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Hi readers, welcome back to another chapter. I just wanted to remind everyone that this is a dark romance novel and not just angst like Broken Hate. The Vegas here is a Mafia boss so his personality is one of a cruel boss so yeah...happy reading! lol also I didn't edit much at all so forgive me. 



I lick my lips tasting the metallic on my tongue. The feral kitty may be small but his bite was painful. I thought my tongue was going to fall off from his sharp fang. I use my thumb to wipe the blood from my chin staring at the crimson color. It's been a while since someone made me bleed. And the last person who made me bled is dead. My gaze falls on Pete who is still on the floor. He flinched back at my cold stare.

I put up a hand indicating for my men to back off without saying a word. They put their guns down and back away. I get up from the chair keeping my gaze on Pete.

"I didn't mean to!" Pete shouts scooting away slowly as I step closer. I believe him. He was too into that kiss to suddenly rebel like that. A kiss that still lingers on my lips. It was probably just a reflex reaction to me touching his dick. But whatever the reason, the little feline must be taught a lesson so he learns to never rebel or do anything displeasing against me.

Before Pete can back away any further, I catch up to him. I bend down and grab him by the hair, pulling his head back harshly. He cries out in pain as his hands grip my wrist trying to pry my grasp on him away.

"Since you don't want to eat, then you can starve. And since you like playing rough, I'll do the same." With these words I start dragging him by the hair out of the dining room.

"Let me go! It hurts!" Pete screams clawing at my arms. He struggles against me but that only made me drag him harder.

"You're only going to hurt yourself more fighting." I warned him. I'm no nice guy and I've told him that. Being nice gets you nowhere in life.

"Vegas! It was an honest mistake!" he cries out, calling my name for the first time. I never told him my name and realized that those two bodyguards had shouted it. I stop moving and look down at Pete. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Please let me go... I'm sorry." His tears slip his eyes as he begs me.

I bend down to Pete gripping his chin with my other hand and smirk in his face. "Tears don't work on me. If you want me to forgive you, you can start by sucking my dick."

Pete gasps, his hands on my arm loosening. "Bastard..."

I laugh loudly and get back up. Then I immediately cut my laughter and start dragging him again emitting another painful cry from his throat. He will learn eventually. And if he doesn't, I'll fuck him anyways then dispose of him.

I drag Pete until we get to a little storage room. Opening the door, I shove him in there, finally letting him go. Although he was surrounded by nothing but darkness, he seemed relieve with the pressure gone from his head. He looks up at me with his teary eyes, both hatred and fear burning in his brown eyes.

"You can stay in here until you learn to obey." With those final words, I shut the door shut locking it behind me.

"You." I call to a bodyguard nearby.

"Yes sir?" he says running to me.

"Watch this door. Give him one cup of water a day only and a bucket to use. If he escapes, your head is going on a stick." I instructed.

"Understood sir." He moves to stand by the door. I walked away not saying another word.


"Boss. The East Gang is making a move." Arm informs me as we sit in a meeting with some of the closest men who works with me. "The leader in the South is dying and have no heir. War is going to break out soon for territorial rights. We must make a move soon, before the East Gang takes over."

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