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The cold chill hit us as soon as we entered. My older brothers went ahead of me and Nathan. I looked back, watching the portal slowly close.

My body felt our little sister's energy, It was coming from the left direction.

"This way."

I walked forward, and they followed. Suddenly, in the distance, a wooden door stood in the middle of the darkness. Before we could get closer, the smell of rotten flesh made us cover our nose and mouth.

"What the fuck?" Ares looked around.


Gabriel was snatched out of our sight. All of our eyes glowed and a wretched scream could be heard in the distance.


Gabe walked from the darkness with black blood splattered on his clothes.

"What happened?" Ethan asked.

"The living dead..."

My hands lit up, illuminating our surroundings. There were over forty zombies surrounding us. They wandered aimlessly.

"Shit...we're in the land of the dead," Nathan spoke.

Ares stood next to me. "Can they see us?"

"No...their eyes are missing."

The zombies wore tattered army gear. Some were missing other limbs besides just their eyes.

"Okay, let's make this quick." Ethan nodded.

We all ran towards the wooden door slicing through the crowd of death. The stench took over as each body dropped to the floor.

"Fuck, it's locked."

"Not for long. Stand back, brothers."

Gabe pulled the pin from the grenade with his mouth and leaned it against the door. We ran away from the door.


We all ducked for cover, and through the opening, in the distance was a eerie looking house surrounded by a fence and dead grass.

"Aaaahhhh. Uuuuhhhh."

The groans of the zombies unified, and we ran through the door. Ares made a barrier to stop them from following us.

Nathan took off running. He could sense Imani's energy, too. We all followed prepared to go to war with whatever occupied this house.

Imani, can you hear me?"

M-Madi, I don't feel good. I want to go home.

I could hear her voice clearly.

We're coming for you. Do you know what room you're inside?

It's so dark, Madi. I can't see.

Don't worry...We'll find you. Stay calm.

You promise?

Yes. I promise.

My eyes watered at the fear in her voice. I closed them and tried to sense her location. Soon, a strong presence knocked me back, causing me to hit the ground.

"She's in the basement!"

Nathan kicked the door in and ducked as dark spirits shot from the house. Gabe turned on a handheld light, and we followed his lead inside. I see a door in the back to the right.

Ares ran to open it. "Imani?!"

There was no answer.

"You will never find her."

The dreaded voice talked behind us. Celeste stood, hovering three feet off the floor. She looked old, but it was as if she was slowly getting younger.

"Where is our sister?"

"I'm not telling you."

Ethan moved closer. "We're not leaving until we find her."

"I wasn't letting any of you leave anyway. This will be your home now."

I realized Celeste was feeding off Imani. We kept talking to her while Nathan went down the basement with Gabriel. I knew our sister was in this house somewhere.

Imani, are you still there?

I'm so sleepy...

Try to stay awake, Mani. Please.

I'm trying, but it's so hard. My eyelids are really heavy.

This witch was sucking the life from her. I looked at Ares, and he was ready to attack.

"Why are you doing this to a child?"

"It's payback for taking my witch sisters away from me."

"You are pure evil."

"I could've just taken her life, but I decided she would be of good use."

"Give us our sister!" Ares shouted.

The witch laughed.

"You will never see her again...ever."

Before anyone could respond, Celeste's eyes widened. She began to convulse while her eyes and face turned beet red. Her face and body began to swell as foam poured from her mouth.

"W-What is happening?!" She shrieked.

Rotten spikey teeth formed in her mouth while her wrinkled skin and thin scalp appeared. Her normal look took form again, being the old haggard witch.

"No! No! Nooooo!!!"

Her body continued to shake while she threw up black blood, and the same liquid poured from her eyes and ears.


Her insides were expelled from her body as we ducked from the explosion. We stood up, and shock took over us.


Euphoria stood where Celeste used to be. Her eyes glowed, and she held the witch's heart in her hand.

"Bring my daughter out of the basement."

A bright light glowed around our mother, and we couldn't take our eyes away.

"Mommy!" My little sister's voice called out.

"My baby!"

Euphoria dropped the heart to the floor and ran towards Nathan and Gabriel. She took Imani out of her father's arms and held her tight.

Within seconds, a portal opened up, and we all walked through.

Our mother is truly powerful.

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