Chapter 21

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[Elijah is at the bar in the study, having showered and put on a clean suit. Freya walks toward Elijah, who doesn't seem happy as he looks at sketches of the prophecy visions that Klaus has drawn. The first sketch is of the blood-stained portrait of Elijah.]
Freya: You seem more annoyed than usual.
Elijah: It's Aurora. [Elijah picks up a second sketch, this time of the dining room table in the compound, which is in shambles.]
Elijah: Her influence frightens me. And yet, our hideously-deluded brother seems to think that she may be the key to ending this wretched prophecy.
Freya: [worriedly] If she's aligned with her brother, what chance does Nik have?
Elijah: None. And still, Niklaus believes that she can be swayed. Although... his perspective of family loyalty is schizophrenic at best.
"Sorry, but it's not everyday your first love come backs and tells you that she wasn't the one who broke your heart, your brother was." Said Layla.
"After the same brother found out that other one killed their mother, hide it from him and made him be on run." Said Hayley.
"Better than living with Mikael and Esther totally deserved it." Said Layla.
Freya: [sighs] Well, I don't get why Lucien and Tristan are working together. Aren't their sirelines direct enemies? [Elijah gives Freya a sheepish look, visibly embarrassed about what he's about to say.]
Elijah: ...Well, their mutual lack of goodwill toward our family might not be entirely unjustified... [Freya gives him a stern look, and Elijah sighs.]
Elijah: Hatred's a hell of a thing, Freya.
Freya: [confused] Why? All you did was sire them. They don't seem to be complaining. [Elijah squirms uncomfortably and shrugs before turning away from her anxiously. Freya, concerned, presses him for answers.]
Freya: Elijah... [When Elijah remains silent, she sighs in frustration.]
Freya: What exactly did you do? [Elijah finally turns back to face Freya, smiling sheepishly once again.]
Elijah: I compelled Lucien to believe that he was Niklaus, Aurora to believe that she was Bellatrix, and Tristan, myself. After I sired him, of course.
"Wow. That's cold." Said Davina.
[Freya does not look at all happy about this confession, and Elijah becomes defensive.]
Elijah: This was a period of mayhem for us! It was the 11th century, Father was hunting us mercilessly... So, I compelled them. And then, I told them to run.
Freya: [coldly] You made them bait.
Elijah: Not the kindest thing I ever did, if I'm perfectly frank with you, Freya.
"But nessesery one. You got Mikael's attention, so you needed him off your backs." Said Hayley. Elijah smiled at her.
[Freya turns to face him with a sad expression as Elijah continues his story.]
Elijah: So, as we found respite in the sleepy, yet charming vineyards of Tuscany, Father hunted the decoy Mikaelson children to the far-reaches of Europe for the better part of a century. Then, we were inconveniently daggered. The compulsion was broken. Here we are.
"Here we are." Sighted Klaus.
Elijah: Freya, something you must understand about this family-- under threat, we take action, for better or worse. Whatever it takes to protect our own.
Freya: So, you're telling me their days are numbered?
Elijah: If indeed they're working against us, yes. Without question.
[Lucien is eating the grillades and grits that Detective Kinney made for him at the dining room table while Cami continues to search the boxes for the dark object that Lucien wants. Kinney is sitting across from Lucien, looking confused, scared, and angry.]
Lucien: Mmm. I find the Cajun cuisine almost as delicious as their people. Well done, William.
Kinney: Not like I had a choice.
Lucien: [shrugs] Hmmm.
Kinney: The moment I do? I'm gonna use this knife, I'm gonna stab you in the heart.
Cami: [sighs] You couldn't if you tried. You've been compelled to do everything he says. It's like hypnosis. Vampires use it against humans to do their bidding.
"And knives can't kill them. Well... unless you chop off their heads with knife or rip out their hearts with knife." Said Bella.
[Kinney gives Cami an exasperated and exhausted look.]
Kinney: We're using the V-word now? Great. Might as well embrace the insanity. [Kinney turns his attention back to Lucien.]
Kinney: What else you gonna force us to do?
Lucien: [sighs] Well, Camille consumes vervain, so I can't force her to do anything. But, in exchange for preventing future bloodshed, I'd ask that you find me that pretty little medallion.
Cami: [frustrated] Like I've told you, I have cataloged everything. What you're looking for is not here. [Lucien begins to lose his patience and slams his hand angrily against the table.]
Lucien: It's there! Just hidden, built into something else. Find it!
Cami: And then what? Some shiny ornament helps you get your revenge on Klaus? Don't tell me this is all because he stole your girl.
Lucien: [frustrated] He did a lot more than that, Camille. He stole one hundred years of my life!
"He didn't. Elijah did." Said Layla.
[Cami seems surprised by this answer, and Lucien's eyes widen as he gets an idea.]
Lucien: Now, that gives me a thought. Loss is a great motivator. [Lucien turns to Kinney, who has been silently listening to their conversation.]
Lucien: Slice open your arcuate artery.[Cami realizes what Lucien is doing and tries to stop him.]
Cami: NO! [Kinney, despite his best efforts to resist, takes the knife on the table and forcefully slices open the artery running along the outside of his ankle, causing him to immediately begin to bleed heavily.]
Kinney: AGH! [Lucien feigns concern for Kinney while Cami gapes in horror at Kinney's bleeding wound.]
Lucien: Ooh! That's a nasty wound. He'll bleed out if that's not treated. Tick-tock, Camille! [Cami, both furious and horrified, returns to searching the boxes while Kinney whimpers from pain and blood loss.]
