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The girls went into the great room, and the double doors were shut and locked behind them. Elva stood at the door, putting a protective spell against it.

"Camille, are my brothers fighting?"

"I think so...."

The little princess looked at Shamica. "Hi, I'm Ares' sister, Imani."

"Hello, I'm Shamica, and this is Elva."

Elva smiled. "Hello, Imani. Nice to meet you."

"My brothers have great taste. You all are very pretty."

They all melted at her sweet words, and a loud bang followed. Imani jumped, causing Shamica to quickly hold her.

"Everything is going to be okay."

Imani gave her a nod and held onto her. Elva walked towards the windows and froze when she saw a light of fire emerge from the ground in the distance.

"What the hell is that?"

She could see demon creatures emerging from the opening, and her heart raced.

"Letune, besma, besma, letune."

Elva chanted words over and over as she went around the windows. Purple smoke poured from her hands.

"Uh oh....oh no."

She looked towards Shamika. "What's wrong?"

Imani was pulled away from where they stood as Oliver went into protect mode. A black shadow came through the floor, and Camille screamed.

"No! Stay away!"

"Je te réprimande démon!" (I rebuke you demon) Shamika shouted.

She held up the charm that hung on a necklace around her neck. Opening it, there was red powder inside. She blew it toward the shadow, and shrieks of pain echoed through the room.

"Retourner en enfer!" (Return to hell)

It continued to call more entities as Elva focused her spell on the window barriers. Creatures scraped at the glass but were burned at the touch.

"AAH! There's more!" Imani shouted as Camille and Oliver blocked her with their bodies.

More shadow figures came through the floor in another area as Shamika sealed off the current.


The floor shook as bright light flashed out the windows. Shamika ran to one of the windows, and her knees got weak. A black, huge, wolf-like creature with red horns and three eyes howled and snarled at the four brothers.

Flames covered its body and lit the turf on fire with each step it took.

"Oh Jesus and ancestors...please help us." Shamika's eyes watered.

Hundreds of guards ran onto the outside grounds to defend the queen's estate. Blood was splattered on both sides, but the guards continued to fight.

"Ladies, let's go!" Oliver shouted as he held open the double doors.

The shadows were increasing in numbers but were blocked by the barriers Elva's spells and Shamika's ancestral spirits kept up.

They ran down the hall but were blocked by a hissing demon that crawled on all fours. Suddenly, its skin ignited in flames as Shamika held her hand towards it.

"Les ténèbres deviennent lumière par le feu." (darkness comes to light by fire).

She spoke as the creatures burned to a crisp, and they continued down the hall.


There was a demon wolf emerging from the ground. Its howls and snarls made the ground vibrate.

My sons were standing their ground as the giant creature spit fire in their directions. I closed my eyes, sending my shield of healing energy onto them.


A huge boulder was thrown in Nathan and I's direction. We took cover and my husband carried me inside.

"You need to stay here."

"No, I can't leave them."


We heard screaming coming down the hall. We hurried towards its direction, and the girls were being chased by shadow people and demons.

There was a growl coming from behind us, and Nathan acted quickly.

Duvan was still in werewolf form as he kept his sights on Camille. Nathan snatched him before he could get close. Oliver stood in front of her, ready to block.

It was like a blink of an eye the way Nathan snapped Duvan's neck with ease. I was always reminded where Ethan got his savagery and strength from.

"Daddy!" Imani cried out.

"Come here, sweetheart."

She ran to him, and he picked her up into his arms. I saw Oliver had the other girls covered, so I went to look at what was going on with my sons.

Ethan and Ares climbed onto the beast while Amadi and Gabriel shot electric shocks into its body. It shrieked in pain as it flailed its body from side to side.

Demons from every angle were attacking them. I sent my pulsating zaps in their direction, causing each one to explode on contact. That allowed my sons to focus on the main problem.

"Take out its leg!" Amadi yelled.

Gabriel pulled out one of his hidden weapons. An orange laser erected from the base. He ran to the closest hind leg and sliced the lower half off. Amadi followed with his gold machete, taking out the other side.

The beast let out a roar of agony, and its bottom hit the ground. Ethan jumped down and grabbed the lower half of its mouth while Ares grabbed the upper half.

Both of their hands sizzled from the lava-like drool that oozed from its mouth.

"Let's go, brother! Pull now!" Ethan called out.

They both yanked the beast's mouth wide open, causing it to split in opposite directions. Black blood began to squirt in all directions as both halves of the demon wolf's mouth were ripped off.

It slumped flat on the ground.

"Oh thank goodness," I exhaled in relief.

My sons all stood in front of it as the black blood coated the turf. They stared at it, not moving from their places. It was as if they were waiting for something else to happen.

"What are they doing?" Elva asked.

I remained silent, knowing my children knew what was best.

Suddenly, the lifeless beast began to shake. My sons began to back up but kept their eyes on it.

Red tentacles began to burst from inside its body and its ripped open mouth. The stench was disgusting and made us want to vomit.

"Eeeekkkkk." Shrieks echoed into the air.

Emerging from its butchered open body wasn't what I expected, and I prayed that Ethan, Ares, Gabriel, and Amadi were ready.

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