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My brothers and I were not expecting to fight another beast. The horned wolf creature was enough to deal with.

We had no choice but to suck it up and get rid of whatever this new demon thing is that's emerging from the bowels of this carcass.

"Everyone stay focused."

I spoke, and they all gave me nods. Being the oldest, I have to keep them ready for another attack.

Huge tentacles were flailing everywhere as the annoying shrieks of the creature echoed through the air.

"What is this thing?!" Gabriel shouted.

The creature looked like a gigantic one-eyed octopus but with spiked teeth. Its stench made my stomach turn, which confirmed it was from hell.

One by one, we dodged its tentacles, looking for ways to make our first attack.

"EEEEKKKK! EEEKKKKKK!" Its loud shrieks were piercing the night.

I heard of a kraken, but they're usually within the sea. This could be the demonic version of it, and that is terrifying.

Amadi swung his machete, slicing off one of its tentacles. The scream was deafening.

"Ares, look out!" I shouted.

He ducked as the severed tentacle turned into a separate humanoid creature. It was slimy and ran on all fours.

"What the fuck?!"

I was shocked but reacted in time before it could attack Gabriel. We attacked on all sides but the creature would regenerate and heal before the next blow could occur.

Amadi and Ares were knocked a few feet away by its tentacles while Gabriel was sprayed with fire from its center.

"Ah shit!"

He quickly removed the shirt that caught fire as the other two got back in stance.

"This bastard isn't going down!" Ares shouted.

"Ha, that's what she said."

I looked at Amadi and shook my head while Ares laughed.

"Oh, that's why Judy left," Gabriel smirked.

"This is not the time, fellas."

After a dozen more attacks each, we realized we're fighting a losing battle. I could tell my brothers were getting weary.

My sons, use your energy, not your muscle. Weaken the demon mentally.

Our mother's voice came through our thoughts.

"Mental focus, brothers. Create our shields."

We all focused after my words. Our bodies stood at a distance around the creature. It continued to shriek and flail but stayed in its spot.

I figured he wanted us to get closer for an easy attack. Amadi began to communicate with us through his thoughts.

This creature's energy source is from underground. His movements are not spread out and he has not ventured from his spot.

I've noticed that as well.

Let's move out further while keeping our energies surrounding the creature. This will give us time to focus on our kinetic pulsing.

All three agreed to my instructions, and we instantly powered up. Our energy slowly rose along with every deep breath we took.

Rocks, outdoor furniture, and any object that wasn't tied down began to float into the air. Our feet stayed planted to the ground as the shrieks from the beast grew louder.

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