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As soon as Pete's eyes close and he starts to fall I sprint over to him catching him before he hits the ground. His blood from his wound rushes out of him staining his clothes.


I turn to look at the damn mole now on the ground next to Pete to make sure he was dead. The bullet ripped right through Pete and puncture the bastard's heart.

"Arm! Doctor now!" I shouted.

"Vegas, who is he?" Tankhun rushes over to me but I ignore him.

I pick Pete up into my arms and hurried him upstairs to my room. I lay him down and grab a few towels, putting pressure on both his enter and exit wound to try and stop the bleeding.

"Vegas..." Tankhun follows into the room.

"Clean this mess up. Find out who sent them. They dare enter my territory, my own home and challenge me." My voice was cold and deadly letting Tankhun know not to fuck with me. I didn't realize my hand was shaking so badly. And I wasn't even sure if it was shaking because of anger, or because of the man laying down bleeding next to me.

"On it." Tankhun says. He gives me one last look before walking out.

I bend over putting my ear next to Pete's mouth. He's breathing. I release a little sigh of my own.

I took a chance back there. Being in this business since birth, I know I'm a pretty damn good shot. The bastard was taller than Pete. I knew if I aimed it right, I could get the bullet through Pete and shoot the bastard standing behind him in the heart too. But when that bullet ripped through Pete and his tears fell, for some fucking crazy reason, I felt that pain as if it was me who was shot.

Arm comes running through the door with the doctor we keep close for instances like this. A private doctor who works only for us. I back away from Pete and he gets to work right away.


"Khun Vegas, it's a flesh wound. He will fully recover with care and rest. The bullet entered through the front under the collarbone and through his back but didn't hit any bones or organs. It might be hard for him to use his left arm for awhile. And he might have fevers so watch him closely. I'll have someone drop off his medication later." The doctor informs me. I only nod at him and he leaves.

I enter the room and pull a chair next to Pete. He was in only pants, with his top half wrapped in bandage. I reach a hand to touch his face but stop myself. Why am I acting like this towards him? I admit one of the reasons I decided to shoot Pete wasn't just because I knew I could kill the man behind him but also because I wanted to prove to myself that he meant nothing. So why am I doing this now?

A knock sounds at the door and I drop my hand but keep my gaze on Pete.

"What did you find?" I knew it was Tankhun without looking.

"It was the East Gang. I found a calling card in the pocket of the mole. The ones they leave behind after a job is done." Tankhun says.

"That Kim really wants war huh?"

"Vegas, I still think we should go with my plan. We already eliminated all the people sent here today and found a mole in our men." He insists.

"You expect me to not retaliate and let Kim think that he can do whatever he wants?" Pete's brows twitches slightly and I'm angry all over again.

"No... I just think that can wait until we sort out the matter of taking over the South first. Don't you think? If we attack them now, they will only attack back again and it will be a never-ending cycle. When will we make time to find the hidden child?"

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