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The door was open so Taehyung entered in carrying Lisa in his arms followed Jimin and Rosé. Loren who was thinking while being worried for Lisa, looked at the direction where the noise came from and widened his eyes when he saw Taehyung carrying Lisa in this state.

"Loren: L-Lili?"

Loren followed them inside the bedroom. Taehyung softly layed Lisa on the bed.

"V: Lisa..."

"Loren: Mr Kim, L-Lili? W-What h-happened Lili!"

"V: Jimin! Call the doctor as soon as possible!"

Jimin nodded and called the doctor.

"V: Rosie! Rub her hands!"

"Rosé: Yeah..."

"V: Loren, she's alright. Don't need to worry. Okay? Sit with her."

Loren nodded and sat beside her.

"Loren: Lili, open your eyes Princess..."

He said caressing her hairs

"V: Rosé, take care of her. I'll be back, I've too teach that bastard a great lesson."

"Rosé: Okay Oppa, i will take care of her."
Taehyung left. The doctor came in.

"Loren: D-Doctor my sister..."

"Doctor: Calm down Loren, I'm there to help you."

Rosé got up and controlled Loren.

"Rosé: Loren, She will be alright. Please control yourself."

"Loren: I-I don't know w-why Lisa is g-getting involved Ms Kim. I'm scared...I'm s-scared"

Jimin came in and saw Loren's state.

"Jimin: Loren? Please, if you won't be strong how will Lisa be? You're her strength right?"

Loren nodded.

"Jimin: Please..."

He rubbed his back. Rosé filled a glass of water and gave it to Loren.

Jang-Wan was struggling in the chair. He was tied in the chair and had a tape stucked in his mouth. He was unaware that Taehyung is right infront of him as he was struggling to open himself. Taehyung kept his leg on the chair gaining Jang-Wan's attention. Taehyung lighted the cigarette and gave a death glare to Jang-Wan. Jang-wan gulped hardly.

"V: You've trouble me alot Jang-Wan. You know what? The people who trouble me right? I teach them a great lesson. A lesson which they never forget."

Jang-wan nodded as no. Taehyung smirked.

"V: No, actually. You must be punished. A punishment of death."

Taehyung shot atleast 26 times. Only imagining what he had done to Lisa almost made him cross the limits of his anger.

"Doctor: Lisa will be alright. She has been exhausted and overthought something. I've given  her injection. Might be she would wake up after 10 minutes. And yeah, she has a trauma of screams and harsh treatments. Be careful..."

The doctor spoke after checking her. 3 of them sighed in relief, especially Loren.

"Loren: T-Thank you d-doctor"

The doctor left.

"Rosé: Loren? We told ya. See now Lisa is alright."

Loren nodded at Rosé. Jimin and Rosé smiled. Taehyung came in rushing.

"V: What happened? Is everything alright?"

"Jimin: Yes, she is fine. She would wake up after 10 minutes."

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