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As soon as Gabe and I went through the portal, we were hit with the smell of sulfur. We both coughed, checking our surroundings. It was foggy, but slowly, you could see the glow of multiple pairs of eyes.

“Amadi, they’re surrounding us.” Gabe dug inside his jacket.

I prepared myself for an attack while my body's energy surged. The feeling of electricity forming in my core made me smile.

“Time to put these Crescian genes to good use.”

Snarls and growls were getting louder. I could hear the creatures’ claws scraping the ground.

Gabe put his back against mine, and we joined hands. We did this move before…it was his favorite thing to do. My energy began to merge with his blood moon energy. The red and white glow of static mixed together.

“Ready, big bro?”


“4, 3, 2, 1….NOW!”

Before the dozens of creatures could get any closer, our hands touch the ground, sending our voltage outward.

The demonic screams of pain echoed all around us. The light from the shock allowed us to see the large number of demons that really surrounded us.

“Oh shit.” It made my heart pound in my chest.

All of their bodies began to explode. Their insides went in every direction. We ducked but didn’t escape the splatter of guts.

Once we stood up, body parts were everywhere.

“WOO! That was fucking awesome!” Gabe shouted in delight.

Hey! Where the hell are you two?

Ares’ voice echoed in our heads.

Blowing up demons, bro! You missed it.

We’re coming back now.

The smell of rotten eggs was beginning to make me nauseous.

Did you have fun with Shamika?

Mind your business and come on.

Gabe lit a cigar. “Yeah, something happened.”

I chuckled while opening up the portal.  While waiting, the temperature began to heat up. Before we could turn around, a force blasted us into the portal.

Our bodies slammed against the dumpsters in the back of the gentlemen’s club. Smoke came off our bodies.

I’m going to crush all of you one by one. Especially your mother.

The shrieking voice of an old woman yelled, then stopped abruptly when the portal closed.

“Who the hell was that?” I asked, standing onto my feet.

Gabe stood next to me. “I don’t know. But I guess we’ll find out soon.”


I was talking to my father and King Hasani about the security wall we wanted to put around the borders of Ecstasia.

This would make it harder for animals to migrate but keep the creatures of the demented forest from roaming onto the land.

“Has Euphoria approved construction?” Hasani asked.

“Yes, once she realized a supernatural border would take more energy to stay active.” My father sipped his drink.

Every so often, I would catch Hasani staring at my father's wedding band. I knew he respected my father the most out of the twins’ fathers.

I don’t know if he was jealous or envious about Nathan marrying my mother, but it was definitely something.

“Where is Euphoria now?”

My father gave him a side eye, and I smiled.

“With our daughter Imani…where is Ebele?”

“Why so hostile…did I offend you?”

“Your heart would be sitting on my palm if you did. Why are you inquiring about my wife’s location?”

“I haven’t seen her in a while. I'm just making sure she’s okay.”

The silent stare between them was intense.

“Hey Pop.”

Amadi and the twins walked into the room. Hasani stood, giving all of them a hug. We noticed that Gabe and Amadi’s clothes had some black soot on them.

Nathan and Hasani looked at them confused.

“What the hell happened to you two?” My father asked.

“Ran into some demons.” Gabe poured himself a drink.

I looked at Ares. “Where were you while all this was happening?”

“In some pussy.” Gabe sipped his drink.

“No, I was not…”

I shook my head, then looked at my youngest brother. “Are you okay, Madi?”

“Yeah. But then we heard this shrieking voice of some lady when we went through the portal.”

“What did she say?”

“I don’t remember her exact words.”

Gabe sat down. “She threatened us and mother.”

His words made Nathan and Hasani's brows furrow. I noticed the concern on their faces. Camille came into the great room.

“Dinner is….”

She was struggling to get her words out. Coughing followed, and Amadi went to her rescue. But before he could assist, she abruptly stopped and stood straight. It was as if she was in a trance.

Well, look at that. Everyone is here except for that whore of a queen.

Camille’s mouth moved but it wasn’t her voice we heard. Her eyes were completely white, and she foamed at the mouth. Hasani instantly sent a shock through her body, and she collapsed.

My father caught Camille before she hit the floor.

“That was the same voice we heard earlier,” Amadi said.

Hasani walked towards us while my father laid Camille on the lounge chair. Amadi checked her pulse…she passed out but was fine.

“I thought she was killed years ago.”

“Who is she?” I asked.

“The witch of the Demented Forest.”

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