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We're back. The thought hit me like a storm as I see Vegas's house come into view in the already darkening night sky. Emotions rush through me as I sigh heavily to keep from breaking down once more. I hate the fact that I'm so sensitive and emotional but there was nothing else I can do. I feel hopeless.

Vegas really dragged me all the way back here to his fortress in the mountain. He wants to marry me but I'm nothing but a prisoner here. Someone for him to use and abuse until he gets what he wants. And I can't even say no to him without risking the lives of the people I love the most. Yes, I was absolutely helpless and fucking hopeless.

"Get out of the car Pete." I hear Vegas orders as the car comes to a stop.

I step out of the car with the little energy left in me. My eyes land on Cindy who had stepped out of the house along with other bodyguards to greet Vegas. Her head tilts with a questioning gaze upon seeing me but she doesn't say or question why I've returned.

"Let's go." Vegas grabs onto my arm moving towards the entrance. I follow without a fight hearing his workers greet him as we pass.

Once we reach the top of the stairs, Vegas finally let's my arm go. As if on autopilot, I turn towards the bedroom I was initially locked in, my own prison cell.

"Where do you think you're going?" Vegas questioned halting my step.

"To my cell." I said emotionless. Vegas takes the few steps towards me and grabs me turning me to face him.

"Would you like me to arrange a real cell for you? I can easily lock you behind bars and treat you like an animal." He threatens with a low voice.

"I don't care what you do anymore. You can't kill me anyways." I daringly mouthed to him.

A sinister half smile crawls across his face and he pulls me closer to him so our faces were only inches apart.

"You're right. I can't kill you but I can certainly kill that family of yours." He breathes, almost growling and once again reminding me what he's capable of. His threatening voice alone brings a cold shiver down my spine.

"Do that and you will never get what you want from me." I bite the inside of my cheeks to keep from cursing at him.

Vegas's grip on my arm tightens and I try my best not to wince at the pain.

"You're sleeping with me from now on." He said before turning around towards his bedroom and dragging me alone.

We make it to his room and he drags me over to the bed before shoving me down on it. This time I couldn't help but show pain. My wound was still healing after all. For a split second, Vegas looks a little startled with my reaction before quickly masking his emotion.

"Get yourself ready for bed." He said turning away. "I have some work to finish."

He walks away and out of his room. I hear his footstep retreating but not before I hear a lock from behind the door. Here I am once again, a prisoner to this devil of a madman.


In the middle of the night, I'm startled awake as strong arms wrap around me and a warm hard body rest against my back. Immediately I knew it was Vegas. I've become too familiar with his smell, his touch, and his annoyingly perfect sculpted body.

I don't know when I fell asleep. But after cleaning myself up and dressing in some of Vegas's clothes, since mine was never brought up to me, I had laid down and eventually succumbed to sleep, exhausted both physically and mentally from the past few days. I slowly open my eyes and the bedroom was shrouded in darkness with only a little moonlight escaping through the heavy curtains. I attempt to move out of Vegas's arms but he pulls me back, spooning me from behind.

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