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Taehyung entered in opening the door slowly. He saw Lisa sitting hanging her head down. While Loren, Jimin and Rosé stood up seeing him.

"V: She didn't eat yet?"

They nodded as no...

"Jimin: Doctor said she has a trauma of harsh treatments and screams."

Taehyung nodded. Taehyung looked at Jimin while he was giving a sign to feed Lisa. Taehyung glared at him and nodded.

"Jimin: Loren?"

Loren looked at Jimin

"Jimin: Can Taehyung try feeding her for once?"

"Loren: Yeah, sure why not?"

"V: Okay you go out, i need to talk to her."

They nodded and walked out. Taehyung looked at Lisa and walked towards her. He sat beside her legs gaining her attention. She looked at him.

"V: Lisa? How are you?"

Lisa looked down feeling to cry. Taehyung gave a book and a pen in her hands.

"V: Is the case still troubling you?"

A tear left from her eye. Taehyung understood what's the case with her.

"V: Are you scared?"

Lisa looked at him with her teary eyes and nodded.

"V: You need not to worry Lisa. Remember what i told you?"

Lisa recalled what he said, 'Don't worry, you're safe with me.' Lisa nodded.

"V: You are safe with me. I won't let anything harm you. Loren wants to make you strong. He wants you to be strong to fight like these problems. For that you should have you food or not?"

Lisa nodded.

"V: You helped me many times in many ways. You saved me from death. I'm so thankful towards you. But now in return, i want to help you too."

Lisa looked at him writing something on the book and show it to him.

'But you too saved me many times.'

Taehyung nodded.

"V: I know...i mean...yeah i did. But from now on try to be strong so you can fight alone with your problems. And I'm not forever with you right?"

Suddenly both of their hearts clenched after  he said it.

"V: Uh- Jimin said you didn't have your food. I'll help you eat it."

Lisa looked down having nothing react. Taehyung took the food in his hand and fed her. Lisa was shy at first but managed. He somehow managed to feed her completely.

"V: I will be leaving after a week. I might not see you again. But Rosie is very attracted to you. She takes you as a bestfriend and she loves you. We will come visit you on our free times."

Lisa smiled and started to write something.

'You are my Hero, Mr Kim'

She showed it to Taehyung. It made Taehyung's skip a beat. Taehyung nodded feeling his cheeks burning. He felt a little embarrassed but he knew Lisa did not notice his cheeks burning. Maybe...

"V: I-uh you need to rest"

Lisa nodded. Taehyung pulled the blanket till her thighs and walked out. Lisa felt her cheeks burning. But she didn't forget what happened with her yet.

Taehyung came out slowly closing the door. Loren got up and asked.

"Loren: Mr Kim? Did Lisa have her food? Is she fine now? She isn't feeling scared right?"

"V: Loren, Lisa is fine. She had her food. I had explained her that she is safe now. I didn't say her that he has been shot."

"Rosé: Good thing Oppa...or else Lisa's trauma might come again. She is already alot stressed of what happened."

"Jimin: Right though, but it is good that she is safe."

Loren was thinking something looking down. He seems stressed. Taehyung noticed it.

"V: Is something wrong Loren?"

"Loren: Im just scared Mr Kim. What if someone again..."

"V: Nothing would happen like this, we will leave after a week Loren. But till then i will protect Lisa. You don't worry."

A tear escaped from Loren's eye. He could only nod.

"V: Take care Loren, if you need anything call us."

"Loren: Thank you again Mr Kim, i don't know how grateful im feeling towards you. And also Mr Park and Ms Kim. Thank you so much..."

"Jimin: Lisa is like our little baby Loren, it was our duty to protect our baby from that monster. Right Tae?"

Jimin said teasingly looking at Taehyung and Rosé slightly chuckled.

"V: Huh? I-I uh- yes you are right?"

Taehyung glared at both of them.

"Rosé: Okay Loren, see ya! Byee..."

Three of them left.

"Loren: I hope you take care of this baby forever, Mr Kim..."

"Jimin: Jackson obsessed with Lisa but he is going to use her for s*x market? Isn't it weird?"

Taehyung was sitting on couch after explaining why Lisa was kidnapped.

"Rosé: How does he know about Lisa?"

"V: I've always thought that we have missed something. But what? Jackson is obsessed. Then he might do anything. I sincerely think that we are missing something."

"Rosé: But Oppa no one knows what we are doing except Us, Loren and Mino-"

"V: Mino..."

"Jimin & Rosé: What?"

"Mino: Hey! They had rescued Lisa. One of our bodyguard informed me. Jang-wan has been killed."

"Kai: This Kim Taehyung is everywhere. Anyways, Jackson might have made another soon-to-be unsuccessful plan."

"Mino: What plan?"

"Kai: Gotta ask him, i'm not sure as well. But gotta appreciate your acting skills though. You've made that Kim boy a fool around ya..."

"Mino: I'm glad, thank you..."

"Kai: Cheers..."

They said slightly bumping their glasses filled with wine. They took a sip.

"Kai: I feel somewhat sorry for Jang-wan though. He had helped us, But..."

"Mino: But we don't care"

They chuckled.

Loren was caressing Lisa's hair while she was peacefully sleeping. He was scared after knowing Jackson was obsessed with Lisa. And he knew how extent can people go when they are obsessed. Meanwhile, after having conversation Taehyung, Jimin and Rosé went to sleep. Jimin and Rosé wanted to know why he suspects Mino but he said he would tell them soon. Taehyung's mind kept on recalling about the incident.

'Dare to lay your fingers on my-'  He wondered why he said that. He had kept questioning himself why its happening to him. But since he got to know that Jackson is obsessed with Lisa, his blood has been boiling. He wasn't able to sleep properly- since he met Lisa actually.

"V: What if he does something to her?"

He questioned himself while he was laying on bed.



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