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Hi readers, first sorry I just finished this chapter and didn't do any editing because I wanted to quickly share haha. I will edit it tomorrow again so if you get "new update" from me it's just this chapter being edited. 

This chapter is on the shorter side compared to last chapter but I still had trouble writing it these last two days because I couldn't decide whether to have Pete leave or stay. Depending on the option, events in the story would have changed so I hope I picked the right route but we will see. But anything major that was planned for this story will still be included, somehow into the story. And sorry but major dick wad Vegas will be reentering the story. Anyways, happy reading!



I tighten my fist to stop it from shaking in my lap as I'm sitting on the patio after lunch. Once again, I'm alone with a few bodyguards. One of them, the one closest to me, is the one who works for Kim.

Like yesterday, this morning Vegas was called away. I still remember the moment clear as the sky. How I wish it would thunderstorm right now and flood the roads so I have an excuse to not go through what I have decided. But no, since I've been here, God always worked against me.

This morning, I woke up before Vegas. Like usual, I found myself bundled in his warmth with our legs entangled. Our naked bodies molded together perfectly like it was custom made for each other. And if I do have to say so myself, I like this feeling. I like it a lot. But unlike other mornings, there was a void feeling in my chest as I stared at his sleeping form. Maybe because I knew our time together was finally coming to an end. I was finally going to escape this hell. But for what, only to crawl into purgatory.

I had thought about telling Vegas what happened but decided against it. To save my brother, to save Vegas, my parents, everyone I hold dear, it's best I just go and get this over with. I smile a little to myself. I just grouped Vegas with the people I love and care about the most in this world. This devil of a bastard really grew on me, huh?

One would think me crazy for feeling this way but... I do have feelings for him. Whether it's unhealthy Stockholm syndrome or my own insanity, he somehow found a little corner in my heart and claimed it as his.

I pulled a hand from under the blanket and slowly traced his face features. His jawline up to his forehead, then his eyes and nose and finally, his plump lips. I wanted to remember all of it. Suddenly, Vegas opened his mouth and gently bit my fingers before running his tongue all over it. A shiver ran down my back and I exhaled a slow breath. Vegas slowly opened his eyes to meet mine. I removed my finger from his mouth but he grabbed my wrist and held my hand there. He gave the tip of my fingers a few kisses before letting my hand go.

"Hi..." I breathed.

"Hi..." Vegas returned.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you're crying." Vegas answered. He removed his own hand from under the blanket and cupped my cheek, wiping my tear I wasn't aware of away.

"Oh..." I cleared my throat and moved to rub my eyes. "Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me."


I quickly wiped the rest of my tears away and smiled at Vegas. "Sorry, I was lost in thoughts..."

"Thoughts of?..."

"Umm, my brother."

Vegas sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I'll get him back. I promise."

"Promise to protect him just as you do me?" I look up at him.

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