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2 days later, Taehyung tried his level best to reach upto the killer. He isn't ready to give up easily. He was now out roaming around inside the jungle. As Taehyung loved the place, he wake up every morning and go for a walk. Amd now he was confortable with Loren and Lisa too. He suddenly got a call when he was in his own thoughts. It was Jackson.

"V: Why is this brat calling me?"

Taehyung questioned himself being confused. He picked it up and started the conversation.

On Call:-
"Jackson: Hey my man!"
"V: What now?"
"Jackson: I'm giving you a last chance?"
"V: For what?"
"Jackson: For giving me the position of Mafia King."
"V: So?"
"Jackson: Come on Taehyung, i know what your weakness is."
"V: Huh?"
"Jackson: Your sister, Rosé"
Taehyung was shocked and fear started rising in.
"V: Don't you dare lay your dirty fingers on my sister!"
"Jackson: Okay, then give me the position of Mafia King."
Taehyung smirked.
"V: Jack, don't think Rose as a weak girl. Remember who is her brother. Her brother is still alive. Rosé can fight too. She has my blood inside her veins. So its obvious, you are nothing but a piece of paper infront of her. Don't take Rose easy, Jackson. She is not what you're thinking. Now go fuck off."
End Call:

Taehyung rocked Jackson shocked. Jackson threw the phone being angry.

"Jackson: Enough! He crossed his limits!"
He dialled a number

Taehyung smirked and was about to turn around when someone hardly hit his head with a metal rod. He graoned in pain.
"V: Arghh!"

Taehyung fell down. He held his head and checked his hand and saw his head bleeding. He turned around and saw a man smirking at him holding a metal rod in his hand. He saw other 3 people coming while holding different kinds of weapons in their hands. There were four of them. Taehyung  glared at each one of them. Suddenly it started raining. They started hitting him with each weapon. He held on of the man's weapon and other were still hitting him. He snatched the rod and and kicked the man hardly in his manhood. Taehyung held the rod at the both corners preventing them to stop them from hitting. Taehyung pushed the rod harshly as three of them fell back. Taehyung stood up with his strength.

"V: Ah!"

3 of them stood up as the 4rth one was still on the ground groaning in pain. Each of them came running to hit him. Taehyung fought with all the strength left in his body. He was still injured but still fought. After he successfully beaten them, he was fully tired and felt his head dizzy. The 4rth men saw the gun which fell from his pocket. He grabbed the gun gaining Taehyung's attention. Before Taehyung could do anything, the man shot right in his heart as Taehyung collapsed. The guy and the other 3 people got up and ran away.

All the scene was witnessed by Lisa. She came to call Taehyung because Loren asked her to bring him home as soon he he goes. But seeing his condition made Lisa worried for him. She quickly ran to Taehyung as soon as the killers ran away. She slowly shaked him to wake him up as Taehyung was squeezing his eyes trying to open his eyes. He slowly opened his eyes just to see Lisa right above him, looking at him with a worried look. The rain was stopped and the sun had appeared. The sun rays fell on her as her fair skin shined. Lisa looked breathtaking, in which Taehyung was little attracted to. Her ash gray hair shined in the sun light. Realizing the pain increasing, he groaned in pain. Lisa slowly took his arm in her neck and grabbed his neck. Taehyung lifted himself up. Lisa started walking as soon as he stood straight.

Laying him on bed softly, Lisa removed his coat and then unbuttoned his shirt. The blood flowed more as Taehyung was breathing heavily and sweat was all over his body. He had abs which were drowned in sweat and his muscular arms which almost had bruises. Lisa was really worried for him, she doesn't know why, her heart was clenching seeing him in pain. Loren was not home as he had a pile of work. Lisa herself got up and bought two knifes and plate. She first sanitized the knifes so it won't give the other side effect. She can not call the doctor as it again started raining. Slowly keeping the knifes in the position, she pressed the knifes inside the whole as Taehyung groaned with a sudden pain. He opened his eyes just to see Lisa doing something.

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