Twenty Two

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A day has gone by since I've called my parents and since notifying Vegas. A day closer to me going home. I'm happy and excited but at the same time I keep thinking back to his kiss. That moment we shared. He kissed me softly and gently, like I was the most fragile thing in the world. He didn't use his tongue but just allowed his lips to linger on mine, moving ever so slowly. And then he pulled away, and without giving me a second look, he had walked out of his office leaving me alone.

I didn't see him for the rest of the day. Even at night I thought he wouldn't return. But some time in the middle of the night, he came back, smelling of alcohol but this time he didn't try to wake me even though I was awake. All he did was hug me from behind and bury his head into my back. I felt as his shoulder trembled but I feigned sleep.

Now he's gone again and I'm left in this house alone. Well not alone but with bodyguards , Cindy and Macau. During lunch, Cindy didn't missed the chance of bothering me.

"Pete are you sure this is what you really want? Pete can't you just stay a little longer, you just came back? Pete won't you miss me?" Cindy threw questions after questions to me.

I answered all her questions as neutrally as possible until she was somewhat satisfied even though my answers weren't what she was seeking. At the end, she just hopes I listen to my heart. She quickly leaves when Macau enters the dining room since she's still not comfortable with the fact that Kim, the one who was going to sell her off, is his brother.

Macau comes sit across from me and he doesn't look too good either. In fact, this is the first time I'm seeing him after that night of drinking. I guess he finally got hungry. I watch as the young men ate a few bites before setting his fork down and looking at me.

"Do you remember that other night?" Macau asks me.

"Bits and pieces." I replied.

"Did I... did I initiated it? With Tankhun?" He asks looking away.

"Do you want the truth?" I say and he nods. "Yes... I think you mistook him as Chay."

Macau sighs. "And no one thought to stop me?"

"We were all drunk Macau."

"I know which is why I can't blame anyone but myself."

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Just confused. I don't remember much but I do remember him. His body. I even dreamt about it. And it wasn't Chay in my dreams but him, Tankhun." Macau confesses, his cheeks turning a light pink.

"So you liked it?" I smile and try to joke with him. Hopefully it's not too soon.

"I guess... I didn't hate it. Surprised the next morning but, I don't hate it."

"Well that's good. What's done is done. We can only move forward." I comment.

"Yeah." He agrees. "It's just hard. I liked Chay for so long but never told him. Now I'll never get the chance to. And I entangled myself with the North gang even more."

"He knows. Chay knows how you feel. He appreciates your feelings but we can't control who our heart chooses to love. We should be happy that the ones we love are happy." Except I'm about to destroy Vegas's heart.

"Also, I'm sure Tankhun isn't thinking too deeply about what happened. And like you said, you're practically family with the North gang. You can't get any closer than that." I tell him.

"Except we won't be family anymore. I heard that you're leaving?" Macau looks at me and this time it's my turn to look away.

"Yes, I am." I admit to my heart's dismay.

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