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I sit on the edge of the bed as Pete stands before me, his little body shaking slightly. He had a terrified look on his face and although he doesn't voice it, his eyes plead me to stop this. But I won't stop. I've waited too long and have been patient enough with him. Especially now that I have other important matters to attend to. I am getting marry after all.

Pete grabs the hem of the shirt I had prepared for him before his arrival. I actually had a lot of clothing purchased for him not knowing how long I was going to keep him. But now, it doesn't seem like I'll be keeping him long at all. By the end of the week, I plan to return to the city. And depending on how Pete pleases me these next few days, will decide if he gets to live and return home or if his body gets buried in these mountains.

Pete takes a gulp and slowly start to pull the shirt up revealing a little of his flawless creamy skin inch by inch. His skin should be marked with my teeth including his nipples. I lick my lips just seeing those little buds perking and can feel my dick swelling, growing to its full length. I wasn't lying when I said I cum earlier. I watched him shower and stroked myself until my load coated the monitor. Everything about this man is just that sensual.

When the shirt is completely off Pete, he puts it in front of him trying to cover himself up.

"Come here..." I say.

Pete takes small timid steps towards me and stop a foot away from me. I reach out and grab his wrist, pulling him between my legs and making him gasp. I grab the shirt and rip it from his fingers before tossing it aside.

"Don't be shy. I've already seen all of you." I tell him. I run my hands up his torso stopping at his nipple. With my fingers, I pinch his nipples just hard enough to elicit a small cry from him. His body also shiver beneath my touch which pleased me very much. Pete may be an innocent, but his body is sensitive to the touch.

My hands fall to the button on his pants and I undo it including the zipper too. I let the pants fall down to his ankle. He was left with nothing but a boxer on now. I look up to Pete who had his eyes shut tightly and his teeth sink into his bottom lips. He breathes heavily with his hands fisted at his side. I smile and grab his dick in my palm. He hisses but he keeps his eyes shut. His dick is still flaccid but I'll change that very soon. I'll have him screaming my name soon enough.

I hook my fingers into his boxer and also let it fall to his ankle. Pete's beautiful cock stared me in the face already semi hard just from my little touch.

"Ever got your dick suck Pete?" I asked even though I know he probably never did. I don't wait for an answer and instead I bend down and wrap my hands around his buttocks and swallow him whole.

I hear Pete let out a little grunt and his body stiffen with my hold. I ignore him and wrap my tongue around his slowly growing dick in my mouth. I suck long and hard pushing his length deeper and deeper down my throat until his full hard length is extended and all the way in my mouth. Then I start sliding my lips up and down his cock.

I look up just as a moan escapes his lips. He quickly slaps a hand over his mouth to keep from moaning and that made me chuckle inside. Let's see how long you can keep that voice hidden angel.

I continue to suck his dick digging my fingers into his ass cheeks. I make sure to leave my prints behind as I roll my tongue around his dick. I knew Pete was close when he could no longer hold his moans and heavy panting. His voice caresses my ears and sent a thrilling sensation down my groin. He digs his fingers into my shoulder and throw his head back crying out. I feel the first spurt of his cum hitting the back of my throat. His essence was salty and sweet and I swallow it all.

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