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Surprise! Finished it faster than I thought lol. But I didn't edit because I'm excited to share and get your reactions, so please leave your thoughts behind hahaha. Happy reading!



I groan as I come to, my head feeling heavy. What the hell happened? I try to stretch my numb arms but realize it's still tied behind me. Fuck.

Memories from yesterday begins to replay in my head. That's right, I'm no longer with Vegas. I'm at Kim's now. But how come I don't remember falling asleep? Pol gave me dinner and then I...

Instantly, I open my eyes and lurch up from the mattress. I look down and scan my body as I move around to see if I can feel any type of pain back there. Nothing...

I sigh in relief. All my clothes are still intact and my body seems to be in good condition besides the throb in my ankle. Why the hell drug me then?

"You're awake! Good morning!"

I jump a little shock and snap my head towards the voice at the door and see Pol standing there smiling down at me. Immediately, I give him an evil frown but it doesn't seem to phase him as he keeps smiling.

"Would you like to use the bathroom? And some breakfast?" He asks.

"Bathroom." I grunt.

"Got it." Pol comes over and unties my hands and then points to one of the two doors in the room. "Right through there."

I get up and stretch my sore body before slowly making my way to the door all the while Pol doesn't take his eyes off me. Creep.

I enter the bathroom and lock the door behind me before looking around. It was an ordinary bathroom with all the necessities. Everything but a window. Not that I'm planning to escape or something, yet. I'm well aware in my state I won't get far.

I quickly do my business and exit the bathroom. I wanted to badly shower and wash away the memories of the cabin. I've yet to clean myself since I haven't had a chance, but I also don't have any clothes here to do so.

Pol is still standing by the door eyeing me as I exit the bathroom. I say nothing and return to the mattress on the ground. I puff as I turn my back to him, placing my arms behind me. This isn't my first rodeo anymore.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Pol ask instead of tying me up.

I turn to face him. "From you. No."

He chuckles a little while scratching his head. "Sorry about last night. But it was necessary. Couldn't risk you running in the middle of the night."

"I'm not going anywhere so you don't need to drug me." I bite back. He laughs and scratch his head again.

"I'll just go get you breakfast now. And I promise, no drugs this time." He hurries out the room and I hear the door lock before his footsteps disappearing.

He didn't tie me up again but I'm not about to complain. I get back up on my feet and wobble my way to the window. I know I'm probably on the first floor since I don't remember climbing or going down any stairs yesterday. Confident of them to leave me on the first floor. I make it to the window and peer out and I was right, the ground is just a few feet below. But there are also two men standing on each side of the window. That's why they're so confident.

I move back and close the shade so they can't peer in. I start looking around the room for anything I can use as a weapon later. I hit the jackpot when I rummage through the desk and find a pair of scissors. I smile victoriously and quickly make my way back to the mattress and hide the scissors beneath it by my head. Just then, Pol returns with a tray.

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