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"V: Beat him for every 20 minutes everyday and give him some drugs unless he say the truth."

Taehyung ordered his mens and then he left the room. Jimin and Rosé followed Taehyung to his office room.

"Jimin: What now?"

Jimin asked Taehyung. Taehyung sat on his chair after Jimin and Rosé sat on the couch.

"V: Nothing just wait untill he reveal his master's name"

Taehyung said while playing with the bullet.

"Rosé: And...What about Kim Jonghyun, Oppa?"

Rosé asked her brother, Taehyung stopped playing with his bullet. He looked at Rosé.

"V: I don't know, he left me so soon. I still needed him."

Taehyung said with his low voice. Rosé wished she didn't bring up this matter. Both Jimin and Rosé looked at eachother and nodded. They decided to cheer him up after finding him upset after losing the most wanted man for him. Both hugged him from side.

"Rosé: It is okay not to be okay, Oppa. He must be very proud that you didn't move back. You don't need to be upset. Me and Jimin are here with you. And you know right? I just have you and Jimin to cheer me up."

Rosé said while she was hugging his left arm. Taehyung just nodded. He did have a pain of losing his cheerleader, but he knew he had Jimin and Rosé by his side. Rosé was right, his priority is to protect his sister.

"Jimin: Everybody has to go someday, who knew it would happen. I understand your pain but come on we know you can't be so upset."

Jimin said.

"V: Maybe i should keep myself strong."

Taehyung said with a sigh of sorrow. Jimin rubbed his back.

"Rosé: We know you're strong, Oppa and you are my source of strength."

Rosé said and looked at him with a smile. While Taehyung nodded looking back at her ruffling her hairs like a elder brother.

Jimin and Rosé came out of the office room.

"Jimin: Do you think he will be fine?"

Jimin asked.

"Rosé: Yeah he will. He very well know who he is. He will be fine and strong. He has to be strong for me."

Rosé said with confidence.

"Jimin: I hope he is."

They entered Rosé's room and sat on the bed.

"Rosé: But can't deny that Oppa won't be upset."

Rosé said.

"Jimin: Mmm...anyways"

Jimin said gaining Rose's attention. Jimin stared at her

"Rosé: What are you looking at?"

"Jimin: You look damn sexy today, you know?"

Jimin said smirking.

"Rosé: As i told you before Park Jimin, my taste towards fashion isn't bad."

Rosé replied.

"Jimin: I see"

He said pulling her in his lap.

"Rosé: What?"

"Jimin: Are you horny?"

Jimin asked sarcastically.

"Rosé: Well..."

When Love Lasts - TaeliceWhere stories live. Discover now