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Taehyung closed his eyes and sniffed. A pair of arms wrapped around his neck making him open his eyes. He realized it was non other than Lisa who hugged him. He unknowingly dug his face on her neck hugging her back, pulling her closer. He felt relieved by her touch just like the day she touched his chest when he got shot. While Lisa's heart ached. It was her first time she ever noticed him crying. She realized she kept on overreacting on situations since she was born. She caressed his  hair helping him calm down. They suddenly heard someone saying...

"???: Did i appear in a wrong time?"

Both suddenly backed off when they saw Jimin.

"Jimin: I did i guess..."

"V: C-Chim it's not what it looks like..."

"Jimin: No, No Tae it's fine. I'll come back later..."

Jimim smirked and he was about to leave...

"Jimin: Oh Lisa. I was here to ask about you. How are you dear?"

Lisa nodded as a yes

"Jimin: Please don't do this sweetie, you know how it would pay your life."

Lisa looked down and nodded. Jimin smiled at her and left. Lisa looked at Taehyung and said in actions "I'm sorry, I overreacted on the situation and pressurized you..." Taehyung looked at her for a moment and nodded his head as no.

"V: No, it's okay. I understand your pain, Lisa. I know how it feels when you loose someone who is closest to your heart, especially when you're all alone in this world. And all I'm tryna tell you I'm with you...i mean we're with you. No matter what. You need not to feel lonely now. Alright?"

Lisa nodded while smiled. She said again in actions. "I promise i won't pressurize you again..." Taehyung just gave a small nod and left.

Lisa regretted alot for pressuring them like this. But Lisa's mental health led her to do this. But she understood she would keep it calm and won't overreact on situations further on. Lisa was now in balcony looking at sky searching for her brother. When she was a little girl, her elder neighbors who lived in the village told her, "Your close once would shine the most in the sky as a star..."  There were three stars which were shinning bright on the sky. For her the middle star was her brother and other two were their parents. Her eyes got teary as a tear fell fom her eye. "I Love you guys..." She said looking at the sky in actions.

"Rosé: Hey?"

Lisa quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and turn around to look at Rosé.

"Rosé: How are you?"

She said jogging to her and holding her hands. Lisa smiled while giving a thumbs up to her.

"Rosé: You gave me a huge heart attack Lisa-ya. Promise me you won't do it again."

Lisa pinched her neck (Promise) Rosé smiled.

"Rosé: That's my Lili!"

When Rosé called Lili she was suddenly reminded how her brother used to call her sweetly by that name.

"Rosé: Is it okay if i call you by that name?"

Lisa thought for a sec and responded with a nod.

"Rosé: Okay and hey. I was here to tell you that know my marriage with Jimin is near. So tomorrow you must come with me for shopping. You will come, won't you?"

Lisa nodded.

"Rosé: Okay. So I'll buy everything you need and you must help me buy for me too."

Lisa's reaction was like 'For me?' She thought only Rosé was going to buy but she was buying for her too. Which Lisa didn't wanna be a burden for them. Lisa quickly denied saying 'You need not to buy anything for me. It's your wedding, you buy it.'
Rosé chuckled.

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