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Taehyung POV:-
I threw myself on the bed being all tired. Traveling repeatedly bought me in this state. The thing is I wanted to go to Lisa. I mean she is still upset and my inner me wants to be with her. To comfort her. It's my duty and its to be fulfilled by me. I'm curious to know whether she is alright. I hope she won't do anything stupid. Please be alright Lisa...
End of Taehyung's POV:-

Lisa started thinking about her life. Never would she thought her life will throw curve balls on her which she won't be able to catch. Her heart was whispering her brother's name. She still wishes her brother to appear out of nowhere and she will hug  him never letting him go. He hugged the pillow kept on the bed while crying. Tears ran from her like a bullet train. She still remembers the promises she had done to Loren. She dugged her face under the pillow. The softness of the pillow made her even more emotional. After crying, she wiped her tears and got up to take a hot shower to free her mind. After coming back she started to write something on a sheet which she wanted to give it to Taehyung.

The Very Next Morning, Taehyung was working in his laptop when someone knocked the door.

"V: Come in..."

And that was...Mino. Taehyung raised is on eyebrow.

"Mino Hello sir..."

Taehyung hummed in response and nodded. Mino thought he made Taehyung fool but he didn't know it was the oppos of it.

"Mino: How was your trip sir?"

"V: Bittersweet..."

"Mino: I see..."

"V: Hmm...i found out alot. Got many things. And also found out the man who sends infos.I am waiting to kill him."

Mino gulped nervously.

"V: Can you give me some ideas Mino? Like how to kill that son of bitch? I'm so eager to feel his blood on my hands. I just can't imagine how brutally i will kill him."

Taehyung said each and every word mockingly and this made Mino sweat. Taehyung looked at Mino.

"V: What's wrong Mino? Is something wrong?"

"Mino: N-No sir, everything's fine...maybe"

Mino might fool Taehyung buy he very well knows how dangerous this Kim man is.

"Mino: U-Umm...I'll c-come sir. T-Thank you..."

Taehyung's eyes followed his steps as he smirked.

"V: I'm just waiting for a right time."
Just as Mino stepped out Jimin saw Mino and glared at him. Mino gulped and ran immediately. Jimin got inside.

"Jimin: Hey Tae, How are you?"

"V: Hey..."

Taehyung kept his laptop away...

"V: I'm fine. What about you dude?"

"Jimin: I'm fine."

Jimin sighed.

"Jimin: You won't do anything?"

"V: What?"

"Jimin: Take an action against Mino."

"V: Chim, just waiting for a right time. I just have to make sure that Lisa must get out the incident. Once she does, i will do everything."

"Jimin: Look Tae, I'm worried for you and Lisa. Both of you have your owns hurdles in your lives. So I'm telling, don't wait for time. Finish it in a chance."

Taehyung thought for a while and then sighed.

"V: Let's hope for the best."

"Jimin: Sure. And Lisa?"

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