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Hi readers! I'm excited to start this new journey with you all. Just so you know, this is a dark, male/male romance fan fiction of VegasPete with no relation to KP movie or novel besides character names. This fic contains dark sensitive themes. If dark, isn't for you, please consider reading something else. To my readers that already knows me, welcome back! To new readers, welcome to the dark side! Hopefully, this story won't disappoint! Happy reading!


Obsession. A deadly disease that manifests in one's own brain. A disease that if you're not careful can totally destroy you. It takes over every sensible judgment from one person and turns that person into nothing but a brainless waste of a human being. Something best to avoid before it totally consumes you. And if you can't avoid it, you take that obsession by the throat and consume it before it spirals out of control. And I plan to do exactly just that.

From the very moment I set my eyes on him, I knew I had to have him. For a month now, this man unknowingly captured my attention, seducing me with his white ivory skin. Enchanting me with his voice of a siren, his laugh of an angel. Creating a hunger inside of me so foreign that it irritated the hell out of me. An unholy distraction. I just knew, I had to have him. If even once, he will be mine. And then, I will destroy him.

Unfortunately for him, he caught the attention of mine. They call me the devil. In this lawless world of mine, the devil is king. And whatever the king wants, the king gets. And I want him.

I don't know when this stranger wandered into uncharted territory. In fact, it's not uncommon at all for city dwellers to pass through and stay for months on end, most of whom volunteer as health professionals, teachers, and or construction workers in these rural, mountainous parts of the country to the few small tribal communities here. What they don't know is that all these uncharted lands are mafia infested territories. Specifically, mine.

These mountainous terrains are one of many routes my operation use for transportation to avoid legal eyes. For the most part, I leave the tribal people and their ongoing guests alone. The tribal people are very aware of my operation taking place in their backyard but knows damn well to not get involve and stay away. Incidents rarely ever happens and I like it that way. But that may very well change soon with his arrival.

These transport operations are usually left under the care of my henchmen but every now and again, I make an appearance to make sure everything is operating smoothly. One month ago, I took the trip up here, I haven't left since.

When I first saw him from afar, I didn't pay much attention to him. That is, until I heard his laughter as he kicks a ball around with the tribal kids. The sound of his laugh is what I imagine heaven's hymn would be. It made my heart pound wildly with blood quickly rushing through my veins creating a euphoric sense of feeling. It was like I was injected with my own personal serotonin made just for me. Then I got closer and got a real good look at him. He was damn beautiful and my dick hardened. I knew then and there that I was going to have him.

And today is the day. I studied his routine for a month now and know exactly when and where I'm going to take him. It's the early morning hours and I've been lying in wait with my right-hand man, Arm. Any second now, he's going to walk out of his little cabin with a cup of coffee and take his morning stroll along the riverbank.

My excitement ascends although I don't show it on my face as he exits his cabin exactly like how he's done every morning since I've seen him and take the few steps down. The sun was barely peeking through the horizon and no one is up yet, only him.

I watch as he makes his way down the riverbank closer to me where I lie and wait. I watch as he takes small sips of his hot coffee and admire the slowly flowing water that mirrors the hues of the horizon. I watch as his still pajama clothe body sway with every step he takes. Right when he makes it to the waterfall, I emerge from my hiding spot.

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