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    Thalia felt her world crash down. Not seriously, obviously, but it felt like it did. She didn't know if it was that weird green stuff talking or her heart, so she just let out a little scoff and walked off.

     She didn't know what to do. Thomas was calling after her, but she did know that she felt like an idiot.

    Why did she think Thomas really liked her? And who was the other her? She thought about it for a moment.


    "Hey!" Teresa greeted Thomas, Thalia gave a small wave as well.

    "Hey, did anyone see you guys come here?" He said hurriedly, grabbing Teresa's shoulders.

     "No." Thalia said for Teresa, who was also confused. "What are you talking about?"

    "I don't have a lot of time," Thomas rushed.

    "Thomas what's wrong?" Teresa asked.

     "I had to see you guys, and just try to explain things before they—"


     "Hey! There you are!" Thalia turned to the voice, opening her eyes to see Minho and Florence above her with smiles.

     "Minho? Flo? What are you guys.." she mumbled but Minho helped her off the floor. She also noticed the alcohol seemed to have its effects worn off.

      Then she remembered everything that happened with Thomas. She groaned.

      "Welcome back you ugly shank," Minho said, patting her shoulder. She scowled at him, but he smiled which made her smile as well.

     She looked around the room, spotting Brenda, Newt, Frypan, Jorge, Teresa, and.. Thomas. They both looked at each other for a second before she quickly looked away and sat next to Florence on a couch.

    Good job Thomas, you're on the girls bad side.

    "Son of a bitch!" Jorge yelled, punching the man from earlier in a chair where he was tied up.

    "Damn!" The man shouted. "I'm sorry you're going to have to leave my house.."

    "Looks like you've been having fun." Thalia heard Newt say, must have been to Thomas or something.

     But she kept her gaze upon Jorge.

    "Listen, I don't enjoy hurting you. Okay? Where is the Right Arm, Marcus." Jorge asked.

     "Wait this is Marcus?" Thomas asked, pointing at the bloody and beat up man in the chair.

      The man laughed, "he catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operatioauhh-..." he was cut off by Thalia grabbing his hair.

     "Do you know where they're hiding?" She gritted her teeth, pissed off at everyone.

     Maybe just pissed at Thomas, I mean; did he have to say that? He couldn't have just said, I'm sorry I don't like you, or anything? Not "you're not her." Cold move dude.

    "So you'll tell me, and I'll make you a deal." She said. The man laughed, "you can come with us." She continued.

    "I burned that bridge a long time ago, besides, I make my own deal. Mark and Jorge are the ones who taught me, never miss an opportunity." He laughed.

    "What's he talking about?" Newt asked. Thalias eyes lit up at the name Mark.

    "Ooh someone's curious." Marcus said, looking at Thalia.

    She pushed his head farther into the chair, warning him to talk or else.

    "Okay! Okay, I'm talking about supply and demand. WICKED wants all the immunes they can get, I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids in, they get drunk, they have a good time then.. later, WICKED comes in, they separate the weak from the chav."

    He giggled.

    "I changed my mind," Thalia said, "I will hurt you."

   Thalia took Jorge's gun, kicking Marcus' chair so he was on the floor. She pointed it at his Adam's apple, "Talk!" She yelled.

   Jorge raised his eyebrows, he seemed to be impressed. "Talk!" She pushed again.

    "Okay- okay Jesus!" Marcus choked out. "I'm not making any promises, these guys like to move around."

    She pulled his chair back up so he could speak. "They have an outpost in the mountains. But it's a long way away, you got half of WICKED on your ass you're never gonna make it."

   "Not on foot." Jorge said. "Where's Bertha?"

  "Not Bertha.." Marcus muttered.

" Marcus muttered

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