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Hello luves, sorry for the long wait. I didn't do much editing these next chapters so forgive me please. But these are longer chapters! Happy reading!



Just for this week, I'll enjoy him. I'll live out and rid of this obsession that's taken all my time this past month. Maybe if I had paid more attention to my men instead of him, that reckless attack wouldn't have happened. Yeah, I'll allow myself just this week to step outside my norm and indulge in whatever crazy hold he has over me. Then I'll take him home. All the way to Phuket.

I toss my cigarette over the balcony and return to my bedroom. My eyes naturally finds Pete who is still sleeping. After giving me an answer last night, he fell asleep in my arms once more. As much as I wanted to bury myself in him, I won't touch him yet. His body is no where close to being healed. And I'm sure it will take more than one weeks time, but I don't have a lot of time. Not anymore. I'll give him another day or two and then him, his body, his soul, all of him is mine.

Pete stirs on the bed with his face scrunching in pain as he comes to. I watch as his lids adorn with the longest lashes I've ever seen on a man, open. He sighs, sounding disappointed like he just realizes that he is still stuck in this hell of a world. Pete slowly pulls himself up against the headboard grunting a little. He slowly pushes the blanket aside and moves to the edge of the bed.

"Going somewhere?" I speak for the first time. Pete looks at me surprised, only realizing now that I was in the room.

"I need to use the bathroom." He says looking away.

I keep my gaze on him as I round the bed to where he is sitting. I grab his arm and put it around my neck as he looks at me confused. In one swift motion, I pick his little body up into my arms.

"Vegas!" Pete shouts but held into me tightly. "What are you doing?"

Instead of answering, I carry him into the bathroom and over to the toilet. I set him down, but kept my hold on him to make sure he is well balanced.

"I could have walked." Pete informs me with a little blush forming above his dimples. "You shot me in the chest, not leg."

"I'm well aware of where I shot you. And I know exactly what I'm doing." I grab Pete by his little waist gluing my body against his back. Bending down, I whisper into his ear. "I'm seducing you."

A slight shiver runs down Pete's spine and he releases a slow soft breath. I smile satisfied with his reaction. I love how his sensitive body reacts to me, my touches, even if he denies me with his mouth.

"Let go. I need to use the toilet." Pete put his hand over mine, but I dig my fingers into his waist holding tight. I trace my nose down his neck to his shoulder before planting a kiss there.

"I'll go have breakfast brought up." I say and finally release him. I needed to before I pounce on him. Healed or not, my dick was begging for his hole.

I return to the room with breakfast about ten minutes later. Pete was already in bed again, his back against the headboard. He looks at me as I approach, neither one of us saying a word. I set the tray on the nightstand beside the bed and sit down on the bed next to Pete. Grabbing the bowl of porridge Cindy made, I take a spoonful and blow on it before offering it to Pete. He looks up at me, wide eyed, confused and like I've sprouted horns on my head. The corner of my lips twitch and I nudge the spoon to his lips again.

I thought maybe Pete will say something, but instead he opens his mouth, closes his luscious lips over the spoon and accepts the food. My eyes naturally follow the movement of his natural red lips sliding off the spoon and I wished so badly it was my dick his lips were sliding off of. Fuck... I'm hard again. I don't know if it's me trying to seduce Pete or is he seducing me.

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