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     Newt had walked over to the bed and sat next to Thomas

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     Newt had walked over to the bed and sat next to Thomas. "Tommy—you barely look sick."

     Thomas nodded. "I feel a little queasy, but other than that, I'm fine. Thought it'd be a lot worse."

     Newt shook his head, his face a mixture of anger and awe. "What you did was half brave and half bloody stupid."

     "Seems like he's pretty good at that." Thalia snorted.

     "I know why you did it. What memories came back? Anything that'll help?"

     "We need to try to get the Gladers back on our side, Newt." Thomas said.

     "Oh, you told him?" Newt asked Thalia, who nodded. "Not that easy, Tommy. Everyone wants you, the girl, and Thalia out. That simple."

    "But we didn't do anything!"

   "I can't help you."

    ".. I have an idea." Thomas said, and Thalia groaned.


    Are you ever going to tell me what you saw? Thalia asked.

    Thomas stayed quiet for a second, I don't know. It's kind of all going away.

    Anything about me? Was I cool?

     Thomas chuckled, yeah, you were cool.

     They watched as the keepers began to set up, Thomas, Teresa, and Thalia all tied up.

    What about WICKED?

    What about them?

     What did I do to the maze? Help create it, I mean. How?

     Thomas paused, furrowing his eyebrows. I don't know, actually. I only have memories of me and Teresa actually making the maze, but I know you were a creator.. I saw it.

     What a bummer.

     Thomas chuckled, I'm sure you did something creative, Lia.

     Can you two love birds cut it out and tell me the plan? Teresa groaned.

    To Thalias surprise, most of the Gladers ended up agreeing to this 'revolt'—even more than she expected. Even Clint decided to make the run. Though no one admitted it, Thalia bet most of them were banking on the theory that one person would be killed by the Grievers, and they figured their chances of not being the unlucky sap were decent. Those who decided to stay in the Gkade were few but not adamant and loud. They mainly walked around sulking, trying to tell others how stupid they were. Eventually, they gave up and kept their distance.

    As for Thalia and the rest of those committed to the escape, they had the whole thing planned out.

    "Gally, do you really think banishing us is gonna solve anything?" Thomas asked Gally as they three were all tied up.

FORGE OF OAK, Thomas ✓Where stories live. Discover now