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Word traveled quickly about the young princess' kidnapping. Queen Euphoria had Ecstasia on high alert. No outsiders were able to enter or leave without clearance.

Nathan and Hasani left as soon as they heard the news. Euphoria was sure that they were reeking havoc in the Demented Forest.

The update was that Celeste's home was completely empty. There were no hidden portals there either.

The four brothers sat with their mother, trying to reassure and console her. They were planning to do a clean sweep at the Witch Coven.

"I know she won't kill Imani because she needs her. But I know the possession is taking a toll on her little body."

Tears continued to fall from the queen's eyes.

"Are you all ready to go?" Ethan asked.

All four brothers got up in unison, and Euphoria held back her scream. She was afraid that all her children would be taken from her.

Ares stopped and looked at her. "We'll be back, Mommy. Okay?"


It took a few hours to arrive at the Witch Coven. The village consisted of many witch elders who were powerful but peaceful.

But many of the young rebels would always come back to hide.

The SUV stopped at the entrance of the village. All four got out and stood looking in the distance.

"I'm sure somebody in there knows where Celeste is hiding or has access to the portal she's in."

Everyone agreed with Ethan, and they all followed his lead into the entrance.

It was a beautiful community with cottages, lakes, and trees. But the town streets were empty.

The sun was beginning to set, and the sounds of the night quickly began to take over.

They got to the center of the village where a huge water fountain was located. It felt like they were being watched, and they were hoping someone would come out of hiding.

"What brings you all to our village?"

A young woman appeared behind them, and they slowly turned her direction. She had long dark hair, pink lips, and cat-like eyes.

Gabriel stepped forward. "We're looking for Madam Celeste. She has our little sister."

"She wouldn't be here. She's been banned for over fifty years."

"Would you know the portal or realm that she uses?"

"No and if I did, I couldn't tell you anyway. It is forbidden to share that information with outsiders or humans."

"Okay, I'm over this shit." Ares' eyes glowed.

The woman stepped back. "You all aren't human."

"Why does that matter? I thought the witch vowed to protect the innocent, whether human or not," Amadi stepped forward.

"Witches are individuals with their own lives and concerns. One witch's problem doesn't make it the coven's."

"Listen, we know someone here knows where Celeste is. I can't promise that a war won't be declared against the Witch Coven. Queen Euphoria's only daughter has been taken."

Ethan's eyes turn pitch black. "If the princess dies, you all die."

Suddenly, a loud blast could be heard in the distance. They all ran towards the disturbance to see the cause.

In view was Nathan covered in blood. He looked feral and had the severed heads of a witch and werewolf in his hands.

Ethan could feel his father's energy as his own canines began to grow. He was ready to join him.

"If you are not with me, you are against me, and I will kill you!"

"What is going on?!" The dark-haired witch called out.


Nathan's voice shook the ground underneath their feet. The other witches came out from their homes.

"I suggest someone starts talking." Ethan stood next to his father.

Nathan felt a blow to his face by an invisible force. The hit caused his head to turn abruptly. When he face forward, he smiled, and a shock of lightning shot from the sky, causing one of the witches to explode.

Hasani came from the clouds and stood next to Nathan with glowing gold eyes.

"War has officially been declared...who's next?"


All the witches' powers were nothing against the wrath coming towards them.

Every spell and attack was blocked with the protection of the Crescian people. With their king being amongst the confrontation, they made sure to cover anyone on his side.

"We are not your enemies!" A witch cried out.

Ethan growled. "You are until we find the princess."

Creatures and monsters of the night were summoned to protect the witches coven. They were not yet convinced to give up Madam Celeste's whereabouts.

Amadi's eyes glowed like his fathers as he fried the bodies of incoming wolf rogues.

Loud roars of pain and anger filled the night.

Gabriel and Ares covered Amadi while he tried to mentally locate the realm that their sister was taken into. He could feel her life force and knew that their mother was secretly giving Imani strength.

"She's still alive but weak."

Ares ripped the arm off a humanoid reptile and used it to knock it out cold.

"Is it hard to locate her?" Gabriel asked.

"I need more time."

They saw a huge raven swooping towards Amadi, who still had his eyes closed.


Gabriel blew it out of the sky with his mini grenade launcher. Ares smiled at his brother's excitement, then continued fighting.


They heard a loud scream in their heads that made them all cringe in pain. King Hasani lifted his hand, and the witch the scream came from was now in his grips.

"Please! I can help you..." her voice trembled.


"Celeste is in the hollow dimension. That's where she goes to seclude herself from the rest of the Witch Coven."

"Amadi, is what she is saying true?" Hasani asked.

His eyes remained closed, and the image of their little sister came into his vision. She was sitting at a table being fed something from a pink bowl.

"Yes, I see Imani, but she looks like she is in a trance state."

Nathan walked towards them. "Send me to my daughter...now."

Hasani let the witch go, but she was now surrounded by all six men. Her eyes looked around at the destruction that was caused within minutes.

Another witch called out. "No, Maria...Celeste will hunt us!"


She closed her eyes with her palm face forward. It moved slowly in a square motion, then picked up speed. The gray mist began to form as the portal to the hollow realm opened.

All six men prepared themselves to enter.

"No, I will go alone. I can't risk you all getting hurt," Nathan said.

Ethan ignored his father. "Like hell you will. King Hasani, please stay and cover us from the outside...we may need more backup when we return."


"Alright brothers, no mercy. Let's go."

The four brothers walked in ahead with Nathan close behind them.

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