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     They had found shelter when it turned night. A campfire so they could see, no one had spoken since Winston took his own life.

     "I thought we were supposed to be immune." Minho muttered as they all watched the campfire.

    "Not all of us.. I guess." Thalia muttered.

    "If Winston could get infected we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt said, fidgeting with scissors.

    Frypan spoke up, "I never thought I'd say it.. I miss the glade." He said as a tear fell down his cheek. Thalia felt so much sympathy for everyone, even if she was only there for 6 days.

   They continued walking through the sandy dessert the next morning, everyone affected by the heat and blazing sun.

   "Waters gone," Thalia said, throwing the bottle into the sand as they kept walking. When night came there was no shelter.

   So they layed on the now hard sand floor.

   "Hey.." Thomas's harsh voice spoke, awaking Thalia. "Get up. Come on let's go get up, I see something."

   "What? What is it?" Thalia asked, standing up but squinting her eyes because of the lack of sleep.

   Thomas pointed, "You see that?"

   Even though it was dark, Thalia could see some building light up. "It's lights!"

   "We made it!" Minho muttered, but there was a loud roar of thunder behind them.

   "Oh we gotta go.. go go!" Thalia yelled, running towards the building as lightning strikes came towards them.

   "All right keep moving come on!" Thomas shouted, them all running their way towards the light up building.

   They were almost there, the lightning strikes more intense. "Get inside, go!"

   They heard a loud yell, so they all stopped and turned around. "Minho!" Florence yelled,  Newt and Thomas grabbing Minho so they could take him inside.

   Frypan opened the large door, "Move! Come on hurry up!"

   "We made it." Thalia breathed out as Frypan closed the door. "We ACTUALLY made it."

   "Whose got a light?" Thomas asked as someone turned on their flashlight so they could see. "Minho!" Thomas shook Minho's body.

   Minho slowly opened his eyes, "Wah happen?"

  Everyone let out sighs of relief, "You got struck by lightning." Thalia said, a smile on her face.

   Minho paused then smiled, "oeh."

   Thalia helped Minho stand up, then she brushed herself off and looked around. "hey.." she said, sniffing. "What's that smell?"

   Suddenly a Crank came and grabbed at Thalia, she jumped back in terror and Thomas grabbed her, pushing her behind him. But it was chained up, there was another behind them, who was also chained up.

   There was actually a lot, Thalia couldn't count.

   "I see you've met our guard dogs." A girl said, couldn't be older than 17 at least. Thalia turned to her.

   "I'm sorry.. who are you?" Thalia asked and the girl stared at her.

   "You guys look like shit." She said, giving them a smug look. "Come on, follow me. Unless you wanna stay here with them?

   They quickly obliged and followed the girl, her leading them deeper into building as they find people camped up inside it, lights and some people even having small tents inside the huge compound.

"Holy..." Thalia muttered.

"Come on, keep up." The girl said, walking faster. "Jorge wants to meet you." they followed her yet still gaping around them. 

  They walked up a set of stairs, "Who is Jorge?" Thalia asked, the name scratching her brain. 

  "You'll see." She responded. "No ones come out of the scorch in a long time, you've just got him curious. And me too,"

   "Well isn't that just super explanitory." Thalia grumbled.

   Thomas nudged her shoulder with his elbow, "Thalia!"

   She rolled her eyes, "I'm right." But the girl stopped walking.

  "Did you say Thalia?" She asked, turning around with wide eyes. "Uhh.." Thalia muttered, standing still as everyone looked at her.

  "Thats me?" She said awkwardly, and the girl shook her head before continuing to walk. 

  "Anyone else getting a bad feeling about this place?" Newt muttered.

  "Let's just hear what he has to say." Thomas replied, walking up another set of stairs.

  They walked into some kind of radio room, "Jorge." The girl said, the Gladers following behind her. "They're here."

   Jorge turned around, sighing and putting his hands on his hips. "You ever got the feeling the whole worlds against you?" 

   Thalia and Thomas looked at each other before she turned back to Jorge. 

   "Three questions." Jorge continued, walking up to them. "Where did you come from, where are you going.." He grabbed some bourbon, pouring it into his glass. "How can I profit?"

   No one spoke, only the lightning strikes being heard. "Don't all answer at once." Jorge said, drinking some of the alcohol.

   "We're headed for the mountains." Thalia said, "Looking for the Right Arm." there were sounds of chuckles, some laughing hysterically. 

  "Your looking for ghosts, you mean." Jorge took another sip. "Question number two." He said, raising his voice and stepping closer. "Where did you come from?"

   "That's our business." Minho said, glancing at Thomas. Jorge shrugged, then men came and grabbed them, taking them all and pinning them down to the floor. 

   "Get the hell off me you little shit!" Thalia growled out, moving her hands frantically from where they're being held as she was pinned to the ground. 

   The girl came to Thalia, "Shut up you big baby.." she scanned her, Thalia felt an itch on her neck. "What is that?" She asked. 

   "You were right." The girl said, looking at Jorge. Jorge put on his glasses, taking the scanner from her and looking at the inscription.

Subject : C1 

File ID : 000000-AAA00

Note : To be forced to choose / Mark or Thomas

   "Right about what? What is she talking about?" Thomas asked. Jorge scoffed, "Im sorry hermano."

   "Looks like your tagged." Jorge said, before squinting at Thalia. "You came from WICKED. Which means, your very.. valuable."


FORGE OF OAK, Thomas ✓Where stories live. Discover now