Twenty Five

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Hiiiii, this will be a much shorter chapter but I hope you all will still enjoy! Happy reading!



Fuck me. How the hell did I forget! I internally scream loudly as Vegas stares angrily at me.

"I'm sorry." I quickly say, nervously looking away. I continue to gnaw at my lips.

Vegas grabs my arm and pulls me to him. His breath caressing my ears. "I'll deal with you later."

My body shivers not because of fear but in excitement. How the devil had completely ruined me...

He lets me go and starts shouting orders. "Khun, bring Macau upstairs with us. This ends today. Arm, take Pete to our bedroom. Stay with him and protect him at all cost."

"Yes boss." Arm moves towards me as Khun is already unlocking the end of the chain attached to a pole. I still shudder at the thought of what I witnessed but that's a battle for another day. Now I must clean up this mess I created.

Well technically, I did intend to have Chay tell Kim so they can come here and get Macau but after talking some sense into Vegas, it seems he was beginning to believe us and would have let Macau go peacefully. But now with Kim here, they might just try to kill each other. The last time we saw Kim, Vegas did also shoot him in the back. This is why they say communication is key in any relationship. I internally smack myself.

Arm reaches for me but I jump out of the way. "Absolutely not!"

Vegas eyes me angrily at my defiance but I don't care. No way am I letting him walk into danger alone after just getting shot. Even if he didn't, I still wouldn't let him.

"I'm coming with you and that's final. If you try to lock me up there, I'll jump off the balcony if I have too." I threaten. And I'm being completely serious. I'll knock Arm on his ass and then jump the balcony if I have to.

Vegas's jaws tightened and he looks ready to kill me but nods once. "Stay next to me at all times."

"Promise." I raise a hand.

"Arm, gun." Arm hands Vegas a gun and my eyes widen but I know better than to keep pushing Vegas's buttons. No, I have to save that for when we get out there and I stop them from killing each other.

Arm leads us upstairs with him in front, Vegas behind him and I beside him holding his arm and Tankhun and Macau following us. Once we make it back to the main floor, already we can hear the commotion coming from outside the house. At least I haven't heard any guns.

We stop in front of the house and just outside the gate are a few cars lined up with the car in the front honking its horn nonstop.

"Arm have some people check the perimeter to see if anyone is hiding. Have backup been called?" Vegas speaks though his gaze is towards the gate.

"Yes sir." Arm replies.

"Very well. Let them in."

Arm gives orders into a radio and immediately the front gate opens. My heart rate starts to increase as the four cars slowly approach. Vegas doesn't say anything but he moves forward, putting his body in front of mine, shielding me from any possible threat. This bastard. If he thinks to take another bullet for me, I'll kill him myself.

The first car stops in front of us and slowly the side door slides open. Kim hops out with an angry scowl on his face, follow by Chay. I smile in relief. If Chay is here too then definitely nothing will happen. I step out from behind Vegas and Chay's face lights up upon seeing me.

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