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Hi readers! It's been a long time and omg how I missed writing and you all and your witty comments too! Broken Hate (yes if you haven't heard already, it's published now and available for purchase) and Biu had kept me busy, busy but now I'm back! While writing this chapter, I realized how much I enjoy and missed writing so I hope you do enjoy this chapter. Happy reading!


"What the hell are you spewing?" Vegas ground, sounding almost upset.

What the hell am I saying? Am I already ready to give up on life? To give my life to this person who cares nothing at all about me? No. But everything from the time I met Vegas until now has been nothing but chaos, confusion and pain. And immense pleasure. I quickly shake the thought away and instead, look at Vegas who still stared at me with his intense brown eyes.

"I mean..." I suck in a lung full of air. "I mean, there won't be anything left of me anyways, right? After you use and abuse my body like I'm nothing but a lifeless doll. It's best to just get rid of me rather than pass this broken doll to someone else once you're done."

Vegas's eyes slants and the veins in his forehead seems ready to burst. "What did you and Arthee talked about?"



"Why does it even matter? I'm good as dead anyways whether I stay here with you or out there, seeing that everyone wants a piece of me!" I snapped.

"Why does it even matter..." I breathe, in a lower tone.

Surprisingly, Vegas gently caresses my cheeks. "No one is allowed to have you. Only me. You belong to me."

"And what happens when you no longer need me?" I ask even though I already know the answer. He'll toss me like trash.

Vegas's hand falls to my neck and he thumbs my pulsing vein. He gives my neck a light squeeze, making me close my eyes.

When I open my eyes again, he responds. "Then I'll kill you. Just like you want."

I nod my head lightly and he lets me go. "Tomorrow... we sign the paper works."

After saying that, Vegas gets off the bed and walks out of the room, leaving me alone.


In the morning after breakfast, I'm visited by Cindy. She brings in a black tux and sets it on the bed.

"The marriage officiant will be here in an hour. Khun Vegas wants you dressed and ready by then." She informs me.

"This is really happening, huh?" I asked without really asking.

Cindy sighs and walks up to me. "Pete, I don't know the full story of what's going on but words travel around fast. If half of the things I've heard is true and you're going to marry anyways, then it's best that it's Vegas."

"How can you say that Cindy? After everything he's done to you too."

"He saved me." She replies.

"He also had someone beat you with a belt." I mumble.

"Khun Vegas is a strict person. And when he wants something done. He expects nothing but perfection and consequences are expected. But... for someone who dwells in the underworld, he's a saint."

I almost wanted to burst out laughing. Saint? If Vegas is a saint then I must be the holy Bible wrapped in rainbows and butterflies sent from God himself.

"I'm serious, Pete. You're better off with him." Cindy adds.

"That's what my father, my real father said too." I say, sighing. "He mentioned someone named Kim and that if he had to choose between the two, he would choose Vegas. Why Cindy? Who's this Kim?"

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