[All of Marcel's potential vampire recruits are now laying dead on the floor, their bodies sprawled all over the gym and their mouths smeared with Aurora's blood. Cami is standing in the middle of the carnage while Aurora looks at her curiously.]
Aurora: It's odd you'd be his therapist. Isn't it true Nik killed your beloved uncle right about... here?
"To save her." Defended Layla.
[Aurora walks to the spot where Klaus was forced to kill Kieran in An Unblinking Death, and Cami looks surprised and uncomfortable with the fact that she knows this information.]
Cami: Yeah... It was a mercy-killing. [Aurora smiles as she strips off her jacket, and Cami continues to stand with her arms crossed over her chest, visibly tense with this situation.]
Aurora: "Mercy." That is such an odd little word.
"I'm sure it is for her." Said Davina.
[Despite Aurora's motives, she seems genuinely interested in hearing what Cami has to say.]
Aurora: Tell me-- was it difficult to watch?
Cami: [gulps nervously] Yes.
Aurora: Hmmm. This church hasn't been much luck for your family, has it? [Cami's eyes widen in shock.]
Cami: You know about my brother?
Aurora: [smiles] I confess... When I first heard your name, I was intrigued. Nik cares for so few people, so I looked you up. The internet, it is such a marvel. I learned all about your storied past.
"Jaelous bitch." Said Bella.
[Aurora starts to walk toward Cami, who looks pale from bloodloss and is clearly miserable as a result of these reminders of her history.]
Aurora: The insane twin brother slaughters nine seminary students and then does himself in! Wow.
Everyone glares at Aurora.
[Cami's expression has gone from nervous to angry at this statement and loses her temper.]
Cami: Are you enjoying this? [Aurora smiles brightly and nods her head in agreement.]
Cami: Bringing up the tragedies of my life? Do you get off on being cruel?
"Well... She was dating Nik." Said Bella smirking, winking at Klaus to let him know she is joking. People laughed.
Aurora: [shrugs] Maybe I'm looking for the ways in which we are alike. [Aurora walks away from her so she can sit down on the nearby bench press.]
Aurora: See, Nik's been obsessed with me for centuries, and now he's infatuated with you. What do you think the overlap is between us? [Cami, even more uncomfortable now, cannot bring herself to look Aurora in the eyes.]
Aurora: Is it... crazy brothers? Yours was quite mad, and mine? Well... Tristan. I love him, but he can be a bit daft sometimes. You know, he likes to have me committed every so often? Hoping to cure my more... eccentric predispositions. Thanks to him, I've been plunged into ice baths, bled for meloncholia, and exorcised for demons five-- no, six-- six times. [Cami looks surprised that Aurora is telling her this.]
"Wow. I'm starting to think i'm lucky Nik, Elijah and Kol are my brothers." Said Bella. Freya nodded.
"That's why you should apprecate us more." Said smirking Klaus. Bella rolled her eyes.
Aurora: And my latest diagnosis is bipolar disorder. I imagine with your credentials, you're familiar with it.
Cami: And there have been great strides in-- [Aurora, annoyed, stands to her feet and cuts Cami off before standing so they're face-to-face.]
Aurora: --Shut up, Cami! I prefer not to be condescended to by someone who only just got her degree. [Cami looks at her in confusion, and Aurora starts to pace around again as she talks.]
Aurora: Now, tell me a bit more about you, starting with how you feel about Nik. And do bear in mind-- I'm a stickler for honesty. [Cami, worried about her safety, gulps nervously and looks down at the floor.]
[Upstairs in the study, Hayley has just finished giving Tristan at least a half dozen hybrid bites over his neck and arms as he screams in pain.]
Tristan: AHHH! [Hayley wipes the blood from her mouth and backs away from him, groaning in annoyance.]
Hayley: Don't be such a baby, or I'll give you something to really cry about. [Tristan continues to pant for breath as he replies.]
"That's what father said." Laughed Bella. Klaus laughed along. Everyone looked at them concerned for their mental health.
"Why are you laughing?" Asked Davina.
"Tought crowd." Said Bella.
Tristan: You mistake me, milady. I cry out only in grief. I was so struck by your beauty when I saw you at the gala. And now, after this affront to my person, I'll be forced to pluck those lovely almond eyes from your perfectly shaped skull.
Everyone glares at him, expecially Elijah.
[Hayley rolls her eyes at him just as Bella, looking amused, walks into the room to join them ]
Bella: My goodness, I could watch this forever... [Bella walks over to Tristan and puts her hand on his progeny's forehead, yanking his head backward painfully.]
Bella: ...If only my brother wasn't trapped in the bottom of the ocean. [Bella lets go of him before he continues to speak.]
Bella: Let me ask you again, Tristan-- the coordinates, please.
Tristan: [groans in pain] Mmm. If I tell you, you'll just kill me.
Bella: The alternative isn't less pleasant.
Tristan: I think I'll hold off on any confessions. At least until The Strix arrive to free me and burn your home to the ground...
Bella: [amused] Oooh... I'm so scared.
Kol chuckled amused.
[Bella turns to Hayley, who doesn't look impressed by Tristan's behavior.]
Bella: I think the pompous dick could use a little more persuasion. [Bella leaves the room to allow Hayley to take her frustrations out on him once again, and when she's gone, Hayley walks over to him with her arms crossed over her chest and glares at him.]
