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I watch through the screen monitor as Pete moves around the bedroom. Ever since I left the room, I came directly to my office and have been watching Pete since.

He cried for a little bit, his little body curled into a ball as it shook. Then when he finally recollected himself, he immediately started looking for escape routes. He first tried to open the windows that I already had nailed shut. When that didn't work, he made his way to the bathroom trying the same thing with the windows in there. Again, the windows failed to open.

Looking defeated, he makes his way back to the bed. Sitting on the edge, he clutches his belly with a slight grimace on his face. I didn't mean to hit him, but he moved too much and kicked me in the gut without realizing it. I am going to have to teach him, train him to be obedient if he doesn't want to get hurt again. I'd rather have him willing but if he doesn't obey then I'm not against taking him at will. I almost did.

The hunger I have for Pete still burns and seeing him on the bed earlier made me not think twice about taking him then and there. That is until he revealed his innocence. I didn't show it to him, but just that little information highly satisfied me and it's what saved his little behind earlier. I'll be the first to tear him apart and rip his innocence to shred. That is, if he isn't lying. Because if he is, I will really kill him. If there's something I hate most about this already tainted world, it's lies.

My gaze falls on Pete again as he starts moving from the bed once more. He starts opening drawers and going through the empty walk-in closet. I couldn't help the little entertaining chuckle that leaves my lips.

"You're not going to find anything angel." I whisper to myself.

I had planned to take him for a month now. The room, locked windows, the cameras, anything that can be used as a weapon or used to aid an escape had already been removed from the room. I mean, in this twisted world of mine, technically anything can be used as a weapon if one gets creative enough. But looking at that innocent, I doubt he has it in him to conjure up something like that. And if he was smart, he could easily use something to break those windows open. But even if he does, he will have no way of getting down from this tall two story home.

Pete looks frustrated, as he leaves the closet empty handed. His eyes scans his surrounding. He looks up past the camera before his gaze returns his eyes widening. He takes a step closer to the camera looking directly into the lens like he was staring directly at me. His mouth opens and a startle expression swept his face.

Pete quickly grabs the sheet off the bed and looks for something to step on. He push the single armchair in the room towards the camera and stands on it. I laugh as he tries to reach for the camera and cover it with the sheet. I know damn well he won't reach it with that armchair alone. The ceiling in this house is too high for that.

He attempts a few times and even try to toss the sheet over the camera but fails. Defeated he angrily looks up at the camera. I reach out to touch the monitor as if I'm touching him. I run my fingers down his face to his body. The things I'm going to do to you...

Again my dick hardens for this man I know nothing about but has my body screaming for his. Just the little taste I had earlier only confirms how much I wanted him and how delicious he tastes and smell.

"I'm going to ruin you." I say to the screen. Pete had since moved from the camera and hidden himself behind the bed on the floor. Only a part of his head poked out from where he sat.

A knock comes at the door before Arm walks in.

"The files you asked for sir." Arm says placing a folder on my desk.

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