Twenty One

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Hi, I wasn't too sure what route I wanted to go this chapter but I decided on this. Hopefully it's the right one. And FYI I kind of cried for Vegas writing this chapter. I'm too soft for him which none of us should be lol. Anyways, happy reading!



His lips are so soft... the inside of his mouth is even softer. I never do this, praying. But dear God, please give me the strength to hold back tonight. Otherwise, I will succumb to his sweet, sweet touch. My now achingly hard dick is proof of it.

"Pete... stop it..." I say between kisses. "Fuck..."

Pete pulls back breaking the kiss but keeps his face close. "Shut up Vegas. I going to fuck you one last time before abandoning you too."

My eyes slant as I try to control both the pain and rising anger. I'm not angry with him or anything but myself because I don't remember all I did that night to him for him to be reacting like this now. All I know is I hurt him deeply.

"You're not allowed to abandon me Pete. I've fallen in love with you. You have to take responsibility." I say looking directly in his eyes.

Pete looks at me longingly for a minute before tsking. Without a word and unknown strength, he rips my shirt right open. He bends down and bite me right on the shoulder. I inhale a sharp breath and close my eyes, not stopping him.

"Tomorrow when you wake, you'll probably give me another black eye." I say as he continues to sink his teeth into my skin.

Pete ignores me and suckle on my skin as I force my hands at my side and try not to grab him and outright pounce on him. The feeling of his tongue lapping at me is intense and feels so damn good. It is overtaking any pain or anger I was feeling just a second ago.

"Pete..." His name breathily rolls off my tongue. "If you don't stop, I won't be able to control myself much longer..."

Pete's tongue stops moving and I almost regret saying that. He release my skin from between his teeth and slowly raise himself up. He eyes my shoulder where I'm sure he left a mark behind. His eyes slowly scan down my now naked chest before he finds my own gaze. In a quick motion, he lifts his shirt off and toss it aside revealing his smooth porcelain skin. My eyes land on his hard pink nipples and I begin to salivate.

Pete places his palms over my abs as he grinds his ass on my hard dick. I suck in a harsh breath as my eyes roll back for a split second before looking at him again. He smirks down at me.

"You better be able to control yourself. Don't you dare touch me with those hands or you'll really get another black eye." He grinds his hips again.

How can the little angel, no the little devil, expect me not to touch him when he is seducing my very soul with that luscious body of his? He's asking the impossible.

Pete lifts himself off me and pulls his pants off before grabbing mine and sliding my own pants away. My dick happily springs out right in front of his face. He licks his lips then bends down and flick the tip of my dick with his tongue. I hiss at his touch.

Fuck. I need to stop him. I need to stop him now.

"Pete..." I reach for him and he slaps my hand away.

"No touching!" He all but growls. "Try touching me or stopping me again when I don't allow you and I'll really give you another black eye."

I sigh. "Alcohol has really made you brave, huh?"

Pete doesn't reply but grabs my dick and shoves it into his mouth.

"Very... ah... fucking brave." I grunt. I grab the sheet beneath me so I don't reach for Pete again.

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