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Taehyung was feeling restless/uneasy since they left. He felt like something's gonna happen, very bad. At this moment, he couldn't stop tthinking about Lisa. He was sitting in the front seat of his car as the airport is really far from their Nan village. Rosé and Jimin were at the backseat. Taehyung noticed something wet in his forehead. He touched his head when he realized he was sweating.

"V: Jeez..."

Taehyung whispered not letting anyone hear him. He grabbed the tissue and quickly wiped it. He grabbed the bottle and drank the water in one breath.

"Jimin: Tae? Are you alright?"

"V: Huh? Me? Uh- no I'm okay. I just feel restless. I'm fine...i guess."

They've been driving for hours (Just imagine the Airport is really far from the Nan village.) It's 8:53 PM now. And three of the mafias got out of their car and walked inside the the Airport. Their private jet was booked already and they were supposed to sit on their jets with their guards in other jet after 10 minutes means around 9:03 PM. Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about Lisa. He was thinking about their moments, how they mate and her. Is he in Love? Now it's exactly 9:03 PM.

"Rosé: Oppa let's go..."

Taehyung nodded and was about to walk when his phone started ringing. Rosé nd Jimin looked at him.

"V: You go, I'll be coming."

"Jimin: It's okay, we will go together. You can attend it."

Taehyung nodded. He looked at his phone. He frowned when he saw it was from unknown. He picked it up.


"Jackson: G'Day friend! How are ya?"
"V: What do you want?"
"Jackson: Nothing. By the way, how is my Aussie accent? You know I've learnt it from online."
"V: My ears are bleeding..."
"Jackson: Oh come on stop insulting me. And i know you've got to know I'm gonna use Lisa for s*x market. Then you left her alone? Why KT?"
"V: Jackson Wang, you know who is Rosé to me right?"
"Jackson: Yes, your sister."
"V: Exactly, Loren is there for her. Don't take Loren as a trial, he might know how to fight too."
"Jackson: Trial? I did try but he failed."
"V: What?"
"Jackson: Yes, he failed. Aww, i pity that poor guy! Seeing those tears, that blood, that death threats on Jackson Wang. It does remind me of our master KT. It was so hypnotizing for me to watch their bloods."
"V: Jackson! I'll do you better, what have you done to them?"
"Jackson: Why don't you check it by yourself Kim? Where are Loren and Lisa..."
"V: Fucking bitch answer my damn question!"
"Jackson: You want answers right? I'm telling you. Go check yourself."


"V: You-"

He hanged the call and Taehyung threw his phone.

"Rosé: What happened?"

"V: He had done something to them!"

"Jimin: Who?"

"V: Lisa and Loren..."

"Jimin: What? Oh my god..."

"V: I-I should go to them!"

Taehyung ran away grabbing his car keys.

"Rosé: Jimin, cancel today's flight. We need to go to them."

Jimin nodded.

"Rosé: Oppa! Wait!"

He started his car and drove away...

"Rosé: He left. I hope Jackson didn't do nothing wrong with them. Please God please..."

"Jimin: Guards! Get the team ready! We are going back..."

When Love Lasts - TaeliceWhere stories live. Discover now