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Hi readers, this is a shorter chapter but prepare yourselves lol. Anyways, happy reading!



I hold Pete's naked body close to me as he sleeps. The little angel is tired and out of energy after fighting me and screaming my name all night long. He's a daring little one. Not fearing death anymore that's for sure after the fight he put up. The scratches and bites on me are proof of his feistiness. But instead of being angry with him, I found him entertaining and exhilarating. And above all, fucking sexy as hell.

He fought for a little bit but once I got my dick inside him, he was moaning and screaming my name like a dog in heat. It was music to my ears. I silently chuckle to myself.

Everything about him draws me in. His voice, his looks, his body, his attitude, everything. And damn it all if I didn't want to keep him longer. The thought of keeping him and bringing him back to the city with me entices me. Even if I get married, I can keep him too if I so choose. It's not like I'm getting married out of love or anything. It will be a business transaction and just that.

Pete mumbles into my chest and wraps his arm around my body. Automatically, I hug him tighter and pull the blanket over his shoulder. Fuck... I curse myself as I realize what I did. What is it about him? Why is he different from anyone else I fucked? But deep down I know I'm obsessed with him. I've been obsessed since I've laid eyes on him. And now that I've tasted his body, I'm even more so addicted to him. Just leaving him alone all day after fucking him was hard to do. All I thought about is him, moaning and shaking beneath me.

I move his hair out of his face and stroke his cheek. "No. I won't kill you just yet."

But he will probably wish he was dead if he finds out I want to keep him longer. I couldn't help but smile thinking of him fighting me every time I want to ravage him. He can fight me all he wants so long as he's screaming my name after.


In the early morning hours, I wake up to Pete still sleeping on me in the same exact position. I move to touch him but a knock comes at the door halting my hand. Pete shifts in his sleep but doesn't wake. I move him off me and place the blanket over him to cover his body. Putting on my pants I make for the door.

"What is it?" I say as soon as I open the door and Arm is there.

"Sorry to bother you so early boss, but..." He looks at the wounds on my chest Pete left behind then over my shoulder to Pete. "The village chief is here. He says that..."

I hold up my hand stopping him. If Pete is awake, I don't want him to hear. I walk out of the room and he follows me to my own room. He waits until I put on a new shirt before continuing.

"The chief said his father came by and is looking for him. He doesn't know what to do anymore. Or what to say to fend him off." Arm finishes.

"I'll go talk to him." I say already leaving the room.

I make my way down to the foyer where the chief stands nervously. When he sees me coming, he bows and stands up straighter.

"Tell me." I command.

"Uh... Yesterday, Nong Pete's father came to the village and said their family can't contact him for a while now. He came to check on his son's wellbeing but Nong wasn't there. His father is demanding answers and searching around town for him. I told him, Pete has moved on to a different village but he doesn't believe me saying that he talked to his son only a week ago and his son was still here in our village. He threatens to bring the cop to search." The village head explained.

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