Twenty Three

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"Khun Pete, we must get out of here now! There could be more shooters hiding." Arm drops down next to me.

"We... we... we need to go to a hospital!" I cry desperately. There's so much blood. All Vegas's blood.

"Put boss on my back! Now!" Arm shouts turning his back to me.

I go into autopilot as my arms hoist an unconscious and bleeding Vegas onto Arm's back. I can hear one of the other bodyguards shouting for everyone to go inside but my focus is on Vegas only. There's a bullet hole through his back on the side of his heart. A choke cry leaves my throat. He can't die. He can't. Why the hell did you do that?!

"Press down on his wound to stop the bleeding!" Arm orders and I do as he says. Vegas's shirt is soaked with both blood and the rain pouring now.

I keep my hands on Vegas's back as we start moving and making it through the forest. One bodyguard is in front of us and two are behind us. Please be okay, Vegas. You must be okay.

As we make it to the car, my body shakes uncontrollably from crying and fear of losing Vegas. The bodyguard before us opens Vegas's car door and Arm puts Vegas in the backseat. I follow behind him and continue to put pressure on his wound as Arm gets into the driver's seat. We speed back up the mountain.

"Arm! We need to go to a hospital!" I shout noticing he's only taking us back home.

"We can't." Arm replies already taking out his phone.

What does he mean we can't? Vegas needs a doctor!

"Doctor. Meet us back at Vegas's home. It's serious, a gunshot wound and lots of blood loss." Arm says into the phone and then hangs up.

"Arm! He needs a hospital not some random doctor!" I cried again.

"This is the best doctor around." Arm says keeping his calm as I'm about to have a heart attack.

"He better be... if Vegas dies, I'm having his and your head." I seethe through tears.

We make it back home in record time. I help Arm get Vegas out of the car as everyone starts surrounding us from all the commotion we are creating.

"Nobody in or out of the property except the doctor when he arrives!" Arm shouts.

I catch a glimpse of Cindy who looks petrified. As we make it to the second floor, Macau exits his bedroom.

"What the hell happened?" He asks in shock.

I let Vegas go long enough to grab Macau's collar with my bloody hands. "I swear if this is you or your brother's doing, family or not, I'm killing you both with my own hands."

I shove him away and follow Arm into Vegas and my room. Arm lays Vegas on the bed before flipping him over so his back is exposed. He takes Vegas's shirt in his grip and rips the cloth off him. I gasp and try to control the cry threatening to leave my throat. The bullet wound is a nasty one.

Just then, the doctor comes bursting through the door with a medical bag.

"Out." He commands.

"Let's go Pete." Arm says and I can feel his hand on my shoulder.

As much as I don't want to leave him, I know I must.

"Please save my husband's life. You must. I love him." I say as a tear slip my eyes. I take one last look at Vegas before turning around and heading out the door.


I wait outside the bedroom door for who knows how long. Every minute seems like an excruciating long hour but I'm not going anywhere. Arm disappeared for random moments before returning again and again. I didn't have the heart to ask or speak with anyone in general. My mind was too busy praying to God to save Vegas's life.

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