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Taehyung came back to reality and looked at his phone. It was Mino. He picked up the phone

On Call:

"V: Uh- hello?"

"Mino: Sir you alright?"

"V: I am alright Mino. I'll call you once i reach home."

End Call:-

Taehyung said as he quickly hanged the phone. Before he could take any action all 10 people ran away escaping from this man named Kim Taehyung.

"V: Fuckers..."

Taehyung whispered and decided to head back home.

That night, Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about the girl. He doesn't know why he tried to know about her. His heart was beating fastly even imagining her beautiful face again. The girl was a angel who landed on earth. This is what he thought. He was going crazy and he doesn't know why. Taehyung sighed. Wanting to forget her, he tried sleeping and in a couple of minutes he was already landed on the dreamland.

The Next Day...

"Jimin: The Fuck!"

Yelled Jimin on phone while speaking to his bestfriend Taehyung.

"V: Yah! Do you wanna burst my ears or something?"

Said Taehyung after moving his phone from his ear.

"Jimin: You alright? I mean, how could this even happen? Like you just came to find the killer, right? But this is incredible!"

Jimin said in a worried tone.

"V: I'm alright. Don't worry. And please don't say this to Rosé. She would sinply be worried for me."

"Jimin: I won't but just be careful Taehyung, i was so fucking worried for you."

"V: I know, I will be careful. But it's kinda hard. I mean like though this village is small there ways are too confusing."

"V: That's alright, i have a guy who used to work with me. He is from there itself."

"V: What's his name?"

"Jimin: Loren, he and his sister live together. He is 32 years old and might help you with everything."

"V: He is older, is he not married?"

"Jimin: No, he didn't want to get married. Instead he wanted to take care of his sister who is 17 years old by now."

Taehyung nodded.

"V: Okay man, thanks. Confirm it and then let me know."

"Jimin: Alright see ya..."

Taehyung hanged the call and sighed. He had to go have lunch. So he walked near the dining area.

Taehyung was reading newspaper and suddenly heard the door bell ringing. He got up and opened the door and saw a man.

"???: Mr. Kim Taehyung?"

He asked.

"V: Yeah, do i know you?"

Taehyung replied.

"Loren: No, but now you will. My name is Loren."

The guy named Loren said.

"V: Oh yeah, i remember. Jimin said about you."

He nodded...

"Loren: Thank you"

Loren politely said to the maid. As she nodded with a smile. While Taehyung found the man very kind and a little cute.

"V: You are 32?"

Loren nodded.

"V: Okay, Jimin said that you are not married and you have a sister who is 17 years old."

Taehyung spoke sitting opposite to him on the couch.

"Loren: Yes sir, what Mr. Park said to you is true."

He said keeping the cup down.

"V: Why?"

Taehyung was curious to know.

"Loren: Like you know i have a sister and no one is there for her except me. She is unaware of this world, the cruelties of the world. So, i-i think i should stay with her to protect her."

Loren explained.

"V: Why don't you marry? I mean even your wife can protect her."

Taehyung asked.

"Loren: Nowadays we are not able to trust anyone easily, Mr. Kim. Wife want husband's attention the most, but only caring for someone brings them to an urge of doing something."

Taehyung nodded.

"V: Umm...anyways, i just wanted help. Uh- like i want you to help me explore this village."

Taehyung said changing the topic.

"Loren: Not only that Mr. Kim, I'll help you with every needs you need."

Loren said smiling and Taehyung nodded. He found Loren really humble and kind. What Taehyung liked the most was he was protecting his sister over the world.

Walking in the alleys of the jungle, Taehyung's eyes keep shining at the beauty of the sun rays falling on the leaves. It looked liked he was walking in the heavens.

"Loren: These alleys are really short but beautiful Mr. Kim. You can not hide the beauty of these kind of places."

"V: I see, it is actually really beautiful."

Taehyung sighed feeling so special.

"Loren: Mr. Kim?"

"V: Hmm?"

He said diverting his mind from the scenery.

"Loren: Woud you mind coming to our house and have lunch with me. My sister does cook very well."

Taehyung thought and said...

"V: Yeah why not, sure"

It got Loren excited

"Loren: Let's go..."

Taehyung and Loren came near Loren's house. He lived little far from other villagers. His house was in between the beautiful garden filled with flowers. They had to cross a jungle to come to his house.

"Loren: This is where we live Mr. Kim"

"V: I see, you have a beautiful destination."

Taehyung said.

"Loren: Come on in, Mr. Kim"

Loren said. Both of them got in. The furniture was really beautiful. Just like korean villager's house.

"Loren: Have a seat"

Taehyung sat on the couch comfortably

"Loren: Lili! Get some tea. The guest is here"

Loren slightly shouted.

"V: Your sister's name is Lili?"

"Loren: No no, Mr. Kim. It's her nickname. I call her by that name."

"V: So what's her name?"

Taehyung asked Loren

"Loren: Lisa"

By hearing her name his heart was beating really fast. He doesn't know why. He gulped harder and looked down. Loren noticed and asked...

"Loren: Mr. Kim? You alright?"

Taehyung looked at him and nodded and again looked down. His gaze fell on the girl's hands. She was keeping the tray filled with 2 cups with a tea pot. Her hairs which reached till her shoulder covered her side face. She stood there after keeping the tray. Taehyung's gaze unknowingly looked at the girl and then his face was hung open after seeing the girl's face....



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