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It's been two weeks. Since then, I found out I'm going to be a grandmother, and I just gained another daughter in love, Shamika.

Elva, Shamika, and Camille are really sweet young ladies. They balance out my sons very well. I am so happy they are in Gabriel, Ares, and Ethan's lives.

After Elva and Shamika were escorted home, Camille continued to rest in Ethan's room. She's a human carrying another species' child, so sleep is very important.

We had word that the Crestmont family were seeking revenge for the deaths of Duvan and Cristian. There was no time or date given, so we'll stay prepared for whenever that may happen.

After a long day of meetings, I had a hot bubble bath prepared for me. My tense body relaxed in the water as I closed my eyes.

Your sons did very well.

Yes, I am very proud.

As you should be.

Goddess mother spoke in my thoughts, and I beamed with thankfulness that my sons defeated both demonic beasts without serious injury.

The prophecy is not yet complete.

My eyes immediately opened at her words. The pace of my heart rose at the thought of them having to face any more creatures.

What else is there for them to do?

They haven't made their transition of power yet.

What is that?

Once they defeat the spawns of hell, they would then be judged if they are worthy of immortal power.

I felt that my sons were already highly gifted.

How would they know if they were deemed worthy?

The power will come with no warning. They will either receive it one by one or all at the same time.

Should they be warned?

No, they will find out when it occurs.

After those words, Goddess Mother's voice went silent. I got out of the tub and prepared myself for some late night reading in the palace library.

My nightgown covered my body as I walked down the hall. I stood at one of the windows staring at the moon in awe. It was so bright and had a little tint of blue.


I continued walking down the hall towards the sound of men's voices. I smiled, knowing it was my kids.

"Hi, my babies."

"Hey, Mom," they said in unison.

"Imani? Little girl, why aren't you in bed?"

"Mommy, I missed hanging out with my brothers because of my studies."

"We'll make sure she gets to bed."

My son Ethan spoke as his little sister ran to sit on his lap. She has her brothers wrapped around her finger.

"Okay, one more hour."

She smiled, then ran over to me for a hug. "Thanks, Mommy."

"Enjoy the rest of your night, gentlemen."

"Good night," they said in unison.

Before I could walk down the hall, the screams of my daughter made me jump. I hurried back inside the great room.

"Imani, what's wrong?!"

She ran towards me while all four of her brothers were standing. Their eyes were void, and they were completely still like statues.

"What is happening?"


The queen kept her distance from what she was seeing. Ethan, Ares, Gabriel, and Amadi were in a trance.

"Mommy, what's wrong with them?" Imani asked.

"I'm not sure, baby. Stay right here."

Euphoria walked towards Ethan, then touched his skin. She quickly pulled back her hand when it sizzled.

"Ahh! It's like touching a hot iron."

One by one, she examined them without touching. There was a subtle humming sound coming off their bodies.

Soon, pools of dark matter gathered around each one of their feet. Imani hugged her mother's waist in fear of what was happening to her brothers.

The matter turned to a gold puddle of waves underneath Amadi's feet. A portal of clouds formed a few feet away, and King Hasani walked through.

"It's happening," he said in awe.

Euphoria gave him a nod, then watched the dark matter underneath Ares' feet turn to crimson red. His eyes did the same.

A shadow figure floated into the room, causing Hasani to stand in front of Euphoria.

The same shadow split into two figures as the dark matter under Gabriel's feet turned a fire-orange color.

Nathan walked into the room, and Imani ran to him. He held her hand as his son, Ethan, was sucked into the dark matter underneath his feet.

"Ethan!" Imani called for him.

"It's okay, baby....he'll be back," Nathan said, hugging her.

Both shadow figures swirled around Euphoria, sending chills down her spine. One went to Gabriel while the other stayed in front of the Queen.

"I can still get you, Yannis. Back the fuck up and follow Victor," Nathan blocked the figure with his body.

The figure went to Ares. Both shadows followed Gabriel and Ares into the matter underneath.

"I'm so proud of you, son."

As King Hasani spoke, Amadi was the last to be pulled down too.

Euphoria knew what was happening to her sons but still felt weary with them being taken. Not knowing the process of their transitions kept her worry from fading away.

"I pray they aren't in pain."

Nathan looked at her. "They will be fine."

Hasani sat in the chair. Soon, Euphoria followed, taking a seat next to him.

Her husband went to take Imani to her room to ease her fear. She continued to ask questions about her brothers as Nathan carried her out of the great room.

There was a comfortable silence between them, while their thoughts replayed the events that just occurred. The flames flickered in the fireplace, giving random sounds of crackling.

"He's right. They're going to be fine." Euphoria sat back, breaking the silence in the room.

Hasani raised his hand. An hourglass appeared in front of them right before he spoke.

"And even if they're not... they have no choice but to endure."

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