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I'm spoiling yall again lol. But I'm in a writing mood lately. Happy reading!



Vegas looks at me like I just told the most ridiculous lie ever. But I'm not lying. I'm really not Arthee's son. He told me so himself that day when he visited Vegas's home.

"What are you saying Pete? Spout more nonsense and I'll really cut your tongue." Vegas grabs my chin to face him.

"I'm not lying, Vegas. I'm really not Arthee's son. Chay is." I repeat again.

Vegas stares into my eyes as if looking for any sign of deceit but he will find none. "So you're telling me, you lie to me this whole time. Made me believe that you were Arthee's son... Had me married you and all for what? For nothing!"

I flinch back at his words. All for nothing? Why did those words sting so much. I guess it was all for nothing. It's not like he really wanted me to begin with.

"I'm sorry..." I apologize.

Vegas exhale angrily. "Have you always known?"

"No... when you told me I was his son. I truly believed you. It wasn't until Arthee came to visit that I found out the truth when he wanted to speak with me alone. Arthee was just as shocked when he walked through those doors and saw me and not his real son, Chay. When you told him you had his son, he automatically assumed that it was Chay. But when he saw me, he quickly understood what was going on." I explain to Vegas.

"And so you two started scheming against me." Vegas says, his eyes burning a hole through me.

"No... not really. Arthee is a smart man and had been scheming for a very long time, since Chay was born. He gave Chay to my parents to take care of him and keep him safe. And to do so, he spread the word that his son was named Pete to his closest accomplices. To the rest of the world, he even went as far to tell them he had a daughter just to throw his enemies off. All so he can protect Chay, his real son. My parents owe him a debt of gratitude for saving my mother's life back then and willingly took Chay in and raised him as their own, as my younger brother and even allowed Arthee to borrow name. But I had absolutely no clue until Arthee told me that day. He told me that to protect Chay, I have to continue pretending to be his real son. Otherwise, whatever that was happening to me, would happen to Chay too. How can I let that happen? He's still the little brother I grew up with and I need protect him. And now he's in danger because I failed." I revealed everything I know to Vegas without lying. My tears return but I hold them back.

Vegas starts laughing and push himself off me. He runs a hand through his hair and continues to chuckle. "Damn, I was played like a fool. How loving of you to sacrifice yourself for your brother. I assume Kim has been tricked just like me?"

I nod my head in agreement. Otherwise, Kim wouldn't be trying to get to me. And I doubt Chay knows the truth either. He's only ever known my family. He must be so confused why someone would just kidnap him and turn his life inside out. I look at Vegas and he stands up and reach into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He calls a number and puts it to his ear.

"I sure hope this call goes through." As soon as he says that, it seems whoever he called picked up.

"Kimhan, you want Pete so bad? Meet me tomorrow and bring Chay." Vegas looks right at me before speaking again. "I'll trade you Pete for Chay."

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach as a searing pain tears through me. I can feel my hands behind me start to shake. I turn my head down to hide my tears and trembling lips. I shouldn't be feeling this way because I was going to do the same today anyways. But to hear Vegas so easily willing to give me away, hurts.

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