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Rosé came in and saw Lisa. She had a blank expression on her face. She was depressed. The incident which keeps on flashing infront of her made her this. Rosé felt bad for Lisa. She lost everything she had. No Mother, No father, No Brother. She sat beside her wrapping her arm around her body.

"Rosé: Hey Lisa, go get fresh."

Lisa nodded as no.

"Rosé: Look? You haven't eaten anything yet. And you need to take bath. And we're taking you to Korea."

Lisa looked at Rosé. She said in actions 'But my home is here.'

"Rosé: Yes Lisa, but you know you can't live alone. Especially when these kind of people live in this world. Please come with us. We promise not to make you feel alone. Cause now you're Oppa's responsibility. Means ours too. I know you're in pain Lisa. But pain makes people even more stronger. Now go, and get fresh. I'll bring you food and help you pack your things. Come on..."

Rosé grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the washroom.

"Rosé: I'll be back..."

Rosé left while Lisa thought, 'Pain is pain. Pain makes you feel more like putting a 100 kg dumble on your chest which crashes your heart.' She sighed before a tear fell from her eye.

Lisa came out after she took bath. She saw her food was already kept on the stand. She sat on bed, had her meals and drank water. Lisa walked out of the room to put the dishes under wash basin.

"Rosé: Oh? You came out?"

Lisa turned around and smiled softly and nodded. Rosé thought, 'Even though she is in pain, she never forgets to soften people's hearts, by giving her precious and beautiful smile.'

"Rosé: I packed your things already, we will be leaving."

Lisa looked down and nodded.

"Rosé: Let's go..."

Rosé could definently say she was depressed. Rosé was upset seeing her state. A cheerful girl suddenly turned into a lost soul.

Rosé pulled Lisa's hand from behind reaching to their car. Jimin was keeping Lisa's luggages inside the car while Taehyung was on his phone doing something leaning on the car. His gaze unknowingly fell on Lisa who is being pulled by Rosé. His heart aches whenever he sees her after Loren's death. She lost her everything and now she is alone. So it is his responsibility to take care of Lisa. He inhaled deeply. Rosé approached him with Lisa behind her.

"Rosé: Oppa? Will you take Lisa with you?"

Taehyung nodded. Rosé looked at Lisa.

"Rosé: Lisa? You can go with Taehyung Oppa. We will meet in our private jet, okay?"

Lisa gave a small smile and nodded. Rosé left. Taehyung was in his same position (leaning on the car.) While folding his hands. Lisa looked at Taehyung.

"V: You Okay?"

Lisa took a while to respond as she nodded and looked down. Taehyung sighed understanding she isn't fine. He opened the front seat door for her as she looked at him before sitting in the car. He closed the door and sat on his seat. Jimin and Rosé were already in their car. And they started driving for the airport.

Lisa looked out of the window recalling the moments with her brother. She took out the gift from her pocket staring at it deeply. She looked back outside while a tear left from her eye. She felt a big hand holding her hand which was wrapped above the crystal ball. He looked at it and then noticed it was Taehyung's. She looked at him who was busy looking front while driving his car. Taehyung felt a drop of water falling on his hand. He knew she was crying now. But didn't do anything. He wanted her to remove all the pain which she is carrying in her heart to be removed. He clenched on her hand a little tight in which Lisa felt comforted by him. Lisa would not lie to herself that Taehyung makes her heart flutter sometimes- no...everytime he is around. But today when he keeps his hands on hers, she felt like crying when she knew he understood she wants to be comforted.

Taehyung convinced Rosé to stay with them so Lisa can get adjusted with new place and people because he might be busy with his work and might won't be able to give her time. Rosé ofcourse accepted to stay with her. And Jimin too. Ofcourse they are getting married soon. Now Rosé wants Lisa to join her wedding in which Lisa accepted. Rosé wanted Lisa to divert her mind so she did what she thought of.

After a long time of travelling from Thailand to South Korea, they reached to their mansion. Lisa was suprised after knowing Taehyung lives in a very big mansion. But she questioned herself whether he lived alone.

"Rosé: Lisa? This is your room."

Rosé grabbed her arm showing Lisa her room. Rosé made sure to show every corner of the house.

"Rosé: Now make yourself comfortable. Don't hesitate to ask anything okay? Even Taehyung Oppa is here too."

Lisa nodded.

"Rosé: You can rest now. It's been hours since we've been travelling. Bye take care..."

Lisa waved her hand to Rosé while passing a small smile. Rosé left as she smiled after feeling so grateful towards Rosé for taking care of her like her own sister. Not only her, Taehyung and Jimin too. Specially Taehyung. Both of them did alot for eachother (Taehyung & Lisa) and ofcourse they felt attracted towards eachother for a reason. There is something that their hearts whisper for eachother, but they aren't able to hear what it is. Will thy ever hear it?

Rosé came out and saw Taehyung on the way.

"V: Hey, is she okay?"

"Rosé: Yeah..."

"V: But she won't now it seems."

"Rosé: Wait...Why?"

"V: She will definitely spend her night by crying."

"Rosé: What? How do you know that Oppa?"

"V: Rosie, she had lost the person who is closest to her heart. So she mightneed some time to adjust."

"Rosé: So what should we do?"

"V: Nothing...Let us give her time to reduce her pain. She might adjust with time..."

He looked at Rosé getting no response and he found her staring at him squinting her eyes as if she was trying to understand something.

"V: What are you looking at?"

"Rosé: Na! I'm thinking..."

"V: Thinking...What?"

"Rosé: I've been so close to her more than you but didn't know so much about her how much you know her. What's the case? Are you in...?"

She asked raising her one eyebrow. Taehyung got nervous and
he himself doesn't know why.

"V: W-What a-are you t-talking about?"

"Rosé: you know what I'm talking about Oppa..."

"V: No i don't. I'm t-tired. I need to sleep. G-Good night..."

He immediately walked off.

"Rosé: What's with him?"



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