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It's one of those Chapter where not much will happen. But maybe I always feel this way when VP are seperated (our poor hearts lol). Anyways, happy reading!



As soon as I get into one of the cars, I'm blindfolded and my hands are bound behind me. Just as I thought. This bastard is no different from Vegas. But unlike the time when Vegas first kidnapped me, I'm no longer scared or weak. Well... maybe still scare because I have no fucking clue who this person is. And according to everyone in that household, Kim is worst than the devil himself. But thinking about my brother's condition, aside from being tied and gagged, he didn't seem to have any visible mark on him. But who knows, if Kim's anything like Vegas, Chay might have been.... I exhale a slow breath. I don't even want to think about what could have been done to him.

"Already regretting your decision?" Kim says from somewhere next to me. I feel his breathe close and then his cold hand on me. Immediately I toss myself back against the door and lift up my legs to separate me from him.

"Don't even think about touching me." I growl through my teeth. My voice sounded pretty tough and I'm glad it did, because like I said, there is still definitely fear boiling inside me.

A part of me still wish Vegas will come bursting through these car doors and take me back. But no, I saw that last look on his face. I made my final decision and hurt him. But for now, this is my only option if I want to get my brother as far away as possible from Kim and to keep a war from breaking out. To keep Vegas from getting hurt. I only hope Vegas will still keep his promise after my rejection. He has too if he wants the South. And to really seal my fate, I hear the car starting and then moving.

I hear Kim chuckle beside me before I feel his hand on both of my ankles. He grabs both and pulls me towards him. I howl in pain from the pressure he's putting on my injure ankle but bite the pain back and start kicking my legs to try and hit him. Instead of trying to struggle with my legs, I feel Kim get on top of me and shove me back against the door, pinning me down.

"Well aren't you a wild one. Just like your little brother. This should be fun." He breathes down my face.

I stop struggling and although I can't see him, I turn my head up to where his breath is coming from. "What have you done to Chay?"

"Oh you know..." I feel his fingers trace along my neck. "Exactly what Vegas has been doing to you."

I felt repulse inside but I don't show it. Instead I smirk. "Then that must mean you've fallen for him."

Kim doesn't reply but his breathing seems to slow as he goes silent. I can only imagine his face right now. I was only taking a wild guess but it seems I may have struck a nerve.

I chuckle, "So it's true..."

Kim finally finds his voice. "What makes you think so? Did Vegas fall for you? I doubt it since he so easily gave you up."

Damn the fucker. He struck a nerve with me but unlike him, I'm not going to let it show. "Well it's either that, or my little brother kicked you ass."

"Hmm. I was wrong. You and Chay are nothing alike. At least he was nice to look at. You... look nothing more than a used whore." Kim says.

"Yeah, okay you long hair orangutan." I said reminding him of what Chay had called him earlier. If I'm being honest, Kim actually looks handsome. Yes his hair is longer but he's not bad looking, proving once again these devils are all blessed with good looks.

Suddenly I feel a hard smack to my face. My head wobble to the side and I can taste the metallic in my mouth. Before I can react, I hear the ripping of tape and then the sticky layer covering my mouth. To say I'm surprise is false. I expected some form of retaliation when I decided to poke his ego. Definitely, good looks but evil indeed.

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