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He has Chay. That Kim monster everyone has been talking about has my little brother Chay. The hair on my body rises and a fear like no other before, one not even Vegas was able to make me feel, takes over all my senses. I do the only thing I can think of and seek shelter from Vegas.

"Vegas... please, help me..." I cry as I desperately dig my fingers into his arm.

Vegas looks down at me. There's a shift in his gaze that I've never seen before. His orbs darken and looks menacing, yet a fire burns in them.

"Please..." I whimper when he doesn't say anything.

"Pete... you're my only concern. The only one I need to protect." Vegas finally speaks.

My hands drop from his arm and a short heavy breath leaves my lips. I'm so bad at judging him. Always.

I turn away and quickly grab the phone on the table. I'll get my brother back myself if I have to. Strong fingers wrap around my wrist and pry the phone away from me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Vegas's growl in my ear.

"Give me the phone back! I'll call this Kim and get my brother back myself!" I shout and reach for the phone. Vegas quickly tosses the phone back to Tankhun. I throw my body over his to try and get to the phone but Vegas puts me in a tight bear hug and hold me still in his lap.

"Have you gone fucking insane?" Vegas shouts.

"You would too if it was your brother! Oh I forgot, you have no heart so you probably wouldn't care! Let me go!" I try moving but can't budge an inch.

"Think first idiot–" Before Vegas can finish, I head butt him right in the nose.

"Argh!" Vegas's arms around me loosen and I take my chance, getting to my feet only to be instantly toss over his shoulder. I turn my head back and see Vegas holding me with one arm while his other, touching his nose. I can't see his face put when he pulls his hand back, it's stained with blood. I stop my struggling for a moment realizing what I have done. But none of it matters. All that matters is getting to my brother.

Before I can start struggling again, he speaks. "Khun, find out if it's true."

"Yeah... I'm on it." Tankhun says and then Vegas's words register. This can all be a big fat lie just to get to me. Fuck. I may have just overreacted without finding out the truth first. I wouldn't put it past these people to come up with such a sickening lie.

I look up and my eyes meet Tankhun's. He slowly shakes his head at me without a word, signaling me to stop and also signaling me that I was in deep, deep shit. Not only did I smack Vegas today but now I've made him bleed too. I might just die before finding out the truth.

All the fight leaves me, and my body goes slump over Vegas's shoulder. As much as I hate to admit this, I need Vegas on my side. I don't know the first thing about this criminal world and don't have a single clue of where to begin. I need to tread lightly and smartly.

I feel Vegas start moving and without struggling, allow him to carry me over his shoulder, up the stairs and back to his room. Vegas sets me down on the bed and I get the first look of his face, his very angry face that sported a bloody nose.

I gulp nervously, trying to figure out how I'm going to get out of this one. Earlier, Tankhun had thankfully intervened. Now, it's just us alone. He takes a step towards me but I jump up to my feet. I grab his wrist and his step falters but he doesn't say anything. Holding onto him, I lead him to the bathroom and plant his bottom onto the edge of the tub.

"Stay." I say and Vegas's eyes slants at my command.

I ignore his cold stare, even though I'm shaking inside, and walk over to the sink. I wet a towel with warm water before returning to where Vegas surprisingly stayed. Grabbing his chin, I tilt his head up to look at me and press the warm towel on his nose. The tinniest grunt escapes his throat.

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