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Hi readers, every now and then I feel like I put out a chapter I'm not too proud of or that it's a filler. I'll call this chapter one of those. I hope you still enjoy! Sorry for lack of editing since I'm so busy lately. Happy reading!


Marry him?

Is the bastard completely insane? What the hell is he playing at? He promised to let me go. He even took me all the way here. And all for what? To fucking tease me and make a mockery out of me? Now I can't leave and he's asking me to marry him?

"Let me go Vegas. You promised me. You said if I do what you wanted, you will let me go. Now let me go." I say looking up at him trying to hold my anger in. I know my strength is nothing against him even if I wasn't injured. So I can only beg him with my eyes praying that he's fooling me and will set me free any second now.

"Things have changed. Now I need you to stay. So be a good little boy and don't resist. You will only hurt yourself more." He said as if this all is nothing but a game.

"You liar..." My voice cracks and I quickly look away trying to hold my emotions in. He played me like a fool. He used my body and my naivety and lied to me. And like a damn fool, I fell for it.

"Look at me Pete." Vegas released his hold on my arm only to grab my chin and turn me to him. My chin trembles in his grip and he lightens his hold on me.

"I didn't lie to you. I really did intend to let you go. Do you think I will waste my time to come all the way here just to tease you? Something really did come up that requires me to keep you. In fact, you should be glad it's me who found you first. If it was that bastard Kim, just one day with him and you would be crawling on your knees begging me to take you back." Vegas said in all seriousness.

"I hope that bastard Kim comes find me and take me away from you." I breathe angrily. Vegas's jaws tighten as a scowl crosses his features. I don't know who this Kim is, but its apparent Vegas didn't like what I just said one single bit. But I don't care anymore. Let him be mad and maybe he'll fucking rid me then, because I'm never believing a single damn word he says again.

Before Vegas can act, the front car door opens with Arm's return. Vegas's hold on me loosens and I don't waste another second. I push against him as hard as I can with whatever strength I have, not caring for my injury or the pain that radiated through me.

Vegas falls back and I dart away from him grabbing the door handle. Before I can open it, I'm yanked back harshly hitting his strong chest behind me. I throw my head back and head butt him right in the face. He growls in pain but held on to me with his arms wrapping around me tightly. I also grunt in pain as I feel the wound on my chest stretching, yet I still fight with adrenaline pumping through me.

I continue to jump around in the seat trying to get away from him.

"Stop it right now Pete!" Vegas roars loudly behind me.

"No! Fuck you!" I cursed at him. Something I hardly ever do since I'm a teacher and try to never use such vulgar languages.

Vegas throws his body back along with me so I'm pretty much lying on top of him. He wraps all four limbs around me to hold me still.

"Fucking enough!" He shouts angrily.

"Let me go! I fucking hate you!" I yelled but couldn't move. "I fucking hate you..."

My strength quickly diminishes as I slump back against Vegas. I couldn't contain my emotions anymore and a cry breaks out as my tears fall.

"You liar... I hate you so much." I cry as my body shakes in his iron clad hold.

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