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Hi readers, as those that follows me on Twitter already know, I've been extremely busy with my Blue's bday. I finally found the time to write this today so enjoy and happy reading!



The floor was hard, cold and utterly uncomfortable, but it beats the feeling of pain in my chest when I stared at the bed and Vegas. Now that everything is somewhat finally over and we're back here where we started again, the feelings of lost, love, pain and regret returns tenfold. Here is how I got my ankle injury. Here is where he had his way with me in a drunken state. But that doesn't even hurt me as much as him, completely giving up on me. Here is where he abandoned me. The moment he found out who I really was, he called Kim and abandoned me.

I pull my knees to my chest and hug myself while biting back the memories and tears. Everything has just been too much. And to think I so stupidly allowed my brother to go back to that other monster and to suffer what I'm sure will be a similar fate to mine, what does that make me? A monster too?

But Chay was very clear when we were talking in the car. He said he can't stand to lose his father nor did he want Kim dead. Even if Kim is a monster. Just from the look in his eyes, I knew he and Kim were Vegas and I. The decision was his alone to make. And he chose Kim. But not before saying he'll make sure the "asshole" doesn't get the South.

I sigh heavily. Why wasn't I born with Chay's confidence and boldness. Why can't I decide what I really want? Because, Chay isn't the same blood as me.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a warm chest pressed against my back and then a strong arm encircling me. I can feel my heart start racing and the goosebumps already spreading, even if I wish to be stronger.

"You're mad at me..." Vegas whisper from behind me, his breath tickling the back of my neck.

"No." I whisper back.

"Then... you're hurt because of me." He says as I try to control my breathing.

When I don't reply, he hugs me tighter and pulls me towards him.

"I'm sorry, Pete. I'm so sorry." Vegas whispers and my breath hitches. "I'm so sorry for hurting you, everything I did to you. I know it's late now but I'm still so fucking sorry."

I let his words sink in as I shut my eyes tightly.

"Vegas..." I open my eyes again.


"I'm tire." I whisper.

"Okay love, go to sleep." Vegas says still holding me.

I stare silently at the wall, my mind and heart playing a battle of their own against each other.

"Pete..." Vegas calls out to me again after a moment of silence but I don't reply.

"I love you, Pete." He breathes and set his chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry but I love you."

I let out a shaky breath, closing my eyes and letting the tears fall.


I must have been really exhausted from the events. Once I fell asleep, even an earthquake wouldn't have woken me. Which probably explains why I didn't wake when Vegas moved me onto the bed. I woke up on the bed with a blanket covering me and with Vegas gone.

I remove the blanket and sit up to stretch my aching limbs. My eyes land on my ankle and my head tilts a little in confusion. My ankle was wrapped with a white clothe. I turn and scan the little cabin for Vegas but he isn't inside. I get up and limp over to the small round table feeling the pain more today, probably due to all the running, and grab the bottle of water I see there and start drinking it. After I have my fill, I make for the door.

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