, and Bella rolls her eyes before she walks over and interrupts.]
Bella: Nik. Why don't we reserve any malevolent intentions for ex-girlfriends? [Marcel continues to scowl at Klaus as he yanks Klaus' hand off of him and turns to leave.]
[Freya is in the bell tower of the cathedral, where she has set up a large map on the table surrounded by candles. Above the map is a spindle handing on a wire. Freya bends over and leans against the table as she prepares herself.]
Freya: Let's see if the 9,000th time is the charm. [Freya rubs her hands together before grabbing the spindle and spinning it. She watches it sway back and forth upon the map before she steps backward, raises her arms to her sides, and begins the spell.]
Freya: [chants] Cherko ils serachi. Cherko ils serachi. Cherko ils serachi. [Suddenly, the map bursts into flames and turns to ash, and Freya drops her arms and sighs in annoyance when she realizes the spell didn't work. After a moment, the spindle is yanked off the wire by an invisible force and flies across the room, embedding itself in the far wall where Freya has pinned a "Greetings from New Orleans" postcard. Freya slowly walks over to it and stares at the spindle for a moment as she processes what this means. Suddenly, Aurora appears in the doorway, looking bored.]
Aurora: Are you looking for me? [Freya spins around and is shocked to see Aurora standing in front of her. When Aurora smirks in amusement, Freya glares at her coldly.]
Everyone glares at Aurora.
[Klaus has just met Bella in the bell tower so he can see Aurora's message for himself, and he reads it aloud in a mocking voice.]
Klaus: "A forest of pine, and a box made so fine. Come quickly. If not, then poor Freya will rot, buried in dirt for all time." [Klaus slams the letter down on the table while Bella watches him from across the room.]
"Her and her madness." Said Bella, rolling her eyes.
Klaus: The woman is insane.
Bella: [scoffs] Does she have to punish us with the world's most unfortunate limerick?
Elijah agreed.
[Bella starts to pace around the room while Klaus scowls angrily.]
Bella: Is it not enough that we're forced to play her wretched games?
Klaus: Freya saw a vision of herself buried alive.
People looked at scared Freya worried.
Bella: Aurora will do everything in her power to bring about this miserable prophecy.
Klaus: [determinedly] Let's go stop her, shall we? [Klaus grabs the compass off of the table and prepares to leave with Bella.]

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