[Aya has just finished explaining to Marcel what is expected of him, and Marcel is looks at her incredulously.]
Marcel: You want to go to war with the Mikaelsons?
"Idiot." Said Layla.
Aya: The Mikaelsons declared war when they took Tristan captive. I'm calling on you as a Strix to come to the aid of your brethren.
"Tha audicity. You started war when you took Elijah." Said Bella.
Marcel: [skeptically] By going on a suicide mission?
Aya: [rolls her eyes] I assure you, Marcel, I have no suicidal tendencies. [Aya reaches into her bag and pulls out an ornately carved stake that is identical to the one she used to incapacitate Elijah in mistake.]
Aya: What I do have is a weapon-- one that can take down even an Original. It won't kill them, but it will subdue them indefinitely. [Aya walks toward Marcel and looks at him seductively.]
Aya: I used one much like it on our darling Elijah. [Marcel is stunned and horrified by this information, but he pretends as though he's shocked that there is a weapon that can be used on an Original without killing them.]
Marcel: That thing can take down an Original?
Aya: You'll take this, go into the Mikaelsons' home under the guise of friendship, and then you will drive this stake into Bellatrix's heart.
Layla and Kol narrow their eyes on Marcel. Marcel gulps nervously.
Aya: We will free Tristan and imprison the head of his sister's sireline, all in an entire evening. [Marcel looks nervous and conflicted, which does not escape Aya's notice. Aya leans in even closer to Marcel's face.]
Aya: Do this, and you will have proven your loyalty to The Strix. Fail, and we will revoke your membership... and your life along with it. [Marcel doesn't look at all happy to be blackmailed like this and gives Aya an annoyed look.]
"Not much of a choice." Said Davina.
[Cami and Aurora are still talking in Marcel's fight gym. Whatever Cami has said off-screen has made Aurora laugh in amusement.]
Aurora: Hahaha! You really said that to him? [Aurora adopts a mocking tone of voice.]
Aurora: "People are not awful. They want to be good." Wow! A bit saccharine, no?
Bella agreed.
Cami: [annoyed] Why don't you ask your boyfriend?
Aurora: [giggles] You feeling jealous? It seems as though you are, and yet you and Nik are not lovers. You admitted so yourself. You've never even kissed.
Klaus glared at her. Bella rolled her eyes.
Cami: We're not romantically involved, no. But I do care about him. [Aurora shrugs as though she doesn't understand, so Cami continues to explain.]
Cami: I see that he wants to be more than what he is, and I don't think you would do much to help him get there.
Aurora: You see the good in Nik. Tell me, are you the one to bring it out of him? The frail, little human that he has manipulated, abused, and compelled to be everything from stenographer to spy? [Aurora stands to her feet and walks toward Cami with a smile.]
Klaus looks down.
Aurora: He doesn't care about you, darling. You're just a thing that he uses from time to time. That's all.
"Then why are you jaelous?" Said Davina.
[Cami, not willing to back down, walks closer to Aurora and stands her ground against her.]
Cami: You can say whatever you want. I can't stop you. But I do find it interesting how angry you are. I think you're worried. If there's anything that Klaus likes about me, it's my mind, that I can understand him. And you? You are beautiful, and you are powerful, and you do have a long history together. But you're worried he doesn't love you, that maybe he does see the truth-- that your mind, it's a bit damaged, isn't it? [Aurora becomes so furious that she backhands Cami across the face so hard that she's thrown backward into the cage.]
Aurora: Ah!
Cami: [groans] Uh! [Cami has just flipped herself over after having been thrown into the wall of the cage again, and she's panting heavily as Aurora tries her best to regain her composure, since she knows that she just revealed too much with her outburst.]
Klaus glared at Aurora.
Aurora: [breathing deeply] Okay. I've had enough analysis. Let's shine the light back on you, shall we? Tell me your deepest, darkest secret. And if I sense that you are holding back... Well, you might not live long enough for Nik to get here. [Meanwhile, Klaus has just arrived to the parking lot behind St. Anne's, and Lucien continues to try to talk him out of confronting Aurora as he walks toward the back entrance.]
Lucien: Will you please listen to me? All I suggest is that we find another way to deal with Aurora than follow blindly along her bread-crumb trail. [Klaus, who is losing his patience with Lucien, turns and points at him aggressively.]
Klaus: You know, even as you talk, I cannot help but recall you were the arrogant wanker who endangered Camille in the first place!
Lucien: Well, better arrogant than foolish. Your judgment is off, my friend, and all because of this mortal girl! [Lucien squeezes Klaus' shoulder as he stares him in the eyes with a pleading expression.]
"Nik loves Cami, but then again how would Lucien uderstand that? what he would know about love?" Scoffed Bella.
Lucien: Well, I say let Cami die. All of your secrets and vulnerabilities can die with her. [Klaus, visibly frustrated with him, claps him on the shoulders with a sigh before quickly snapping his neck, allowing his body to drop onto the ground before he leaves to find Cami.]

Bellatrix Mikaelson (Season 3)
Fanfiction[Book 4] Prophecy is said: Mikaelsons downfall will be caused one by Family, one by Foe, one by Enemy. Who is who? Is this really end of Mikaelsons?