[Inside the empty restaurant, Klaus is sitting at a table, smiling in amusement as Aurora feeds on the wrist of a waitress who laying on top of another table, holding a glass of red wine in her hand while she feeds. After a moment, Aurora stops feeding on the now-dead waitress and hums happily as she walks over to join Klaus at his table.]
Aurora: Mmm. That was delicious.
Klaus: [smiles] I aim to please.
Aurora: [gives him a look] No, darling-- you aim to suck me dry of information. But you fed me well, so I suppose I owe you a favor. What would you like to know? [Klaus' face becomes serious before he speaks.]
Klaus: Well, it's quite simple, really. I find being in your company again wonderfully intoxicating. So, my question is... Do you feel the same? [Aurora seems pleased by this question.]
Aurora: Nik, I am not your enemy! Nor Bella's. After all, she is my sire. But, I do hate Elijah, given what he's done to me.. and to you.
"At least, she is being honest about it." Said Layla.
Klaus: [suspiciously] So, you choose to ally with the brother who locked you in a prison and the stable boy who, until now, was always so far beneath you? [This seems to hurt Aurora, and her next words have a bitter tone to them as her eyes fill with tears.]
Aurora: You know, the three of us spent one hundred years working together and running together, believing we were the Mikaelsons. And you knew your father. It was no easy task to avoid him, and yet we survived. And when the compulsion ended, it was as if someone had peeled off our skin. We lost everything of who we were and what we'd become in a single moment.
Some looked at Aurora with pity. Elijah looked guilty.
[Klaus seems to suddenly feel incredibly guilty for the pain Aurora was caused by Elijah's compulsion.]
Aurora: And, even though we now knew we were little more than an elaborate red herring, Mikael was still after us. So, Tristan swore he wouldn't rest until we made you pay. So, the three of us swore a pact of vengeance. For centuries, we scoured the world, looking for weapons that would kill the lot of you... but Lucien and Tristan never quite got over their hatred of one another. [Klaus' guilt seems to change to suspicion and concern at this information, though he tries his best to appear calm.]
Klaus: Seems a little short-sighted-- if my family dies, so do all of you.
Layla nodded at his words.
Aurora: [smiles] Well, that's the beautiful mystery, isn't it? [Aurora, overwhelmed by the memories, shuts down and changes the subject.]
Aurora: [softly] I... I think I'd like dessert. Perhaps you can take me for a walk? Show me what it is you like about this strange little city. [Klaus smiles weakly at her.]
[Klaus and Aurora have just arrived at the cemetery, where they're walking around the various tombs.]
Aurora: [confused] Why would you bring me here? It's so morbid.
Klaus: [smiles] They call these graveyards the Cities of the Dead-- elevated mausoleums meant to honor those who've passed on. It's a very human attempt to overcome fear of mortality by celebrating death. Morbid, certainly... But pure.
Aurora: [rolls her eyes] Oh, pure. Like your intentions.
Klaus: My intentions are quite the opposite. How about yours? [Aurora, realizing they're back on the topic of the so-called sireline war, sighs in annoyance and tosses the pastry she was nibbling on aside before she turns to face him.]
Aurora: Hmmm. You know, over the long centuries, I would dream of you-- my bright light in an ocean of darkness, whose despair mirrored my own, and whose love brought me a joy I had not felt, and have not felt since. But, if only it were real, this charming stroll through your melancholy preoccupations... But, I know it's really an interrogation under the guise of pleasantries.
"It's kind of sad. Their love story." Said Davina.
[Klaus walks toward her and looks her in the eyes.]
Klaus: My desire for answers is only fair-- we are on the brink of war. But, if you doubt the veracity of my feelings for you... Then our tour has one final stop.
[Klaus has just brought Aurora to the compound, where they are walking through the front gate and into the courtyard. Aurora takes in the room, which is still trashed from Klaus and Elijah's violent argument earlier, and wrinkles her nose in distaste.]
Aurora: So is this your family home?
Klaus: [smirks] Please forgive the detritus my brother and I had a slight disagreement. Over you, as a matter of fact.
Aurora: Oh! A duel in my honor. How chivalrous. But, I'm afraid if this is what you wish to show me, it's-- [Klaus interrupts her before she can continue.]
Klaus: If you want to know what's been in my heart for the past few centuries, come with me. [Klaus leads her up the stairs and into his art studio, where he pushes a dresser out of the way and traces his hand over the brick wall behind it. Aurora stands behind him and watches with a confused expression.]
Klaus: Life is like a city-- built in layers. No matter what new experiences come along, the foundation remains. [Klaus then punches the wall with such extreme force that his fist goes through the brick, crumbling the wall into pieces until he finally reveals a beautifully painted portrait of Aurora from the early 11th century. Aurora gasps in shock, visibly overwhelmed by this revelation.]
Everyone looks surprised. Bella brushes her hand against Klaus's and smiles.
Aurora: What is this?
Klaus: Two hundred years ago, it was my art studio. It became a tomb for my memory of you. [He turns toward her, visibly uncomfortable with the vulnerability he's showing her.]
Klaus: I thought if I painted what haunted me, I could free myself of you forever. In all my years, I have never been more wrong about anything. [Aurora, overwhelmed with emotion, kisses him passionately.]
Bella hugged Klaus.
"I know how it feels." Said Bella to Klaus. Klaus hugged her back.

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