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Pete is absolutely a dangerous person. A threat to my sanity. Not only does his body and voice hypnotize me, but that smile he gave me yesterday before falling asleep in my embrace, made me want to conquer the world and give it to him just so I can see that smile again. Fuck me.

Never have I done anything for anyone without benefiting from it. With Pete, I seem to willingly want to please him even if it's just a little. Allowing him to call his family is very risky but I guess you can say I'm benefitting from this since Pete willingly gave himself to me. But for sex, I've never done anything remotely close to being nice just for sex. This is indeed dangerous.


"Yes boss?" Arm replies to me as we sit in my office.

"When are we set for Phuket?"

"In three days, sir." He answered.

"Three days..." Already.

"Is something wrong?" Arm asks.

"No..." Just three more days with Pete then I'm letting him go. The feeling didn't sit right with me. I haven't even had the time to fuck him properly yet. At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself for why my heart suddenly sped up.

"Okay, I've postponed the setting of new routes for our trade until we return from Phuket. We should have everything handled here until then." Arm informs me. "Anything else I can do for you today?"

"Yeah... Give me Pete's phone."

"Um sir... All his belongings have been in your room this whole time, including his phone. It's in your closet." Arm says.

"You mean to tell me, he had access to his phone this whole time and I left him alone in my room?" I almost growled out.

"Well sir. I thought you knew. I told you from the beginning his things were in your room." Arm defends himself.

Yeah, he did tell me. But once again I've been too distracted to realize it. Damn it all. I can really put us in danger soon enough if I continue to leave my fucking head in the clouds.

"Okay. That's all for today." Arm nods and leaves my office. I quickly make my way back to my room. It was already evening and I know Pete has been anticipating this call all day. If only he knew how close he's been to his phone this whole time. My only saving grace is his wound keeping him bedridden and the high possibility of his phone being dead after so long.

I enter the room and naturally look over to the bed but Pete wasn't there. Immediately my senses spike. Before I can call for him, he exits the bathroom.

"Vegas!" He smiles at me. Again, with that smile. One he hasn't ever shown me until last night. I've only seen him smile like that with the village kids. That's what made me addicted to him in the first place.

Pete slowly walks over to me with the same smile on his face and expectancy shining in his eyes. What a simple and naïve person he is. Already he's forgotten the monster that I am. It makes me almost want to show him the monster in me again, not this devil with a halo he's currently seeing me as.

"Can I make the call now?" He asks stopping in front of me.

I lift a brow at him. "Not even a greeting?"

"Oh..." He blinks a few times. "Um hi, how was your day?"

I throw my head back and laugh. Genuinely laugh. Something I haven't done in a very, very long time. Pete looks at me confused, his smile wavering. He is indeed an entertaining one. How I'm going to miss him when I let him go. Maybe I can convince him to still see me after all this. Yes, maybe I'll do just that and still make him periodic visits. It would be a shame to give up someone as delectable and entertaining as him.

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