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Hi readers, let me apologize for lack of editing this chapter. It's 2am and I wanted to share before bed hehe. Anyways, happy reading!


It's been a few days since my real father called Vegas. We haven't talked about it since. And every day after was spent like the last, with me alone locked in this room during the day and Cindy bringing me food, sometimes staying to chitchat for a bit. During the night, Vegas would return and touch me in ways only he can make me feel and then in the morning he would be gone again.

Today I woke early so I can catch Vegas before he leaves. I sit up on the bed and wait for him to exit the bathroom. I didn't have to wait long as I hear the shower shut off and Vegas exits shortly after with only a towel wrapped dangerously low on his waist. My eyes latched onto a droplet of water sliding over his hard abs and disappearing into the towel. I swallow harshly and turn my head away so I don't stare. Even now, I couldn't look at him for too long without blushing. Why are the bad guys always sculpted to perfection?

I can feel his steely eyes on me before I hear him enter the closet. For a moment I thought he might come over here and touch me. I was almost expecting it. I quickly shake the thought away as Vegas returns dressed in his usual black suits. I watch as he walks over to the side of the bed he sleeps on and grab his watch from the nightstand before putting it on. Just when I think he's going to leave without acknowledging me, he stops and turns to look at me.

"What do you want Pete?" He asks.

"Good morning." I greeted him first so he can't say I didn't later.

Vegas's brow arch as he gives me an interesting gaze. He starts to slowly makes his way around the bed towards me before sitting down in front of me. Without uttering a word, he wraps a hand behind my neck and pulls me to him, placing a kiss on my lips. He smell nice and of mint. Suddenly, I was self conscious since I just woke and haven't even cleaned up yet. I pull away and turn my head away knowing that my face was tinge from embarrassment. I hear Vegas chuckle lightly before I feel his nose on the nape of my neck, tracing my skin.

"Don't worry. You still smell nice." He breathes sending a shiver down my spine. He always knows what I am thinking. Am I that easy to read?

My eyes closes as I feel his lips on my sensitive skin and then his tongue. He gently nibbles on my skin for a bit, although not hard, I know his mark will be left behind. I sigh softly when he finally lets me go.

"Now tell me what you want." Vegas said.

"Can I... have my phone?" I asked. "I just want to call my family and let them know I'm okay. I haven't talked to them since seeing them."

"Also... can I leave the room? There's nothing to do in here and I have nothing to keep me company. It's not like I can run away anyways right?" I added another request hoping he would grant them since I've been obedient.

Vegas looks up as if deep in thought before looking back at me.

"No." He answered.

I sigh disappointedly looking down.

"Okay..." I slowly nod my head. Already my heart pained at the rejection. I was really nothing more than an animal locked in a cage.

"Then... will you eat with me today?" I finally look back up at him.

Without taking his eyes off me, Vegas pulls his own phone out calling someone.

"Cindy, bring us breakfast." Vegas said before hanging up and putting his phone away.

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