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I couldn't wait to see Shamika and hold her in my arms. I wanted to hear her voice right now. I've called her a few times but got no answer.

"That's not like her."

It would take too long to drive to her place, so I took a portal there instead. As soon as I walked through, the living room was ransacked.

I walked up the steps, and the scent of Shamika's blood made my canines grow. My heart pounded, praying she was still alive.

In the distance, I could see the bedroom door was cracked. There was no one in the bathroom as I walked past.

Once the door was opened, I saw Shamika sitting on the floor. Her back was up against the bed. Her head was down, and she wasn't moving.


All she had on was my t-shirt. It was ripped down the middle. Her hands and chest were covered in blood. I checked her pulse...she was still alive.

Shamika's hurt!

Where are you?!

The person I needed was the first to respond. I picked her up in my arms. She made little whimper sounds, which let me know she was still with me.

I'm at her place, meet me at my house. We're going through the portal right now.

Got you!

Who the fuck did it and where can I find them?

Gabriel asked next but Shamika began to talk before I could respond.

"A-Ares...I love you...I'm sorry I didn't stay at your place."

"I love you more and it's okay, baby. Who did this to you?"

*cough* "Th-That bitch ass ex of yours." *cough*

I walked through the portal then hurried to my room. Before I could lay Shamika down, Amadi came through the door with a black bag.

"Take her shirt off."

I did as he said and he took out a needle.

I noticed four long claw marks across her chest. She winced when Amadi stuck her arm then slowly went to sleep. My brother was a physician but also with healing power.

My trust has never wavered with his ability, so my worry began to fade.

Amadi closed his eyes as the glow from his hands illuminated the room. The deep claw marks were beginning to close and the tense look on her face began to ease.

Shamika's wounds were closed. Amadi cleaned off the blood, then covered them with wound guards. He put the blanket over her naked body while she continued to sleep.

"Okay, I'm here. Who are we looking for?" Gabriel asked, walking into the bedroom.

"My ex, Bianca Hunter."

Both their faces looked confused.

"She met Shamika a while ago and wasn't too happy that I've moved on."

"Is she still a part of the Western werewolf pack?" Amadi asked.


"Well, it's only one way to find out."

Gabriel pulled out a compact grenade launcher from the inside of his coat. Amadi laughed, and I shook my head.

"How the hell did you fit that in there?"

"Deep pockets."

"I got sis. Go handle your business."

"Thanks, lil bro." I fist bumped Amadi, then kissed Shamika's soft lips.

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