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They're walking in the city now, silence covering the three. Thalia searches her backpack, and she must admit, she's a little mad Brenda didn't try to help Thomas save Thalia from being a Crank meal.

    Thalia sat on the ground, grabbing a bandage from her bag.

    "You alright?" Thomas asked, the two coming over to Thalia. She bit on the bandage, making it smaller yet bigger. She rolled up her leggings, the bite marks from the Crank being revealed.

    "Shit," Brenda said, looking at the bites.

    "Lia.." Thomas said, a look of worry on his face. Thalia quickly began to bandage the bites.

     "Yeah, yeah. I know." She sighed, finishing the bandage and putting her backpack back on. "Let's just go find Marcus."

      They followed Brenda onto what looked like streets, full of people actually. "Okay, try to blend in." Brenda instructed, walking down the streets.

      Thalia followed, and they stopped outside a place with loud music. Brenda quickly began walking again, everyone outside the building in crazy clothing.

     "You sure this is the place?" Thomas asked her.

     "You here for the party?" A blonde girl with a yellow dress asked behind them making them turn around.

     "Uh.. no." Brenda mumbled, "we're looking for Marcus this is his place isn't it?"

    "This is my place." A man dressed nicely, yet he had a fat stomach, and eyebags, said from behind them making them walk over to him.

    "Hey Marcus." Thomas said.

    The man hesitated, "Marcus doesn't live her anymore."

    "Do you know where we can find him?" Brenda asked.

    The man nodded, "sure. Sure, he's over in zone B." He said, fidgeting with his rings.

    "What's Zone B?" Thomas asked. The blonde girl touched his shoulder, whispering into his ear; "it's where they burn the bodies."

    The girl walked back next to the man.

    Thomas was utterly confused, and Thalia was angry. "Okay look, has anyone else been by here looking for him?"

   "Group of kids around our age they had like a girl with them? Dark hair?" Thalia asked.

    "You know uh, I think they might be inside." The man said. "Yeah," he grabbed a green substance from his pocket, opening the cap and holding it out for Thomas.

    "Drink this."

    Thomas hesitated, "what is it?"

    "The price of admission." He replied, "drink it!" He yelled, and Thalia grabbed the bottle quickly from him, taking a long swing.

     It was utterly disgusting, she handed the bottle back to the man and coughed a little. Brenda then grabbed the bottle, drinking some as well before handing it to Thomas.

    "Your turn." The man said, looking at Thomas. Thomas grabbed it drinking a little before the blonde girl made him drink most of it.

   He gagged, the girl walking away with the bottle.

    "Alright! You three can join the party." The man smiled, grabbing there shoulders and pushing them into the club.

    There was people everywhere, overwhelming them. It made them begin to feel the effects of the alcohol.

    "Maybe we should split up." Thalia said, looking at Thomas who was obviously not focused on anything. "See if we can find the others."

    "Hey," she put a hand on his shoulder, and he quickly turned to her. "Don't drink anything else." She said, and they all split up.

    She felt dizzy, fatigue maybe, she ended up taking her jacket off at some point, who knows. She tried to focus, but everyone dancing around her was making her feel weird.

    She saw Thomas run into her, as they looked at eachother. "Lia?" He asked.

    "There not here." She said, referring to the Gladers and Jorge.

    "We should keep looking," Thomas muttered, the world spinning around them both.

    "Why?" Thalia asked, "We couldn't find the Right Arm anyway, not without Marcus."

    "Just relax a little." Thalia muttered.

    "How?" Thomas asked, Thalia wrapped her arms around his neck.

    "Like this." Thalia connected their lips, they shared a long kiss before they pulled away and Thomas hesitated.

    "What?" Thalia asked, noticing how Thomas is kind of shaky.

    "You're not her."


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