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I must be really into my own story because I just can't stop writing haha. I love yall! Dont mind the lack of editing. Happy reading!



I stare hard at the door, watching and waiting for that man to come back out. A minute after Kim leaves, the closet door opens and he tiptoes out.

"Phew... for a second there I thought you were going to rat me out." He chuckles.

"I still can if you don't hurry and tell me what's going on." I say, gripping the scissor in my hand behind my back.

"Yeah about that. I'm Macau, Kim's younger brother. He's a little angry with me right now but he will get over it soon enough. What about you? Who are you, and why are you in my room dressed in my clothing?" Macau asks walking to the window, quickly peeking out then going over to his desk to sit on the chair. He turns towards me, waiting for an answer.

"Uhhh... I'm...." I didn't know what to say. Tell him his psycho brother kidnapped me? Will he even care or help? Or is he a part of all this? It would make more sense if he's a part of all this since he is Kim's brother.

"There you go with the uhhs again." He shows a boyish grin. "You said your name is Pete right? Funny I know a guy name Pete. Well I don't really know him but he's my best friend's Phi."

"Your best friend?" I glare at him as he smiles.

"Yeah, Chay. He has a older brother name Pete. We go to college together." Macau continues.

"Chay is your best friend?" I almost shout.

Macau's smile slowly disappears. "Wait don't tell me, your that Pete? Really? You're Chay's brother? What are you doing here at my house?"

This young man goes to college with Chay and they are best friends? Of all people in the world, those two becomes acquainted? Does Chay know his brother is Kim? What the hell is going on here? I'm drowning myself in questions then a thought hits me.

"You say you go to college with Chay right? That means you live on campus? Does that mean you know what your brother's been doing? Or anything he does actually?" I ask him, hoping he's nothing like his brother.

"Well, yes to all your questions? Chay and I are pretty close, we talk about everything. Even our family matters. And yes, I've been away but I know very well the kind of business my family is involved in." Macau confirms but reveals nothing more of the matter about family.

"Then you know he kidnapped Chay." I finished.

"Wait what!" This time his voice raises and he jumps out of his chair but quickly covers his mouth and sits back down. "What do you mean? Where's Chay?"

I sigh. "I guess you didn't know."

"I... I just left college unannounced because Chay went missing and he wasn't returning any of my calls and texts. By the way which is why Phi Kim is upset with me, and I kind of lighted up some fireworks for distraction so I can climb into my room, but I missed and lit up his favorite car instead. So now I'm hiding but... what my brother kidnapped Chay? For what? I was going to ask Phi Kim to help me find Chay with his people."

So that was what the banging sounds were. Not gunshots or anything. I study Macau's expression for awhile. He seems genuinely concern for Chay's well being and he doesn't seem to know what his brother has done.

"So where is he? And why are you here?" Macau asks again. When I don't reply, he speaks again. "I'll go confront my brother instead. How dare he kidnap my friend."

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